
The Xenomorph on Pandora

When the RDA first arrived on Pandora, they weren’t expecting any intelligent life on the beautiful planet. But when they discover that the natives to the planet were indeed intelligent, they tried to get their experiments off world. However, that would draw too much attention. Forced to keep their illegal experiments on Pandora, they work in secret. But then one of their experiments escape. What will happen to this experiment? Will it survive the harsh environments of Pandora? Or will Pandora and it’s people change because of it?

DeadHydra · Movies
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19 Chs

Chapter 13 - Science? Or Lust?


It was now morning after Shadow, Xena, and Willow all went into the forest to mate and were now returning to the home tree.

When the clan saw the three returning they could not hide their giggles and grins.

After the three shared some head rubs between each other, they separated and went to assist the clan with tasks.

Shadow decided to check in with Moat and see if she needed any herbs collected.

That and he wanted to know if she wanted his dick after she had her daughters pussy last night.

Shadow grins as the memory plays in his mind.

How dominant Moat became and how submissive Sylwanin was.

The thought of the two going at it only made him quicken his pace to the healers hut.

When he arrived he found Moat crushing some herbs and talking to Grace.

They stop their conversation when they hear someone enter. They look up and smile when they see Shadow.

"Shadow! How lovely to see you again" Moat says smiling.

"I take it you had fun out there?" Grace asks with a cheeky grin.

Moat lightly blushes at the thought and tries to fight back a smirk when Shadow nods with his own grin.

"Of course you did" Grace says, her grin widening.

"Ahem. Moving on" Moat says.

"What can we help you with?" She asks him.

He looks over at the herbs and back to her.

"Ah of course. Hmm. No I do not need anymore herbs collected today. I may need to tomorrow but not now" She says and Shadow nods and turns to Grace.

"No I don't think I need anything either thanks" She says.

He nods again and turns to leave but Moat calls out to him.

"But there is something I want to discuss with you" She says and glances at Grace.

"Privately" She says.

Grace looks at her with a raised brow but nods.

"Of course, I'll leave you be" She says and stands.

"But that does remind me, I also need to talk to you as well. Also privately" She says.

Shadow cocks his side but nods. She smiles and leaves the hut.

He turns to Moat with a mischievous grin.

"Oh wipe that grin off your face" Moat says, shaking her head at her horny lover.

He comes up to her and rubs his forehead against hers and purrs. She closes her eyes and smiles.

But then she slaps his creeping hand on her thigh.

He jolts a little surprised and chirps curiously.

"Shadow. I need to speak to you. It's a serious matter" She says opening her eyes.

He can hear her serious tone and steps back and sits down with his head tilted to the side.

"My friend. We have known each other for years. You saved my family twice and since we have gotten closer than I thought we ever could be" She says.

Shadow was confused as to where this was going and he shows it by tilting his head to the side again.

"Which is why I ask you to be completely honest with me" She says and takes a deep breath.

"Did you fake your heat?" She asks.

Shadow tilted his head to the side further so Moat continues.

"It was oddly convenient that Willow and Xena were in heat so soon compared to you. It took only a month for them to go into their heat while you took years. I would say it's because you were around. But I'm sure you were looking at me long before your heat came. Not to mention it happened soon after the celebrations. Almost like it was all timed perfectly. Like you planned it. Like they faked it" She says narrowing her eyes at him while he straightens up.

"So I'll ask again. Were you ever in heat? Or did you fake it?" She asks sternly.

Everything was quiet inside the hut. Neither one move, nor made a sound as the two looked at each other.

But then slowly Shadow grins.

And Moat's eyes widen in shock when he nods.

Her whole world crashes down on her as she realises she had mated with Shadow for nothing that night.

She now realised Shadow tricked her into mating with him.

She takes a shaky breath.

"W-why? Why would you? You tricked me into mating with you!?" She whisper screams.

Shadow shakes his head. She was confused and enraged by what he means no.

But then she is shocked when Shadow pounces on her.

She was about to yell at him to get off when he starts to breathe heavily and rub his head on hers. Then he moves his head down to her shoulder where he marked her.

Then he jumps away and shakes his head.

Moat was confused by what he was doing when he suddenly freezes and looks up at her grinning.

Then he points at her and mimics walking with his fingers.

She was still confused and thinks for a moment...

Then it clicks.

He pretended to be in heat to show he was interested in her.

But she was the one to follow him that night.

She takes another shaky breath.

