
Randall 1

A young gunslinger is sitting in a bar drinking. He's standing out in the bar because of his dark skin. Someone walks up to him and says to him "hey!! No blackies in this bar," the man says but the gunslinger says "What if I don't want to leave," the young man says to him glaring at him with a look of annoyance. "Then I will make you leave!" He grabs the youngsters shoulder to force him out but sadly that would be his last action as a hole is blown into his chest killing him instantly. The bar is silent as the boy runs out of the back after knowing the law will get involved. As he is running out of the back he steals a horse. The year is eighteen seventy four following the young and quick Randall Barson the son of a rich plantation owner and a black slave, he still remembers the day his mother was killed by his father's wife, after hearing that his father had died in the civil war. This changed him as he became a slave for a few months before slavery was abolished and only after he was set free he relized who his father was by the love his mother had towards him and his resemblance to his old master. As slavery was abolished when he was six he was given to an orphanage then he ran away at the age of ten and had been alone ever since now he is fifteen and a theif wanting to live. Randall is now just on the road riding thinking about his next move when he is ambushed by a member of the murky gang whose horse he stole and killed his brother. "You remember me boy!" Randall now recognized the man as the same guy he stole a horse from

And killed his brother. "Oh it's you!" He said enthusiastically trying to get the man more angry than he already was. "I would kill you now but his grace would like to speak with you boy!" As he picks him up and drags him to the near by hide out which is a broken down cabin with at least 30 men on stand by all of them have jagged teeth one of them has half of his hand and a Wooden leg and was balding. As he is brought into the cabin he is set down in front of a tall man with a clean face and long hair that reaches his back who calls himself the king of the west. "Uh you Must be the leader of this Gang," he is then slapped in the head by a member who says "he isn't just our leader he is our king the king in the west." "So you are like a King And all of you are his wives?" The boy jested but resulted in him Getting punched.

"LET ME KILL THIS DAMN NIGGER!" One of the men yelled but it seemed the leader was quite amused by the joke and said "that won't be necessary I just want to talk with him," he says to the furious gang member. "So I hear your the man who stole one of my horses and killed one of my men," he says to him while walking in circles around him. "Uh well I was about to be robbed by your men and I had to defend myself and the horse well it was a piece of shit anyways," this made the man laugh as he look at the boy. "How old are you boy?" The man asked curiously. "I'm Fifteen and already got more brain then your wives," this causes Randall to get punched by a gang member again. "Leave him!" The self proclaimed king says. "I propose an offer," he says to me helping me up. "What offer?" Randall says in confusion. "You can be one of my guards and we shall take over the west to make my kingdom come true," he says with pride making Randall chuckle. "I choose not I find this all ridiculously remarkable how a gang of outlaws think that their in the years of King Arthur," Randall says to all of them making the king concluded what he wanted to do with the boy. "Take him to the cells," the king says as the men start dragging the boy who was fighting back with all his might. 

BANG! BANG! They all heard outside as it seems they were being attacked. Randall Siezed the moment and kicked the man dragging him in the crotch and took his gun and shot him in the head. "Get him!" A man says but he also gets shot in the head. Randall then jumps out of the window to escape the bullets flying at him. As he is running he bumps into one of the men shooting at the cabin. Instinctively Randall pulls his gun on him but the man grabs him by the and holds him captive thinking he was a part of the enemy. "I caught one of them!" he says dragging Randall to the leader. "I'm not one of them!" Randall yells over the bullets. The murky gang flees from the bullets with many of their men dead. "So who are you boy," one of the men says. "My names Randall i'm not one of them they were trying to kill me," Randall says hastily. "wait you stole my watch didn't you," the leader says and Randall recognises him as the man he stole his watch from a year back. "Uh- yea i'm sorry just get me out of here!," the gang takes Randall back to their camp where he gets a proper introduction to the leader whose name is kando and kando welcomes him to the camp and sits him down for a drink. "So what is this some type of game?" Kando chuckled and said "Son this isn't no game I welcomed into my camp gave you a drink what type of game do think i'm playing?" Randall paused and just said "your just to friendly to someone who stole from you," Randall said. Kando just sighs and takes another sip from his drink and says "I care not for what you did you remind me of myself at your age," he say's finishing his drink. A brutish looking man walks over and says to kando "you sure you want a nigger at the camp you know their type," this makes Randall reach for gun but his hand is grabbed by a man with a scar above his lip who shakes his head no. Kando looks at the brute and says "may I tell the rest of the camp what you were doing when I found you," this made the brute shut up which made Randall Curious.

Kando then turned back around to speak with Randall again and he says "make yourself comfortable you're welcome to join us anytime after all, it's your choice and you have a tent prepared for you already best get some rest it's getting dark out," then kando got up and went to his tent and the man with the scar lip takes Randall to his tent where Randall lays down and goes to sleep