
the X family

Mica has been away from her sister - Octavia - for years after going to join the X-Family ( a large group of people known for their power and superiority) She never expected to see her sister soon. But what happens when her sister shows up one evening at her clan, demanding to be part of the X-Family? The X-family was no child's place as they were known to be dangerous and corrupt. They were enemies to the government who actually feared them. The X-Family was so large, they had to split and create different clans which were controlled by Masters. Mica belonged to the top most powerful clan - the Khalid clan - owned by the powerful and cruel Master Khalid. When Octavia suddenly shows up and insist on joining the Family, Mica kicked against it because she knew how dangerous it was. She tried to talk her sister out of it but it proved negative as Octavia was adamant on her decision on wanting to stay. Instantly, Mica knew something was wrong. She knew her sister had always been scared of the X-Family and her sudden decision of wanting to join only meant something was wrong. She knew she had a different reason for wanting to stay. Well, on the other hand, despite Octavia's determination to stay, she still had the Master to face. As a result of how powerful the Khalid clan was, everyone wanted to be a part of it. He had to put a limit to it and made up his mind not to receive new members. But what happens when the weird, determined Octavia shows up? She's made up her mind to convince the Master to accept her, no matter what. But the question is, would she succeed? Would the dark - hearted Master find her worthy and accept her? And what could be her reason for wanting to stay so badly? What were her fears? What was she so scared of? find out in this amazing piece

Taois · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Octavia and the master

Episode 6

By: Faith Lucky

"You'll need to chose one", the words rang in her head.

She wouldn't say she wasn't warned about it. Mica had warned her but she chose to stay. She chose this part - for her personal reasons.

She gulped hard, her eyes unable to leave the floor. She could Khalid's cold gaze on her.

"I'll...I'll lose it" she swallowed hard again and Khalid scoffed.

He lifted his hands to her chest again and caressed her b**bs.

"So small..." She heard him mutter.

He scrutinized her and when he was done, he moved away from her.

"At this point", he began. "You only have two options: you stay, or die.

"You had the chance to leave, but you turned it down. So, now, you can only stay or die. I'll be giving you some tests and conditions, If you're able to pass all the tests, you stay. If you fail them, I'll kill you for trespassing.

"Your first test starts tomorrow with a bid. Mica!". He called and she came rushing to him.


"I want you to primp her up for the party tomorrow. She needs to get rid of that hymen between her legs".

"Yes, Master", Mica replied with a bow still.

Khalid turned back to look at the shivering Octavia in front of him.

"For your sake, I hope you dont fail any of the tests'. Octavia could detect a dark desire in him as he spoke, like he was so willing to hurt her.

"Y...Yes, Master", her voice was almost a whisper and he huffed and marched away with his boys.



Tears streaked Octavia's cheeks as she walked back to the room with Mica. She knew what the bid meant. She'd be taken to the party and put up like a commodity. A bid would go on and the highest bidder gets her. The highest bidder gets to sleep with her.

Octavia wondered if she'd be able to survive it. She never planned on losing her virginity so soon. Although, se wouldn't blame herself for wanting to stay, she felt it was the only option she had.

Mica noticed her tears but didn't act like she did. She walked quietly beside her sister and didn't say a word until they'd gotten to the room.

Mica had a room mate, but Susan was someone that barely slept in the room as she preferred staying with her lover. So, Mica was mostly in the room alone.

You can use the bed" She pointed to the vacant bed which belonged to Susan and Octavia sniffed and went to climb on it.

Mica also climbed up her bed, covered herself up with the duvet and for a while, there was silence in the darkness.

"I'd lost my virginity in a brutal way" Mica suddenly spoke up, her voice clearly heard in the darkness.

"I was used by two men that night. The man who'd won the bid, and his friend. When he ws done with me, his friend asked for a round and being my master for the night, he gave him permission.

"I'd fallen sick after the encounter. One other lady who'd also been used that night, tried leaving the next morning,,but Master Khalid killed her. Once you step in here, it's impossible for you to leave. Its either you stay, or you die. It's only on rare occasions when he decides to ban you from his clan, that's the only chance you can get to leave.

"The next sex I had, was a little painful as well. Khalid had asked one of his guards to use me so I'd get used to it. He asked another to use me for the third time. It happened for the fourth time and during the process, I was taught how to endure pain and pleasure as well. So, after the fourth time, I went on my first mission. I passed it successfully and that was when I became a full member of the Khalid clan".

She paused and sighed; Octavia was listening attentively.

"I didn't leave home for this place because I wanted to, Octavia", as continued.

"I came here because I had no other option. It was difficult surviving alone among the humans, without my parents. That's the reason I had to come here, to live with people that were just like me.

"But you had a choice, Octavia. You had father, and Agatha, despite the fact she's crazy. At least, you had a home, you had a choice".

"I didn't", Octavia suddenly whimpered, a crack in her voice.

"I didn't have a choice".

Mica stared quietly at her sister's direction. Could it be possible her father had chased her out of the house?

No; her father would never do that.

Then, what could the problem be with her sister?

She needed answers. She needed to know the reason behind her Octavia's fears and determination. She needed to know the main reason her sister was there.

She'd start from somewhere. First, she needed to go back home and be sure her father and step mother were okay.

Octavia, on the other hand, wept silently on the bed. She was so grateful the room was dark because she couldn't have her sister seeing her tears.

The thought of the upcoming event scared the very life out of her.

The next day, she'd be losing her virginity.