"You didn't plan for me to follow you" She whispers.

He nods still grinning.

Once more her world crashes on top of her.

"W-why would you do this?" She asks.

He crawls up to her and plants his lips on hers.

She gives out a muffled yelp but notices that it's not a kiss of lust but rather more passionate and loving. He pulls away and puts his chin on top of her head, wraps his arms and tail around her and purrs comfortingly.

Not entirely sure what to do, Moat also wraps her arms around him and rests her head on his chest.

The two hold each other for a few moments before she speaks up. 

"Why me? Of all the females here, why me?" She asks as she looks up at him.

He brings a hand to her face and strokes her cheek with the back of his index finger. She closes her eyes as she feels him drag his finger over her cheek while he purrs lovingly.

"I...I need to be alone for a few hours. Collect my thoughts" She says.

Shadow hesitantly nods and leaves the healers hut.

As he leaves he tells Willow and Xena through his mind what happened and the two are going to wait for a bit, let Moat collect her thoughts before seeing her.

Although the three are confident that Moat will still want to be one of Shadow's mate, it wouldn't hurt just to make sure.

But in the meantime, Shadow decided to go and see Grace while he waits.

He finds her at the school, where she's reading her data pad but stops when she notices him, she sets the data pad down on her desk and smiles at him.

"Hey. Thanks for coming" She says a little cheerfully but oddly a little nervous.

"How you been?" She asks with a nervous smile.

Shadow tilts his head to the side, confused by the odd behaviour coming from Grace.

"Ok good, good" She says and begins to fidget.

"Ok look, I need a favour" She says sighing after he tilts his head further.

He chirps a little surprised but gestures her to continue.

"Um it might be best if we went to somewhere more... secluded" She says.

Now Shadow was really confused by her behaviour but nods nonetheless.

"Ok good. Let me grab some stuff and I'll meet you outside" She says and grabs a bag.

Shadow leaves the school and waits patiently outside until Neytiri comes up to him.

"Hello Shadow" She greets with a bright smile.

He chirps happily to her.

"Would you like to fly with me today?" She asks.

Before he can respond, Grace steps out of the school.

"Sorry Neytiri but I'm borrowing Shadow for today" She answers. 

"Oh? What for?" Neytiri asks curiously.

Grace begins to shift uncomfortably and fidget with her bag.

"I-I just need his help with something is all" She says.

"Really? Well I can come along and-" Neytiri offers.

"No!" Grace yells wide eyed.

The two jump when her voice was suddenly raised.

"I-I mean, no thank you. I just need Shadow's help" She says with a noticeable blush.

Neytiri looks at Shadow and he looks at her but he shrugs his shoulders and shakes his head, telling her he has no idea what's wrong with Grace. Neytiri nods slowly and they look back at Grace.

"Can I ask what the favour is?" Neytiri asks confused.

Again Grace begins to shift uncomfortably as she tries to think of an answer.

"I just need his help collecting something" Grace answers.

"And what are you collecting?" Neytiri asks suspiciously.

"Um I'm Um just" She tries to answer but is unable to.

Neytiri raises an eyebrow at her while Shadow tilts his head at her. Finally, she breaks.

"Ok I can see your not gonna let this go" Grace says sighing.

"No because your acting very unusual" Neytiri confirms with a nod.

"And for a good reason" Grace mutters.

She takes a deep breath and continues.

"Ok so I do need his help with something, it's just that it's a little... embarrassing to ask. Ok it's really embarrassing to ask but I swear it's nothing bad" Grace says.

The two look back at each other then back to Grace.

"Hmm. Ok. But I'm coming along" Neytiri says.

Grace goes wide eyed and shakes her head.

"Oh god please no, it's embarrassing enough to ask Shadow, I don't need anyone else finding out about this" Grace pleads.

"If you weren't acting so strange I wouldn't have to. Besides, how bad can it be?" Neytiri says.

Grace looks to Shadow with pleading eyes.

"Shadow please help me out here" She begs.

But Shadow shakes his head and walks over to Neytiri and sits by her, much to her despair.

"Oh come on" She groans.

"Well?" Neytiri says with her hands on her hips.

Grace's eyes flick between the two for a moment before her shoulders slump and she sighs in defeat.

"Alright. But let's go somewhere private, somewhere no one will disturb us" She says almost pleading.

Neytiri nods her head.

"I know a place" Neytiri says and walks off to the home tree with the other two following her.

Roughly an hour later.

