
The Yandere Prince Has An Unhealth Obsession With Me

I was reincarnated in a cliche web novel?! I suddenly woke up one day in someone's warm embrace, when I looked up- Jesus Christ! Am I dead?!

Tableux · Fantasy
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7 Chs

03: Locked Into a Dream

Celestine's P.O.V

Okay, relax. This is just a dream, dreams won't physically hurt my physical body, right? Why am I getting this kind of dream for the second time tho? I usually don't repeat a dream. Can I even call this a dream? It feels like a nightmare, and it felt realistic. I can feel the itchy seams of the dress, the wind hitting my back coming from the window behind me, I can even feel the rough edges of the table I'm leaning to. I usually don't feel anything like these in my dreams, this one... felt so real.

I can hear his footsteps getting closer and closer, my body suddenly froze again. I wasn't afraid but I guess the owner of this body seems to be so terrified of him. I can't control this body, that's it.

My body flinched when two large palms suddenly landed on both sides of my shoulder. Finally, I got to face him, my face completely emotionless. If not for his tone and what he just said, I would've assumed that he was innocent and gentle. He looks like a lost puppy that finally found its owner, but its owner has another dog and doesn't want him anymore. His eyes were pleading and teary, but I won't fall for this!

"You... Who are you?"

I saw his eyes widen for a second then went back to his normal puppy eyes- is that even normal? He really looks like a puppy, I'm fighting the urge to pet him- NO!

He reached for my hand and held it close to his face, caressing his face with my hand. His skin was soft and smooth, and they were cold. "What do you mean? Have you lost your memory?" he pecked on the back of my hand, then he pulled me towards him- his other hand supporting my back.

"Is it when you tried to jump from the window where you hit your head really hard on the ground that you were unconscious for three months?" he held some strand of my hair and clenched his fist while holding it, "Is that why you ignored me the whole day? You were asleep in your room the whole day yesterday."

Asleep the whole day?

"How did you know that I was asleep?" I'll just ride this conversation until I wake up, come on! Alarm clock, please ring anytime now...

He chuckled, "Of course, I was watching you the whole day!" he exclaimed full of glee.

Wow, that is so normal. So normal.

"Your Highness Crown Prince, I apologize for disturbing you and Her Highness, but the Emperor arrived at the Capital today," the same maid that I saw in my dreams yesterday entered the study, her eyes were gentle when she was looking at this guy beside me but then shot me with her deadly glare.

"Oh, my bastard father visited me? That's new..." he turned to me, "I'll be off, for now, my love." then he leaned to peck a kiss on my cheek. He was still watching me when he walked outside the room, and finally- he was gone. The maid remained though, she was looking at me. Then she took something from her pocket- is that a needle?!

"Tsk, I'm just thankful that you act like a kitten. I don't have to worry for you telling master what I have done." she marched toward me as I back off.

Done what?

"Give me your hand."

Why is she commanding me so suddenly? And what's with the big needle-

"Ouch!" I pulled my hand back when she grabbed it with force and pierced the needle on the back of my hand. Then I just noticed, my hand has a lot of small scars that I'm sure are from the same needle. The scars were not visible if you wouldn't stare at my hand, it was covered in some sort of foundation or face powder that hid the scars so well.

Did I just feel pain? This doesn't feel like a dream at all!

This blondie... What is she trying to do? I removed the needle from the wound and looked at it for a while. It was thick, not the usual needle that we use in the 2000s.

"Do you own this?" I asked, still staring at the needle in my hand.

She sneered, "Of course it is, it was a gift from Master!" she even said that with full confidence.

I asked her again, "Does this needle resembles another one? Can this be bought elsewhere?"

She crossed her arms, "His Highness gifted me this when I was promoted, he said I was good at sewing and embroidering. This needle is unique, no one else in the whole estate owns the same!"

What a bitch.

I smiled, "That's good then." I just realized that there was a pocket on my dress, a pocket on a dress! What a dream! I live for dress pockets! There was a white handkerchief in it, I wrapped the needle with it and placed it back inside.

"What do you think are you doing?!"

"Tell me your name."

"Are you an idiot?! How could you forget my name?!" Is she a dog? She keeps barking.

I smirked and stepped forward, "My bad, but I don't remember the names of people who aren't relevant in my life... You're just a lowly maid... Why are you expecting me to remember your name?"

Ho, ho. I'm actually a part of the theater club back in high school and college, now I can use this skill. This dream is also pretty weird, why isn't it shifting to different scenarios?

She aggressively went to me, but before she could even touch me- I kicked her legs as defense and stepped back a little.

"It seems that the owner of this body is tortured by this mere maid..." I mumbled, it doesn't look like that guy would hurt her- oh wait- he did poison her right? Oh...

I knelt while she was crying for her sprained ankle, "What would happen, if it told His Highness about this matter?"

Her eyes widen in fear, her lips began to tremble and her face lost its color.

"I want to see if you could live."


Celestine my darling, I don't think it's a dream anymore...

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