
The Young Devils

The world has rule by the devil's and vampire,a human have no right to be rule at the throne, as a bright side the 4 kingdoms decide to get their own part

The four Kingdoms Rule by a different creature.

Joyau De Fantaisie{Gem of fantasy}

rule by the devil's and the one who sitting on throne are the Young prince who have an devil's eye and the most powerful to all of kingdom

Chevalier De Coeur{knight of heart}

rule by the vampires and the one who sitting on the throne was the great young vampire prince and the 2nd powerful kingdom

cristal De Neige{cristal of snow}

Rule by the demons and 3rd of the powerful kingdom the one who lead was the great queen of demons who have an rare ability

Feu D'anneau{Fire of ring}

Rule by the humans and the 4th kingdom who not belong to an 1st,2nd,or 3rd kingdom and known as the poor kingdom, the one who lead this kingdom was a quit disgusting prince who don't know how to think properly.

by the year those four kingdom being play by each other