"Yeah, this will do great" Grace says with a slight smile.

To what she was referring to was a large cave within one of the Hallelujah mountains. The entrance showed a great view of the other floating mountains and the terrain on the ground. Over in the back was a small waterfall with fresh water.

The trio had gone up the home tree and got Seze and, with Grace riding with Neytiri, they flew to the remote location. Once they were in the cave, Neytiri sent Seze away until she needed her again.

"I found this place on one of my flights. Sometimes I sleep here" Neytiri explains and gesture's to a spot where some large leaves are laid.

"Well it's a lovely little home" Grace comments approvingly.

Shadow chirps approvingly as well to which Neytiri smiles at both of them.

"Thank you" Neytiri says with a appreciative nod.

"Now will you tell us what this is about?" She asks putting her hands on her hips.

Shadow chirps curiously, also wanting to know what this was about. Grace once more shifts uncomfortably under their gazes.

"Um yeah but first I need you to understand Shadow that I'm not gonna force you, this is completely your choice whether or not to help me" Grace says.

Shadow nods and chirps happily and lets her know he understands.

"And I also want you to know that this is purely for science and I really have no intention of making you uncomfortable when I ask you this" Grace rambles.

Shadow and Neytiri look at each other, both noticing what Grace is doing, and look back at the nervous woman.

"So again if you say no, I completely understand and-" Grace was suddenly cut off by Neytiri.

"Grace? What do you even want?" She asks.

"IneedShadowssperm" Grace says very quickly.

It goes dead silent, except for the waterfall in the back, as the two stare at Grace with disbelieving looks.

"I-I'm sorry? Could you repeat yourself?" Neytiri asks blinking with wide eyes.

Grace groans as she stares at the roof of the cave.

"I... need Shadows sperm" Grace repeats with reluctance.

Once more the cave goes dead silent and the two look at Grace, still holding the disbelief on their faces.

Then as the information finally processed in Neytiri's mind, she became very flustered and blushed madly.

"W-W-WHAT!? Why would you need... that?!" Neytiri asks, yelling.

Grace takes a deep breath as she also blushes in embarrassment.

"After Shadow decided to mate with Willow and Xena, I was curious about if they were able to have children or not" She explains.

"What do you mean? Why wouldn't he be able to have children?" Neytiri asks.

"Don't you remember? Shadow was made in a lab. He wasn't born" Grace reminds her.

"Oh. Right" Neytiri says and rubs her arm in embarrassment.

"And I don't think they would give him a dick intentionally, that's probably Shadows doing" Grace comments.

The two glance down to Shadow and he-

"Are you grinning?!" Neytiri asks incredulously.

Shadow was indeed holding the largest smug grin on his face as he stares at the flustered Grace

"Oh you would be enjoying this, wouldn't you?" Grace asks with a roll of her eyes and crosses her arms.

Shadow slowly nods as he loves every second of this conversation.

Then he feels a sharp pain on the back of his head where Neytiri smacked him.

He looks up quickly at the glaring woman.

"What of your mates?!" Neytiri reminds him.

But he just opens his mouth and shows his second jaw to her and points to his own shoulder. It takes a moment before Neytiri remembers that Shadow can have multiple mates.

"Oh. Right, sorry" Neytiri apologises to her friend.

He chuckles before looking back at Grace and makes some biting motions with his second jaw and tilts his head.

Grace becomes even more flustered and raises her hands.

"No no no! I don't want to be your mate!" She says quickly.

Shadow puts his second jaw away and whines a little sad.

"I-I mean not that I wouldn't mind being one of your mates" Grace says as she quickly realised how bad that sounded.

Then her eyes widen as she realises what she just said and Neytiri stares at her with wide eyes.

"No wait! I mean...I..." Grace stumbles on her words while Shadow regains his smug grin.

"Oh fuck off you little shit" She mutters.

That causes Shadow to finally break into a laughing fit. Neytiri tries to hide her snickering at Grace's embarrassing moment.

"Can we please get back to the original topic please?" Grace pleads.

The two calm down after a moment though Shadow keeps his grin.

"So um... how do you intend on... getting what you need?" Neytiri asks carefully and slowly.

Grace reaches into her bag and pulls out some small round containers.

"Well I planned to have him ejaculate into these and from there I'll take to a lab and study them" Grace explains.

"Ok. But you still haven't told us how you plan on getting it" Neytiri says crossing her arms.

Grace shifts embarrassed.

