
The Wrathful Lily

[Wake… flower maiden, for your life is not over, and has only begun] [Wake… and see the world around you and set foot in life… for better… or for worse] *The story does have long chapters and descriptions. It's a long journey and love project but if you can stand long chapters, I hope you can wait for more!* *Just a note, deep romantic developments will happen much later in the future chapters of which I admittedly haven't planned too much. But I hope you will get some fluffy moments from my chapters in the meantime!*

Wild_Silver · Fantasy
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54 Chs

High up in the Clouds (Part 1)

*Mokuren's POV*

The Little Flower, mother, and Mrs. Ohari leaves through the portal. Alone just the two of us here in the barren hellscape, the sudden loud crack of some rocks and debris from the arch over me falls.


I dodge Kyui's attempt to pull me out of the way. Whipping out a vine coursing with power, I whip the crumbling debris apart with a cracking splice.

"Oh please, I am not defenseless."

Kyui looks bewildered at me.

"But still! You could've gotten hurt! Don't just purposely put yourself in harm's way!"

I lean closer to her and whisper.

"But that's the part I like about you, ready to defend me any time hehe."

Seeing her face bloom red, I got what I wanted~ Turning again to face the endless wasteland… in the far distance where things look minuscule. A sudden flash of what it seems to be a familiar cloak appears… and a figure. With my next blink… it was gone. Huh?

"Come on, Mokuren. I'll show a special spot!"

"Oh right!"

Breaking off my thought and Smirking, Kyui leads the way as she leaps away onto another pillar… With a sly smile, almost like petty revenge, Kyui looks back at me.

"Think you can keep up?"

Oh? I glare back at her as she speeds away, the ground feels the wrath of my awakened pride as it cracks as I whip out my vine. I see the smirk on Kyui quickly fade as I grapple past her… blowing a small kiss to her, I bloom some flower pollen that causes a minor pepper spray effect.

*Cough cough cough!!*

Kyui quickly slows down as I giggle, surpassing my oh so tsundere fiery fox. Kyui wipes her eyes and growls.

"That's not fair!! Now you asked for it!!"

Famous last words, Kyui. Racing through the plateaus and rock columns, this little racing courtship of ours comes to an end in sweet victory, for me of course. With a face full of obscuring pollen, and plant traps I set on the way… I had a joyous time watching Kyui tumble hehe. Wiping her gloomy face, Kyui stares at me accusingly to which I innocently shrug.

"Hehe, you didn't set any rules for this unofficial race… but really though, you could've beat me… but you didn't."

I get closer to her and look up, seeing through her actions. Kyui looks away, crossing her arms.

"I just didn't feel like going hard on you… that's all."

In the shadow of a behemoth wreck we stand, it is erected high, far above the clouds with twisted metal and shredded plating smoothed from countless years of abrasion from sandstorms. The atmosphere of the entire planet part ways for the wreckage.

Kyui looks up at it with hands set on her hips with determination. No… you can't be serious. I feel my knees get a bit weak, there's no way. Kyui's revamped smile turns to one of worry… she kneels down, and turns her back to me, refusing to look at me.

"Come on… get on. Don't worry, the air won't be thin up there, not in the Akasha dimension."

Kyui… As I get on her back, it feels hard, years of training… but warm, I hug and press into her scruff. Kyui stutters… how cute.

"Ar-are you secure?"


"Hang on tight… really tight."

Jumping from broken metal bars to the wreckage… it appeared to be the hull of a spaceship. Each groan and creak of the metal Kyui stands on tightens my grip around my whip, in case we fall.

"Cover yourself!!"

Kyui shouts as we approach the clouds of storms… I quickly envelope myself and Kyui in protective quanta and form a face covering made of plant fiber for Kyui and I. Braving the storm head on, it defines our senses as I feel the sand scratch at our shields.

Loud, thunderous… it all vanishes as we peak through the thunder sandstorm. At the top the wreck… the curvature of the world bestows itself to us… above all the carnage of storms, touching space we remain in this bubble of peace and beauty.

"It's… mesmerizing."

Left agasp… we stared at the sea of rumbling atmosphere as trails of molten flare emerge through… clearing the sky as we see the fissures of the world, still active. Leviathans of their own stature, the rings and flares of fire become the exotic creatures of this world, bursting forth like whales, and dive back into the sea of storms.

"My my… how beautiful."

Mother's voice teases in my head… hey mother, you know that's invasion of privacy you know?

"Sorry, but Kyui's mother actually asked me to see if you two are ok… now I see."

I quickly cut off our telepathy, as I bump my shoulder into Kyui, who watches alongside me.

"Is it… cool looking?"


We enjoyed this view for a while. I suppose there is something nice to this arid, dry hell of a planet.

"Hey Kyui, is your ambition still to join the Prometheus clan?"

