

Azhar a guy of honor gets accused of an undone crime. soon he got himself in a situation only to pledge guilty. not one but everything against him save Staker. only Staker knows something suspicious. dive into this story to know how Staker and Azhar collaborate to take down a handy criminal. but would they succeed??

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17 Chs

CHAPTER 10 Une Mere Choquante

"I know, what kind of destination you are about to reach. Hold on a little, I shall guide you to the place where you truly belongs..". Mike beaming at the front, cold breeze was moving, it blooms Mike's hair and slight shade of tense overshadows his face. The combo make his looks more stunning than ever.

The old man and Orange shirt woes, about what Azhar truly means, why the words rip off Mike's face, those words resembles a sheer bitterness.

Both stare at Mike, the eyes were wide open, the forehead has a clear lines of amazement.

"So do you know, which place he was talking about". The orange shirt said.

"No". He smiles. "How do I know which place, if I could then why should I interrogate here, I directly get on that place, find him".

"Yes, you are right—". The old man was about to complete.

"No. Perhaps that's not the case". His beaming eyes shoot on to the Mike.

"W-what". Mike hesitated.

"Yes as per the way you said, you shall guide him to the place where he truly belong, I notice your grudge against the man". Orange shirt face off to the Mike.

"No, why should I have a grudge against him. After all my duty is to rescue him". Mike was trying to look as much as normal as needed. "I have to be careful, I can't let them know the truth about who is he, why we are searching him, maybe there is a possibility that they would be someone close to him. If they knew I am here to catch him, then they won't give me further information". He gaze at two, nodding his head. "They even try to misguide me, so they can able to save him. Looking to the case, these two seems to be a nice person, but if they have some close relation then they would definitely try to save him".

"Haha". The sound burst out.

"Why are you laughing". Mike came back to his current senses.

"I was joking, I won't expect a police officer like you take it, that much seriously". Gazing on the pale face, smiled again. "Hey chill off, I know the reason behind your grudge, you want to finish this case as soon as possible. After all these case will consume your time, you still have some case pending, each officers have these problem its common and where destination you were about to deliver him to his home, right?".

Mike staring at him with a blank face, he gave the whole made-up answer which he needed right now, he was remembering the times of his school where other students copy his answers, this is the first time someone help him to copy, he was thanking to God, "So good deeds, won't go in vein then". He murmured.

"Did you say something?".

"Yup! That's the reason why I felt frustrated, there were many cases left pending and some off them are really important, even commissioner have a pressure from higher authorities, he is scolding me many a times, he thought I was lying about this case so he keep scolding, but never mind. This case will end soon".

"Hm! That's the spirit". He stand up from the coat. "Mr. Max can you give me some water?".

"Sure". Mr. Max vanish, reappears with a copper glass.

"Thank you Mr. Max". He drank it.

"You three want some". The Old man pointing to the copper glass.

"Yes please". Fin said.

He served the water to three.

"So do you know, in which direction he was headed". Mike take a sip.


"Very well then". He drop off the glass on floor. "Show us".

"Follow me". The Old man lead them to the entrance.

The birds were chirping, the cold winds blew at moderate speed, there was a nose gripping smell of forest soil, the sun was in full from, spreading his flaming rays, smiling in the sky.

"That way". Indicating his finger to the North.

"Then let's go". Karl was about to dash.

"Not too soon fool". Other one hang him from behind.

"Hey! Don't call me fool its rude". Flickering his eyes, Karl realise something. "Hey! Wait a minute".

"What is it Karl?". Everybody staring at him with staggering eyes.

"I made a rhyme there". He said with a broad smile, as he gave a precious gem about the case.

Orange shirt begin to laugh, "I like this man".

However, old man was wondering about the fact, how the hell the officials appointed him as a police. Others thrashed there hands on respective face.

"Karl, when do you get serious". Mike's scream echoed, however his hopeful eyes, lose its shine, the very moment, it grabs Karl.

"Sorry sir". Karl head down, eyeballs geeing at ants whose tiny legs wavering continuously without a single pause, loading food grain on its top.