"Well I'm not pulling my pants down if that's what your thinking" Grace says.

Shadow whines disappointedly and Grace smirks at him.

"Your gonna have to try harder than that to get me out my clothes" She says smugly.

Neytiri coughs and brings her back to reality and she blushes.

"Er right. So I'll give him a 'hand' and that should do for now" Grace explains.

"A 'hand'? What do you mean by that?" Neytiri asks confused as she didn't understood what she meant.

Grace makes a fist and moves it up and down in front of her. It takes a second for Neytiri to understand but when she does she blushes.

"Really? Do sky people do this?" Neytiri asks flustered and slightly confused by the odd mating.

"Many do. It's a normal thing for us" Grace explains.

But then she remembers the talk she had with Neytiri years ago.

"Would you like to learn how to?" Grace asks.

Shadows straightens up at that and Neytiri becomes a blushing mess.

"W-w-what!?" Neytiri asks flustered and very confused.

"Well I figured you might want to learn some techniques for your future mate" Grace explains with a wink.

Neytiri was confused but she remembered her talk with Grace and blushed some more.

This would be a great chance to learn how Shadow would like it and would get an heads up on what she's in for.

"I-I suppose that is true" Neytiri says winking back at her.

Shadow looks at the two women and eyes them suspiciously. He knows that the two have something planned but he is unsure by what.

"Well then I suppose we can start now" Grace says and looks at Shadow.

"Come on. Let's get this over with" She says and he grins.

(Warning: Smut)

Shadow stands on his two feet and he reveals his cock to the two women who stare at it in astonishment at its size.

"Oh fuck" Grace whispers.

She then remembers how she found him and Moat together after they had mated together. 

Did she really take this whole thing on her own? Grace asks herself as her thighs unconsciously rub together.

Neytiri looks at his erection with a gaping mouth, nearly drooling.

I-I need to please that!? Would it even fit? She asks herself.

Grace shakes herself out of it and and steps forward to him.

"Well, come on Neytiri. Let me show you how to do this" Grace says and goes down on her knees in front of him.

Neytiri jolts as she comes back to reality but takes a few hesitant nervous steps before also coming down to her knees in front of Shadow.

"So first, you want to gently grab the shaft" She informs.

Grace grabs the shaft and slowly strokes Shadow, much to his delight.

"And just start off gently and slowly, we're trying to pleasure him not hurt him" She instructs.

Neytiri watches, completely focused on Grace's hand moving back and forth on her crush's dick.

Though she was jealous that she wasn't the one doing it, she did find the sight very erotic and she was beginning to leak onto the floor.

"C-can... can I?" Neytiri asks.

Grace understands what she's asking and nods. She lets go of Shadows dick, to his disappointment but that quickly washed away as Neytiri took a hold of his shaft and slowly strokes him.

"Am I doing it right?" She asks shyly.

Shadow groans happily and nods.

"He enjoying it so yes, you're doing it right" Grace says with a smirk.

Then she looks back at the thick cock and a sudden urge comes up.

"Ready for the next step?" She asks.

Neytiri looks at her confused. Grace leans forward and kisses the tip, surprising both Neytiri who was confused and aroused by it while Shadow thought he was only going to get a handjob but was now excited for a possible blowjob.

Maybe even a double.

"W-why did you kiss...?" Neytiri ask's flustered.

"You didn't think we had only one hole to use to please our mates did you?" She replies with a smirk.

Grace leans forward and gives Shadow a few more kisses but this causes Neytiri to let go, much to his displeasure.

"Don't stop unless your tired or I say so" Grace orders.

Neytiri jolts but grasps his cock again and resumes stroking Shadow. Grace continues to kiss the tip of Shadows cock.

Then she engulfs the head into her mouth.

Shadow looks up at the roof of the cave in bliss as he feels her tongue swirl around the head and Neytiri watches on, jacking him off, and leaking from her hole.

Then Grace lightly begins to bob her head on his dick. She looks up and sees Shadow looking down at her. She begins to leak into her shorts as the two lock eyes.

"Grace?" Neytiri calls out.

"Hmm?" She hums, her mouth still have Shadows cock in it.

"My arm is beginning to tire out" She informs.

Grace pats her hand and she lets go of Shadow, allowing her teacher to grab onto him and take over.

But surprisingly, Grace pulls her head away and continues to stroke him.

"Want a taste?" She asks with a smirk.

