
Cleansing Rains

After Man was removed from the garden many terrible things had happened, Kane had slain Able, the world was filled with corruption and it filled God with grief. Not wanting the world to get any worse he sent word to the few who still sought him out, to warn them of the coming calamity. Their leader Noah assembled a boat capable of holding every species to save everything he could as the Father commanded. However, Lucifer didn't want man's children to survive, or succeed and tried to destroy the faithful few.

Lucifer descended from his fortress of evil and blood, to seek Noah out and destroy his loyalty. He came upon Noah and his family and said, "How can 'You' trust father," Lucifer said with a condescending sneer. Noah was surprised that the betrayer had shown himself, but his faith in the Father was unshaken. "Betrayer I tell you begone, for my loving grandfather had fallen for your deceitful words, and learned you are not to be trusted," Noah said to him in annoyance. But the evil Lucifer pressed in harder, for he believed that no matter the man he could take his faith. How can you be so sure, for he has abandoned not just your ancestor, but me and my 'followers', So how can you assure yourself that what he says is right for you?" Noah was angered by Lucifers provocation, and doubts in his faith, so he yelled at the Demon, "Today I shall end your taunts and reign, for you shall pay for your crimes with your life!" As he drew a sword fully intending on striking him down. However, the Devil was more powerful and easily dodged, and he knew that there was no convincing Noah or his family. So, he threw a punch far greater than what the earth can endure, but before it could land and kill Noah, Lucifer was swallowed by sacred stone. Then God appeared where they stood and thundered, "Lucifer! I had already shown you mercy by letting you roam this earth freely, but now you try to kill my children! I have had enough I shall separate you and the rest of the spiritual beings into a new realm the spiritual realm, and the flesh of the world shall remain here in the physical realm.

God suddenly moved into the sky far beyond the boundaries of human eyes and told Noah, "It's time my child," as the universe quivered and God took a breath as he looked down upon all he had made. The sky lit up in colors it had never been before and began to rattle as all men on the earth stared at him. Then he spoke, "The Universe shall become two and each realm shall hold its own people, The physical shall hold the Physical flesh, and the spiritual the spirits of my making," While God did his works, Noah and his fellow faithful retreated to the ship with all of the chosen creations. They waited in anticipation watching the sky unsure of what he is going to do, but they had faith in what they were told to build.

Then the sky went dark as the spiritual were ripped from the physical realm, and the world was quiet. Only seconds went by but they felt like hours, but soon the world was soon sent back into a world of sound as they just heard a plaip, and a plap. They started slow and sporadic but just seconds later the sky was completely filled with water, and soon there was more water than air. The ground was flooded faster than the people could even react, and the world was filled with quiet for forty days and forty nights.

sry i took so darn long to update this, i just forgot about it for a day

LowLvlDevilcreators' thoughts