"At which time do he depart?". Mike again focuses on the old man.

"Yesterday, afternoon". He stretching his beard, observing the sun. "Same time as of today". He gaze off to Mike.

"I see". He study the watch. "Its 2:00 P.M., Hm! One day is not a less time, as its 24 hour old talk, Azhar might go anywhere, then again total chances of finding him in this direction, are even less than 20". He murmured.

 Thrash his hand on thigh. "Damn it, again. When ever I thought I was too close, the situation comes which make him miles ahead, surely you have a tremendous luck on your side. Its hard to catch someone like you".

"Hey so what you goanna do now?"

"Don't worry, we have two other locations, let's see whether we find him there or not".

"Haha! That's the spirit". He hand over the water bottle. "Good luck then".

"Thanks". He pick up the bottle hand over to the Fin, Fin slip it inside the bag.

They move on in the North. Keeping further hopes of finding Azhar, one location let them down but still it clarifies the fact Azhar was alive, however it coincidentally boost the chances of finding him at other two.

They left the current location far behind, they were nearly at the ending passage of Cannibal forest, Dimeru mountains were just couple of steps ahead.

"Fin which is the next one?".

Fin take out the Tab scan the map, rolling his eyes around the site. He smiled.

"What's so funny?". Karl eyes pointed to a bird sitting high above the tree. "Don't tell you saw a white crow".

"I am not you". He glare at him. Then fix his eyes on the location, where Karl was pointing. "Besides its not a crow, its black billed magpie".

"Guess you are right after all crows are symbol of black magic, presence of superstitious and darkness. Black is the best suit for them, there is no way they have beaming white color".

"No Karl you are wrong".

Fin and Karl conjecture faces gazing at Mike.

"Sir I think you are mistaken". He expand his waving hand to Karl, "This time Karl is right".

"Wow Fin". The eyes begin to transparent, the drops make their way from cheek to ground, "First time you took my side, even its against Mike sir, you don't know how much happy I am". He wipe out his tears, squeeze his nose.

Mike and Fin both ogle at him with small eyes, still Karl continue his wiping and squeeze his nose intensely one more time. Without even paying a single attention to what his fellow man think of him.

"Actually there is a white crow, it's a breed of America a special breed which unlike normal crows have natural white color".


"Yup. Wait a minute". Mike take out his phone Google it show the results to both.

Both glance at the pictures with a pale face eyes goes dim as Mike was right it was the actual picture of the White crow.

"Alright you win". Karl's deeming voice.

"Well we waste too much time". His eyes beams on Fin.

"Right". He once again scan the tab. "Well the location is the current one". He then faced off to both.

"What?". Karl seems little bit confused as he wasn't expecting a joke from Fin, he is a serious guy, he was dedicated to his job and won't play pranks or jokes in middle of work.

"Yes! Remember I tell one is from North to Dimeru mountains and other is a passage—".

"Between Cannibal and Dimeru mountains". Karl broke the pattern.

"So this place seem to be the passage". Mike yawns, stretches his hands and legs. "Then let's search it". His eyes which once were tired now shining bright as a star.

The three begin there search, they move here and there scan the site fully, they even climb trees for spying, but nothing comes up they won't find anything which they relate to Azhar, still search whole site again. Same results.

"We scan the entire site". Fin gaze at Mike, gasping heavily.

"Twice". Karl sat beneath the tree take deep breaths, staring two as his eyes were asking questions 'what now'.

"Hm!". Mike wipe out his sweat. "I think we have to check on the next location".

"It might be the last one". The face drop its grip at the moment the man utter the words.

"No other options. As you see we search this twice. Found nothing, not Azhar nor the thing, which might relate to him".

"You are right Karl. Third place is our only hope for now". As the moment he speak, Karl and Fin were completely exhausted their body give visible symptoms they require break, if he force them then it may affect their health adversely. "Alright". He sat down. "Lets take a short break". His eyes gawp at the two.

"But —".

"Sir is right. If we carry on in these condition, we can't able to make it". His open mouth gaze to the sky "Its better to take break". His flickering eyes flash to Fin.

