
The Young Dragon

A young, talented, martial artist with a violent past leaves Hong Kong and comes to America to start a normal high-school life, but when his past catches up with him, he'll have to fight like hell to protect the new life he has

Larry_Moore_9883 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Fresh Start

A young Chinese teenager gets off of a plane in New York City. He looks around, takes a deep breath and walks away, thinking that he has a fresh start and he can finally be whatever he wants to be here.

He soon approaches a house with a sign for a room to rent. The young man then looks over and sees a man playing chess with a boy that he and his wife took in while a little girl stares out of the window.

"See, I told you I'm always thinking three moves ahead." The man says, getting a checkmate.

While he and the boy share a laugh, they turn to see the mysterious young man from Hong Kong.

"You looking for a room, son?" The man asks.

The young man smiles.

"Yes, I am."

The man smiles back, getting out of his seat and leading him back inside. As the two walk inside, the young man waves at the little girl staring out of the window, but she ignores him rudely.

"Alice, this young man is looking for a room." The man says.

Soon the woman named Alice walks downstairs and sees the young man, greeting him with a smile. She then looks over to the little girl at the window.

"Thanks Frank. Katie, Go get Malcolm, it's time for dinner sweetheart." Alice says.

Katie walks away with the old man, leaving Alice and the mysterious young man alone.

"Alright, so what can I do for you?" Alice asks.

"The sign says room for rent, so I'm here to rent." The young man replies with a smile.

Soon Alice shows him the small room

"It's probably not much for a boy your age, but I'm afraid it's the only room we have." Alice says.

The young man smiles, handing her the money.

"This is just fine, thank you."

The woman smiles and nods at the young man.

"You should know since we keep kids here, there's some rules. No gangsters. No guns. No loud music. And no girls late at night." Alice says.

The young man chuckles.

"That sounds good to me."

Alice smirks.

"So, what's your name?" Alice asks.

The young man is silent for a moment, before saying his name and offering his hand.

"My name is John Wei." He says.

Alice shakes his hand.

"Well, it's very nice to meet you, John. And Welcome." Alice says before leaving the room.

John looks around the room, puts his bag down and lays on the bed.

That night, John dreams about his childhood. He sees glimpses of a young woman smiling at him, with tears in her eyes.

"Don't look, John... Don't look." She tells him.

A gun is then put to her head and a loud bang wakes up John in a cold sweat. He slowly catches his breath and wipes the sweat from his face, trying to convince himself that tomorrow is a fresh start.

Early that morning, as Alice goes to make coffee, she looks out of the window and sees John doing Tai Chi in the back yard. She is surprised at first, only ever seeing old people do it in the park but then smiles, finding John to be an interesting young man.

Later that day, John stands infront of the school he's supposed to be attending with a smile.

"Alright. Here goes nothing." He says to himself while walking inside.

In a classroom, while the teacher is speaking, A bully named Duke Stronghold throws a paper ball at the head of a nerdy kid named Miguel Sanchez, while sitting with his two friends Rhea James and Melissa Irving.

"Assholes." Melissa says.

"You should say something." Rhea tells Miguel.

Miguel scoffs, adjusting his glasses.

"You know as well as I do what would happen if I did." Miguel says.

At that moment, John enters the room catching everyone's attention.

"Check out Mr. Miyagi." Duke says, causing his friends to laugh.

"Alright, class, we have a new student joining us today. He's coming to us from Hong Kong, so I'll be counting on you all to help him get adjusted." The teacher says.

Most of the girls blush at the sight of John, while even Rhea, who usually not impressed by most guys, thinks about how cute he is.

"You can take the seat in the back."

John smiles and nods walking towards a seat next to Miguel, offering his hand to him.

"Hi, I'm John Wei."

Miguel is a little cautious of him, not used to be people being kind to him.

"I'm Miguel. This is Melissa and Rhea."