Neytiri takes a sharp breath as she glances at the hard cock to Grace then to Shadow then back to the cock.

She leans forward softly plants a kiss on the tip. She looks up as Shadow groans in delight, so she leans forward again and plants another kiss, and another.

"Do you want to go further?" Grace asks.

"Yes" Neytiri breathes out.

"When you put it in your mouth, avoid using your teeth" She instructs.

Neytiri nods and slowly engulfs the head but she doesn't move her tongue. Shadow groans a little disappointed which the two notice.

"Are you moving your tongue around?" Grace asks.

"Oh sowwy" She says, her voice muffled by Shadows cock.

She fixes her mistake and begins to move her tongue around and Shadow chirps happily.

"Let's take things a bit further?" Grace says with smirk.

Neytiri raises an eyebrow but her eyes widen slight as Grace places her other hand on the back of her head and lightly pushes her down on his cock.

Neytiri gives out a muffled yelp at the sudden change until she gags. Grace pulls her back off his cock to let her breathe.

She coughs a bit before looking at Grace,

"Too much?" She asks a mix between worry and smugness.

"No. Just caught me off guard. But I would like to try again" She says.

Neytiri puts the head back in her mouth and Grace holds her head again and lightly pushes her down on him.

She gags and Grace pulls her back but this time she keeps her on his cock and pushes her back down, then pulls back, then pushes down.

Neytiri places her hands on Shadows thighs while her head bobs back and forth on his cock and Grace continues to use one hand to jack him off while using her other hand to help guide Neytiri.

"I have to admit Shadow, I honestly thought you would have cum ages ago" Grace admits as she strokes faster.

Shadow chuckles at her comment. Grace sees that he isn't about to cum anytime soon decides to stop stroking and instead kisses along the shaft.

Shadow groans happily as he feels a second mouth run along his shaft. He looks down and watches as Grace pulls Neytiri off the head and puts it in her mouth instead and Neytiri gives some kisses and licks on the shaft.

Finally it becomes too much for Shadow and he twitch's which the two notice.

Grace pulls away and smirks up at him.

"About time. My mouth and arms were beginning to hurt" She jokes and puts the head back in her mouth.

The two begin to double their efforts to get him to cum faster.

"Gluk! Gurrk! Slurp! Mmm! Urrk!" Grace gags as she bobs her head faster.

Neytiri was now more aroused by the wet sounds coming from Grace because of Shadow's dick and ran her tongue all over his shaft faster.

Feeling his end near, he grabs Grace's head and thrusts into her mouth.

"Mmm! Gluk! Gluk! Glurrk!" She gags in surprise and arousal.

Neytiri pulls away and watches as Shadow use Grace's mouth and her core heats up more.

Drool dribbles down Grace's chin as she slurps up as much of his dick and runs her tongue around as best she can.

"Slurp! Slurp! Urrk! Grrk!"

Then he hilts himself in her mouth and shoots his load into her mouth.

Her eyes widen as she feels his hot load in her mouth and tries to swallow as much as she can.

Neytiri watches as Grace swallows every drop of Shadows semen in jealousy and arousal.

When he was finished he pulls out of her mouth and swallows what's left in her mouth and takes a deep breath.

"Fuck that was a lot" She breathes out.

"But god it was delicious" She says and smirks up at Shadow who grins down at her.

But she has a nagging feeling she did something wrong though.

"Um Grace?" Neytiri says.

She looks over to her student.

"Hm?" She hums.

"Weren't you suppose to collect his sperm? Not swallow it?" Neytiri asks.

Grace's eyes widen as she now realised her mistake.

"Oh fuck me!" She groans and holds her forehead.

Then she hears some laughter and looks up to see Shadow shoulders moving up and down.

She glares at him and grabs his still harden dick a little harshly, immediately getting to shut up and whine in fear.

"You planned that didn't you?" She accuses and slightly tightens her hold.

He whines in fear and shakes his head furiously as he tries to save his own life.

"I smell bullshit" She says and her glare hardens.

Then the two hear some snickering and look over at Neytiri who was covering her mouth as she tries to contain her laughter.

"Something funny?" Grace asks.

Neytiri jolts and sweat drops as she shakes her head at the ticked off woman.

"Didn't thinks so" She says and looks back at Shadow.

"Now we got to do this again at a later date because you're too tired aren't you?" She says annoyed.

Shadow makes a confused noise and points to his dick.

She looks down and it takes her a few seconds before she realises that he was still hard.