Fin knows himself Karl was telling a truth, he nodded his head.

The three sat under the shade, Mike drinks the water, offer the two. They were relaxing in the total green atmosphere which the nature have to offer, the three always resides in city, the first time they truly know how relaxing and beautiful the nature is, city comforts are no match to this beauty which they witnessing and experiencing right now, the three close there eyes allow winds to guide their dreams.

"Hey Dad how far".

"Just a few miles ahead sweety".

"Honey I miss home so deadly I wanna see it again".

"Hahaha! Yup after all once you settle in city, you can't able to enjoy the true essence of village, its quite normal. Don't worry we will reach soon".

A black jeep, roaming on the crater road, the road seems to be brown, green grasses and tall trees shaded road, the golden light scattered at the spot, but still not entirely these shady creatures might block, at the land or soil which they own, the jeep was an open one, driver was the father, mother is on the backseat, the two kids on her side, daughter seems to be on 16years old and son is about 14years.

The father was a middle aged man, he has a brown beard and short hair, he wore a brown full sleeve shirt, the sleeves wrap till the elbow, having a black cotton short, his brown cowboy hat add drastic flavors to his looks, even in middle age he looks quite stunning and attractive.

Mother seems to wore a pink one piece dress, she was white, having a stunning figure she was in her 30's, but her age can't affect her beauty, at the present if a man see her she wants her as his girlfriend or even beyond, even college girls fail to outmatch this mother, she was a busty female, with a face of an angel.

Her two kids. Son wore a yellow T shirt and blue jeans as a bottom. Daughter wore full sleeve shirt, the sleeves were folded till the elbows, night black pant as a bottom. Both kids were handsome and beautiful like their parents.

The jeep was moving at a constant speed, the three back seaters enjoying the ride, son was looking to the left, he woes about how fast tree moves, he even witness some basic animals like rabbit, deer, zebra.

"Wow this is the best ride of my life". He turn his eyes to mother.

"Yup, cannibal forest is a good destination, its a housing to vast varieties of animals, there's no doubt you goanna enjoy the ride". Mother's blue eyes geeing at his son's innocent face. She too feels from her inside kid was right, though city 's comfort is irresistible to leave, still nature is no joke, it has its positive sides too. She turn her neck to the left.

A man was wandering on the site, he wore a white formal shirt, and classic bottoms, having a well built body, hairs seems to be reddish, as he was walking his half face was clearly visible, the beard was moderate not extreme and he looks fantastic.

The car zooms left the man behind, the woman stared at him till the moment the car left him behind, perhaps she was still staring at him, now the face was clearly visible, she was immensely impressed by the man, the wild dirty scenes were popping in her mind, she want to stop but her mind doesn't want to, which gives her one after other all were brand new and fully enjoyable, but all in on she think of their children and husband,  "No. I can't betray them doesn't matter how stunning he was still she can't ditch her family". At the moment all dirty scene vanishes, not a single thought came, she even try to built but mind doesn't fantasize it. The woman feel relieved, still wondered till now she was struggling and can't able to stop it now suddenly how they stop. She was trying to figure out the reason behind this event.

Husband notice the oddness, he smiled "Hey! Anything wrong, you look tense?".

"Huh!". She came back to the present, "No. I am alright". As the moment she uttered something struck to her mind. "Hey can you show me the news cutting which you show me in the morning".

"But why—".

"Can you?". The blues eyes wavering at the man.

The man stare at the woman, she was sweating. But he ignored the fact and decided to fulfill her demand, he stop the car, "Here". He hand over his phone to the wife.

Mother studying the news cutting, the level of stress is high, though husband knew about it but still without knowing the disease you can't cure it, he wanted to find out the reason so he can calm her down.

As soon, she finish her reading she stare at the photo. "Damn it". She thrash her hand on her forehead.

"What happened". He then rub her back trying to relax her. "Are you alright".

"Yes". Her big eyes focuses on the driver

"I saw this man".

"What?". Suddenly the face grip the pressure.