John and Rhea both share a look, the two finding each other attractive. At that moment, Duke throws another paper ball at Miguel, but John catches it in time. He then turns and scowls at them, surprising Duke.

"That bastard." Duke says.

Miguel smiles slightly.

"Thanks." Miguel says.

John turns and smiles.

"No problem."He says.

Meanwhile Rhea is impressed by what John just did.

At lunch, Miguel, Rhea, and Melissa sit together while looking at John whose standing in the lunch line.

"What you guys think about the new guy?" Rhea asks.

Melissa smirks.

"You like him." Melissa says.

Rhea is confused.

"What?" Rhea asks.

"Oh don't act all innocent, you have been making googly eyes at him the minute he walked into class." Melissa says.

"Alright sure. He seems like a good guy but looks can be deceiving." Rhea mentions.

Melissa sighs, putting her arm around her friend.

"Come on, kid, take a chance." Melissa says.

As the three of them laugh, Duke shows up.

"Yeah Rhea, you should take a chance. On me." Duke says.

Rhea scoffs

"I'd rather stab my eyes out." Rhea says with a smile.

Duke gets upset by this and roughly grabs her by the arm.

"Maybe you forgot who am. No one says no to me."

"Let go of her, Duke!" Melissa says.

"Shut up, dyke." Duke says.

"Let go of me, Duke." Rhea says.

Duke smirks.

"Who's going to make me?" Duke says.

At that moment, John grabs Duke by the wrist, twisting it and causing him pain.

"I'd be happy to." John says, pushing him back

Duke quickly stands up and faces John who smirks.

"I'm warning you, new guy. You keep it up and-"

John steps up, not backing down

"What? We're gonna throw down? Or do you need your friends to do that." John says.

Duke gets even more infuriated by John's cocky attitude.

"Don't fuck with me." Duke says before walking away.

John then walks over sits with Rhea and the others.

"You know, I could've handled that." Rhea says with a smile.

John chuckles.

"Oh I know. Guy didn't seem worth your time."

As Rhea giggles, Melissa and Miguel smirk at each other.

After the day of talking and becoming friends, they all walk with each other out of school.

"So that's good old American high school." Miguel says.

John smirks.

"Well, it's definitely different from what I'm used to." John says.

At that moment, they are confronted by Duke and two of his boys.

"Oh no." Miguel says as John sighs.

The group approaches John, trying to intimidate him.

"Maybe you don't know how things work, but no one... fucks with us. We're just here to teach you how things go around here." Duke said.

John laughs, confusing everyone.

"I didn't come all the way here to America, just to be constantly annoyed by a group of douche bag white boys just so they can feel like they're tougher than they actually are, so fuck off and grow up."

Rhea, Melissa, and Miguel smile, while Duke gets angrier than he was.

"You think just because you can speak English, you can talk shit to us?"

John smirks.

"You have to admit, it helps." John replies.

Duke takes his jacket off as the two other guys step closer to John. Rhea tries to go to help but Miguel and Melissa hold her back.

"You really think you can take us on?" Duke asks

"That's the wrong question." John says.

"Yeah? What's the right one?" Duke asks with a smirk.

At that moment, John throws a right thrust punch and a left thrust punch, knocking out both of Duke's boys in a blink of an eye, shocking Duke, Rhea, Miguel, and Melissa.

"The right question, is do you really want to find out?" John asks.

Duke is hesitant for a moment, before putting his hands up to fight. He throws a right hook, but John easily dodges with a smirk on his face. Duke then throws a left cross, that John blocks and hits him in the side of his body. The two have brief standoff, while Duke clutches his side, then he throws another right cross. John does a reinforced chicken wing block, then lands three thrust punches to his chest, and a spear hand poke to his throat. As Duke is stunned, John lands a powerful shuffle side kick, launching him over a table.

As John finishes up, he turns to the others with a smirk.

"So, you guys wanna hang out?" John asks.

Rhea, Melissa, and Miguel are stunned by what they just saw.

"Woah." All three of them says.