"Oh" She says, a little wide eyed.

She glances up to the grinning Shadow then back down to his cock. Then she slowly strokes it again, making him groan.

"Still got another round in ya?" She asks, an excited glint in her eyes.

She looks over at Neytiri and sees she's got the same excitement in her eyes too.

But her eyes slowly drift down to Neytiri body and to her breasts

And she gets an idea.

"Hey Neytiri? Ready for the next lesson?" She asks.

Neytiri looks at Grace confused.

Then her confusion becomes into slight embarrassment and arousal as Grace grabs her shirt and pulls it off, showing her big tits. 

"G-Grace? What are you doing?" Neytiri asks as her eyes are fixed on her chest.

"Well I figured since Shadow caused me to lose the first batch," Grace says, playfully glaring at Shadow who is also looking at her tits.

"I thought you should learn another way we can please our partners without our mouths or pussy's" She says.

Neytiri was confused but after giving her first blowjob and handjob she was intrigued and excited to learn more.

"You. Sit down" Grace orders Shadow.

He complies and sits down on the ground and Grace moves in between his legs.

"Come on Neytiri. Don't be shy now" Grace teases as she gestures for her to come over.

Neytiri licks her lips nervously and excitedly and moves next to them. Grace leans down and licks the head before travelling down the shaft.

"Help me out here" Grace says.

Neytiri leans over Shadows leg and helps Grace lick all over his dick.

"Why is it - slurp - that despite I've - slurp - already put it in - slurp - my mouth, I want - slurp - more?" Neytiri asks in between licks and sucking.

"Probably because - slurp - your enjoying this - slurp - as much as - slurp - I am" Grace answers between her own licks and sucking.

The two continue to lick all over his dick for a few more seconds before pulling away.

"That should do" Grace says.

"So what now?" Neytiri asks wiping some drool off her mouth.

Grace smirks and grabs her tits before wrapping them around Shadows cock.

Then she starts moving her tits up and down, giving Shadow a titjob.

Shadow groans and claws at the ground as the two soft mounds around his cock give him a new height of pleasure.

Neytiri watches with arousal and interest as the head appears and disappears within Grace's tits.

"Come on, show 'em " Grace says.

Neytiri looks away from Grace's tits to her face.

"I know you want to try this, so show 'em" She says, nodding to Neytiri's chest.

Neytiri looks down at her chest where her clothes barely hide her own tits.

She shyly takes off her top, exposing her slightly smaller tits. She glances at Shadow and she blushes when she realises he's looking at her intently.

She hides her breasts in embarrassment and looks away with a bright blush.

But then he gently crooks a finger under her chin and turns her to him.

Her breath catches in her throat as she is inches away from Shadow.

Despite already having her first kiss with him and sucking his cock only moments ago, she was very nervous as her eyes flick down to his lips repeatedly.

Before she can say anything, he leans over and kisses her, causing her to give out a muffled yelp but she quickly leans into it and her eyes flutter close.

Their tongues begin to battle for dominance with Neytiri losing quickly

His tongue explores her mouth, swirling around her tongue.

Grace watches, excitedly and with a little jealousy, as she keeps his dick squished between her tits.

The two continue for a few moments before pulling away with a trail of saliva connected.

Neytiri breathes heavily as her face blushes.

"Ahem" Grace gives out a fake cough.

Neytiri jolts, embarrassed, as she forgot the two were not alone at the moment.

"Are you going to help me down here or are you two going to keep trading spit a little longer?" Grace teasingly asks with a smirk.

Neytiri blushes at her words but nods. Grace changes position so the two are sitting next to Shadow.

Neytiri brings her tits against Graces, their erect nipples pressing against each other.

"Just move as I do, ok?" Grace asks.

Neytiri nods and holds her own tits more firmly, nearly making herself moan.

Grace moves up and Neytiri follows her lead, keeping her tits pressed up against Grace's and wrapped around Shadow's cock before moving down and then back up.

Shadow groans and leans his head back in bliss as he receives a double titjob. 

Neytiri glances at him and smiles seeing her crush be so pleased because of her and Grace's actions.

She looks back at where his dick appears and disappears between their tits and she gets a sudden urge.

She leans her head down and kisses the tip when it appears.

"Finally taking the initiative?" Grace teases.

"I just - kiss - thought that - kiss - that this would - kiss - speed things - kiss - up" Neytiri explains through kisses.

Grace smiles seductively and leans down and kisses the tip as well.

