
The Year That Broke The World

Adeline lives in the world after 2021. No ones allowed to bully each other and one of her enemies starts to be nice to her after years of bullying. Does he know something that she doesn't know?

BookWhisperer · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

I'm out of breath, having run all the way home. I'm not a runner. I'm not that athletic. My parents must have been worried about where I was because as soon as I arrive home, they rush outside and corner me.

"Adeline Morris, where have you been? You were supposed to get picked up by your friend. It has had your mother and I worried sick about where you were. What happened that made you miss your ride?" My father has always been the meaner one out of the two, so it makes sense that he's the one who talks mostly to me.

"Sorry Daddy. I didn't mean to miss my ride. A boy cornered me and wanted to talk to me so I ran away from him. " Both of my parents' expressions softened at the thought of a boy. They always thought I should have more friends and hang out with people more.

"Oh it's okay Sweetheart. We just want to make sure you're not in trouble." My mothers sickenly sweet voice rings out and I turn to her. I know what she's implying when she says 'getting in trouble'. They don't want me ending up like Mariah.

"Okay. If it's alright with you guys, I'm going to go get started on my homework or call a friend." I look at their eyes, almost being able to see the silent looks between the two of them. Not many people can do the whole talking without talking but my parents are very impressive when it comes to that. They both nod and let me go inside. I rush inside, stopping just before I run into a stool, placed there by Ben. He's on the stool. He stops what he's doing, seeing me come in and gets down. He throws his arms around me, in a silent way of saying please don't tell mom and dad. I squeeze him, my silent way of saying of course I won't. I'm many things; annoying sometimes, pretty like everyone tells me, kind. But I'm not a snitch.

We part ways and he goes to the counter to start drawing. I head up to the second floor, passing Mariah's room on the way to mine. The door is open, like it has been for the last few months. I peer around the door, seeing the bright pink pop out at me, like a silent reminder of who my sister is. I rushed farther down the room, again passed my brother's room too, which was blue. Since I'm in the middle, my room is purple. A mixture of both and yet completely different from both. I gotta hand it to my parents. They can be poetic sometimes. My favorite color, since the beginning of time, has been purple. I've never understood it. Even my hair doesn't understand it. It's about as far from purple as can be. It hangs down past my waist in curls and is bright red. Like brighter than Anne from Anne with an E, my favorite show.

I open the door to my room and the first thing I notice is how my books are positioned differently than I left them this morning. Was someone in here well I was at school? My brain runs through all of the possibilities. I looked towards my desk and noticed a folded piece of paper that was not there this morning. I walked towards it and opened it. The paper read:

Dear Adeline,

I know this is going to seem creepy, but I wanted to apologize for after school. I didn't mean to be mean to you. I was trying to tell you something and I took it too far. Now I also realize how creepy this letter is but I asked my parents to look up your house on the web. I snuck the letter in well you were talking to your parents, and then I left. I'll give you my phone number. Please text me. I really want to talk to you about something.

(601) - 675 - 8898



I had almost forgotten about my phone until he said something. I put his phone number into a new contact and texted him the 'Hey this is Adeline' text you always put first so they know who it is. He texted back almost immediately, saying 'Hey this is Austin. I'd really like to ask you out on a date.'