Kyuu's chin lifts in surprise, before nodding, gazing at the storms and rings of fire.

"It has been my dream and goal since I was young. I don't even have to be officially part of them, I just want to work with them, together. Protect people, and repay the kindness I didn't know I gladly owed."

Mrs. Ohari was more harsh when Kyui was younger, overprotective. I remember the teary, pained look on her face when Kyui first brought up wanting to join the Prometheus clan. It wasn't hard to figure out that her mother was once part of it herself. Especially not when Kyui once mentioned she caught a look of a Prometheus symbol on the old weapon case her mother always had.

"What if you do get in, Kyui? What if you made it? What then? Will… you say goodbye to us all?"

Stunned by my statement, a face of concern and perhaps realization that she never thought so far ahead. But all that quickly was gone as she smirks and nudged me.

"Oi, you sure you're the smart Mokuren I knew? I'll come back often to visit. Perhaps you can even live there in their city with me. And Mom too, and yes the brat… maybe."

Always so determined and quick to be decisive. And that straightforwardness and stubbornness… what if you don't come back one day? How can I face that news? A slightly quivering hand rests on mine… now Kyui scooting a little closer with eyes that I never knew could be so soft.

"Hey, I know you're worried… I won't leave you, mom, even the brat, and Heiwa alone. Now come on, you're starting to sound more and more like my mom."

This, tsundere I swear… grasping her hand and without giving her a chance to react, I gave a quick smooch to her cheek… a bit rough due to all the dust but… soft and oh so warm as I watched her eyes widen and her cheek flush.


The revenge is mine~

*3rd Person POV*

"So goes young love... God just looking at them makes the liquor almost taste sweet. I need something stronger next time."

The figure jumps off the garganturan wreckage, after staying to check up on Kyuu-san and Mokuren.

"This is the not the time for you to be spying on people. How much more powerful has... Sura, grown? Anything of significance or changes are to be noted."

The gruff voice states with unchallenged authority comes through the communication device in the ear. Sliding the side of the wrecakge, metal arm grainding against the sids to slow the descent, the figure speaks back nonchalantly.

"Cool your tits, Durga. The lil beastie's doing fine, and she's gotten stronger yes. She's improving quite fast, though refuses to really use her power much with the control ring we provided. Your theory on her area of effect rage is correct innit? And I've identified no one tracking her... yet."

landing on solid ground, a short eletrical crackle and sizzle is heard as the figure shimmers into visiblity with a glitchy hue.

"Ah piss, cloaking's gone a bit ways haywire. When's the last time I got a repair check up? I keep telling you, just bring the beastie in under us."

Ignoring the suggestion, Durga answers back.

"Keep watching her, and stay alert. I trust Ohari and Myriam in doing this. I don't want to burden Ohari more with danger, she deserves peace."

"Yeah yeah fine. You owe me a drink for baby sitting... place is too damn peaceful, though it has a nice charm. No good drinks is what killed it."

With a tone as sour as kissing someone's ass can be.

"Now if your highness can kindly open the portal."

No portal nor rift appears, leaving the figure stranded.

"Oi! Durga! Is your mane-like hair so thick you can't hear me?! Get a hair-cut you wannabe lion!"

"Sorry there, I couldn't hear you with your head up your ass."

A rift to leave the Akasha dimension finally opens, stepping through, the figure scoffs.

"Ha! I'll admit you got me, pissant."

Exiting near the flower plains of Heiwa, the figure clanks oddly through the beautiful field, a contrast to her dirty exoskeleton and robotic armaments. A tall flowers slaps them in the face as they make through to Asura's memorial.

"Why the hell do the plants grow so big here!"

Finally making through finally to the top of the small hill, they take a swig of their bottle and turns off their communication for some bloody peace.

"Hey Asura, how are you doing? Sorry for not paying respects at a earlier time. Miss ya, mate... and your wife and kid misses you still a whole hell of a lot."

Sighing, the figure sits down, cross legged in front of the dark, mask.

"Have you really come back? Trust me, I'd pour one out for you but, come on, we both know you're no drinker hahaha!"

The wind suddenly changes, and a feeling all too well known to the sharp shooter assassin makes it self known. Someone is here. Still and not moving, they quickly roll backwards and stand as their robotic arm shifts into a sniper ready to fire... before stopping.


Emerging up at the hill, with a bouquet of flowers in hand. Stands a figure with a flaming, crimson violet hair. The strands of fiery hair burning off and reforming.

Hope you all had an awesome New Year and Christmas!! 2022... cause nothing can go wrong... right? Right? Hehe.

As always, suggest stuff, insult stuff, and talk some! Have fun! And phooey, university is about to start again. Ha... applying to internships and all that too. Life is never not busy!

Wild_Silvercreators' thoughts