"Well you - kiss - are right - kiss - this would - kiss - speed things - kiss - up" She says in between her own kisses.

But she stops and glares at Shadow.

"But don't even think about shoving this thing down my throat again" She warns to which he nods.

Satisfied with his answer, Grace brings hers and Neytiri's tits down to the base of his shaft and continue giving him a titjob while the tip and upper half receives a double blowjob.

He groans as he feels their tongue lick all over the tip and their tits continue to massage the lower shaft.

Their tongues swirl around the tip, sometimes hitting each other's tongues, and licking down the upper shaft.

Grace looks up at Neytiri and admires her features before pulling away from Shadow's cock.

"Hey Neytiri?" She says.

Neytiri stops licking too and looks up at her.

Then suddenly Grace leans forward and kisses Neytiri.

Neytiri yelps in shock but very quickly leans into the kiss.

Shadow was also surprised and he swears he got harder by the sight before him.

The two battle for dominance but Grace, being the more experienced one, easily pushes her tongue into Neytiri's mouth.

While the two were making out they still had their tits pressed up against each other and around Shadow's cock.

Until he twitches again.

The two felt him twitch and pull away with a string of saliva connecting them.

"Mmm guess you enjoyed the show?" She asks smugly.

He nods vigorously and Grace looks back at Neytiri and kisses her again.

They move their tits faster and faster.

Until he bursts.

He shoots his load onto their necks and all over their tits.

Ropes of cum cover their tits and cum drips from their necks and chins.

After he was done, the two pull away.

"Finally. Quick, grab a container and help me collect it all" Grace says and grabs the container.

The two scoop off as much cum as they can and put it all into the container. 

Neytiri looks at all the cum in the container and she begins to wonder.

Grace notices her gaze and decides to satiate her curiosity.

She scoops up some cum and holds it out for Neytiri.

"I know you want to try it. Go ahead. It's unfair if I'm the only one who gets to" Grace says smirking.

Neytiri blushes but leans forward and licks the cum off her finger. She hums in delight.

"Delicious" She whispers with a smile.

"I know" Grace says, still grinning.

She grabs a lid and closes the container.

"Well that's all I need. Now we can-" 

She was cut off as Shadow placed a hand on her head.

She looks up and sees him grinning down at her.

Then he brings out his tongue.

He points to it.

Then to her.

Grace blushes as she realises what's going to happen.

"Oh shit" She whispers.

He grabs her shoulder and pushes her down onto her back.

He sits down on his knees and pulls her shorts off, revealing her bare pussy.

Neytiri also learned what he was about to do and blushes madly.

Grace would normally say no but she was soaking wet and she was very hot and bothered.

Plus, it was only right for him to help her out after giving him all that.

"Oh why not? I already blown you, you might as well do the same for me" She says with a smirk and an eye roll.

He chirps in agreement as he pulls her knees onto his shoulders.

"Well? Go on then. Show me what you can do with that ton-ahhhh!" She moans.

He gives her a long and slow lick, causing her to moan loudly and to shudder.

Neytiri takes a shaky breath as she watches with lustful, and slightly jealous, eyes.

Then he turns his head to her and he grins.

She was both confused and aroused by his grin.

Then she suddenly moans.

She slaps a hand to her mouth and her eyes widen as her head snaps down to her crotch where Shadow's tail end was rubbing on her pussy hidden by her loincloth.

He moves his tail back and forth, making her give out some muffled moans.

"C'mon Neytiri. We want to hear you" Grace says with a smirk.

Shadow nods in agreement and Neytiri moves her hand away and she moans as his tail pleasures her.

Shadow turns his head back to Grace's pussy and licks it some more, making both women moan.

Then he plunges his tongue down her cunt.

Grace's eyes widen in shock and pleasure as she arches her back and gasps.

He swirls his tongue around, tasting every inch of her pussy.

"Fuck! Your so deep!" She moans.

She tries to grab the stone ground with one hand and grabs Shadow's head with the other.

Shadow was moving his tail faster and Neytiri was moaning louder as she groped her own tits.

"Oh god I'm close!" Grace moans and tries to grind her hips around.

"M-Me too!" Neytiri moans too.

Shadow grins and speeds his tail up some more and thrusts his tongue in and out of Grace.

Their moans get louder until they cry out as their orgasms take them into bliss.

Shadow laps at her cunt and drinks what he can while his tail gets soaked by Neytiri's juices.

Once they ride out their orgasms, he sets Grace down and cleans his own tail before he turns to Neytiri with a hungry grin.

She licks her lips nervously but takes off her loincloth, lies down on her back and spreads her legs.

If Shadow wasn't planning to go slow with them, he would have shoved his cock right up into that tight cunt.

But he can't move to fast, best to let them want more of him.

So he crawls over and hovers his face a few inches from her before he gives her a long lick.

She shudders and moans as his tongue drags across her pussy.

"Please. Please don't tease me" She moans.

He grins and slowly inserts his tongue inside her.

Her eyes widen and she grabs onto Shadow's head and moans loudly.

Grace was watching as she rubbed her own pussy but then Shadow's tail wrapped around her leg and rubbed her entrance.

He moves his tongue around, making Neytiri writhe on the ground.

"Yes! Please! More!" She begs.

He speeds up, thrusting his tongue faster into her.

Grace grinds her hips on his tail while rubbing her clit and groping one of her tits.

"Fuck! I didn't think your tail would be this good!" Grace moans.

"His tongue is better!" Neytiri cries out.

They then feel their second climax.

"Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!" Grace repeats.

"Oh Eywa!" Neytiri moans.

Their second orgasm takes them and as before, Shadow drinks what he can and his tail gets soaked.

He pulls away and licks his lips clean of Neytiri's cum before bringing his tail up and cleans it of Grace's.

(Smut is now over)

The three breathe heavily after their session together.

"Wow" Grace says with a tired smile.

"I didn't know your tongue could go that far but I sure as shit ain't complaining" Grace says with a laugh.

Shadow chuckles and Neytiri tiredly giggles at Grace's words.

Grace reaches over and grabs the now filled container and inspects it.

"Even though it took longer thank it should," She says sending a playful glare at Shadow who merely smirks in response.

"I got what I need today. So thanks" Grace says with smile.

Shadow chirps happily.

"Although," Grace adds.

"I may need more samples in the future, in case I use it all up" Grace says with a seductive grin.

"So I may need to pull you aside for a few moments again, if you don't mind?" She asks seductively.

He grins and crawls over to her and kisses her deeply.

Grace eyes widen for a sec before she hums and kisses back.

Neytiri watches, aroused and slightly jealous, as the two kiss for a moment before pulling away with a saliva string connecting them.

The two smile at each other before he turns to Neytiri, grins and cocks his head.

She blushes as she knows what he is asking.

"I-I wouldn't mind assisting Grace if she needs more 'samples' to collect" She says shyly.

He grins wider and crawls over to her, and like with Grace, kisses her deeply.

Neytiri was less surprised by the sudden kiss and leaned into it as she closed her eyes.

They kiss just as long as he and Grace did before pulling away.

The two also smile at each other and she and Grace retrieve their clothes.

"Time to go, we're done here" Grace says, noticing the time.

Neytiri calls out to Seze and within a moment, she appears at the entrance of the cave.

"So, how will you study the 'samples'?" Neytiri asks curiously.

"Funny enough, I've been told I need to bring my Na'vi body back to the RDA base" Grace reveals.

Shadow chirps, confused and worried, and Neytiri looks at her, surprised.

"Your leaving?" She asks.

"For about a week or two. We're getting more people at the base. Some are warriors while others are like me, scientists. Since I'm in charge of the scientist's there, I need to return and show them the ropes. And while I'm there, I can study the samples" Grace explains.

Neytiri nods, understanding why she has to leave.

Just then, Xena contacted Shadow.

Shadow? We just spoke with Moat. I'll show you how it went. She says.

His mind flashes with her memories and he grins at the results.

The three take flight, with Grace riding with Neytiri again, and they fly back to the Home Tree.

Where he and Moat are going to have another serious talk.


That took awhile.

And I am so sorry it took so long to get this chapter done.

I thought this was going to be a 3000 word chapter but instead it's a 6000 word chapter.

I seriously underestimated my idea.

I just kept changing some ideas making me back pedal and change it and such.

Hell, originally Neytiri wasn't suppose to go with the two.

This chapter was actually going to be longer but I decided to split it and give the next part it's own chapter since it might be the same length.

So again, I'm so sorry it took so long but nonetheless I hope you enjoyed todays chapter.

And now that this chapter is done, well Tomorrow your all going to get a surprise.

Or 4.

But that's going to wait.

Anyway, let me know what you all think in the comments.

Thanks for reading and have a lovely day.