
The Wrathful Lily

[Wake… flower maiden, for your life is not over, and has only begun] [Wake… and see the world around you and set foot in life… for better… or for worse] *The story does have long chapters and descriptions. It's a long journey and love project but if you can stand long chapters, I hope you can wait for more!* *Just a note, deep romantic developments will happen much later in the future chapters of which I admittedly haven't planned too much. But I hope you will get some fluffy moments from my chapters in the meantime!*

Wild_Silver · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
54 Chs

A New Student (Part 1)


What's up y'all... bleh, seriously look at me slacking, My finals were finally over, and finally, I had my much-needed break... I was able to rest for a bit and I admit, it got to me. But I'm back in action again!! As I said, I will not give up. That and my writing is slowing down to a halt due to my laptop issues. Does anyone have a Macbook that constantly has glitchy horizontal lines on the display?

Sorry for the hold-up, irresponsible of me. Have some fun character drawings in the meantime! (Lewd warning, ehe)

*Sura's POV*

The stars twinkle brightly in the tranquil dark sky, dressing the world in star dew itself. Accompanied by the quiet chirping of insects and the occasional hooting of an owl. The floating embers of the Heiwa village rise up, some of it reaching even here on the village's outer edge.

Quiet, brimming embers glow warmingly above, fading out into the iridescent sky and planets. I reach out, the starlight outlining my arm in reflective light, and try to touch the stars and planets… so much to explore... so much to see.

How long have I stayed here? And I haven't even seen everything in Heiwa yet, much less the rest of Aurora. The floating giant mountains, spires of giant plants, I wanna see them all… Oh! And Jacky's offer for an underground water town visit!


But right now, I'm focused on training… work on my anger issues Kyuu-san said. Opening my palm, I catch one of the many fragmented moons. Ever since I awakened my powers… I've felt irritated sometimes… harder to control myself just like during that fight. But I get to train again!

An ember gently bumps into my nose with a little airy touch. Fwoof! I blow it, breathing out my frustrations and watching it fly upwards helplessly… I just want to… rest… so comfortable.

"Oi! Don't fall asleep on the roof ya brat! Come inside and take a shower!"

Eh? Awww…


I roll down the side of the roof and land on my feet. Just about to take a step into the house I feel something tug my dress as I'm lifted off the ground by the waist.

"Waahh! What are you doing!?"

I'm hoisted up by Kyuu-san as she carries me into the house.

"You're not getting your dirty bare feet into the house, brat! Off to the shower you go! Mom, can you help?"

Mom comes in, with a beautiful sundress made of soft, smooth fabric. Tying her long sun orange hair tied into a neat little bun, she walks over to me and lifts me up under the arms.

"Come on sweetie, listen to her this once ok?"

I cross my arms and pout.


*Scrub scrub scrub*

My hair was being washed by Mom, bubbles forming everywhere and into my eyes! Bleh!

"Sorry munchkin, I'll wash it off quickly!"

The rinse of warm water washes away my fatigue and the bubbles. My hair drapes over my face like a wet, soppy curtain…

"Ah!! You're getting water everywhere!!"

Mom yelps as I shake my head in a flurry of spraying water to dry my hair. I turn around and look at mom, her damp ears drooped. Two mounds of softness bounce in front of me.


"Kya!! That tickles!"

So round and soft… squishy. I look down at my chest, it's a bit flat. Will it become rounder and bigger and squishy like mom's one day? But it does seem uncomfortable to move around with, and plus what happens if I'm fighting?

"Here mom, let me wash your back!"

As a thank you for all the times she helped wash me, well if only I could help more.

"Really? Thank you, sweetie."

Turning her back to me, Mom sweeps her wet orange sun hair to the front and reveals... scars, a lot of them. There was a long one running down from shoulder to hip. It was old... but deep. As if reading my hesitation, mom answers.

"It's from long ago, I used to fight too you know? But it was a lot more dangerous back then... too dangerous."

The sprinkle and only the pitter-patter of water can be heard in our silence. The soap still on mom's back, she quickly turns around and gently pulls on my cheeks.

"But now I have you too with Kyui so I feel a lot better ok?"


I giggle a little bit and carry out my little duty of washing mom's back. After 20min of mom intensively trying to blow dry my hair, I hop into Kyuu-san's bed and hug my pillow. Kyuu later comes in wiping her wet matted hair.


A flame spirals into life, ablaze from her palm as she dries her hair with the flames... somehow not burning it.

"Go to sleep brat, tomorrow, I'm bringing you to the dojo tomorrow for some training. Mokuren'll come at noon."

Really?! Am I finally allowed in the dojo to have fun and fight along with other students?! Yes!! I kick my legs up and down in excitement as I hope to fall asleep the next day.

"Oi! Stop wrinkling the bedsheets!!"

The next day, we woke up around 7 am in morning... with Kyuu-san dragging me out of bed. I was forced to put on an annoying gi again.


The regulating rings clip back onto my arms, I can feel the primordial energy within me dim. Kyuu-san said one can adjust how much power it inhibits... I feel a lot safer with the rings on.

We got ready with mom's breakfast and afterward, I get ready and step into my getas... I still don't have any new shoes!

"Stay safe ok, Munchkin? And Kyui, take it easy on her."

Mom kisses my forehead before waving goodbye to us. Skipping past the tall statue in the dojo again, its imposing shadow encompassing me in size... Its presence is powerful as ever. It sure does look familiar.

"Come on, brat."

Kyuu-san nods to me as I follow her.


I'll get to see Artemas again!! And Wukong and other students! I expected to hear sounds of students gathering and talking but my long ears only picked up silence. Greeting me in all its lonesome, was the empty training grounds and temples. Where is everyone? Exiting the entrance temple, I hear a shout from the roofs.

"Morning pony-tails!!"

With a gust of wind, Klara-san lands in front of us, folding her wings. Her smoky eyes fall on me with a sudden glint.

"Oh? The little pretty lily is with you too?"

Klara-san leans in a little closer to me before a hand comes between us.

"Hands off Klara, by the gods have you no shame?"

Klara-san chuckles before stretching her back… exposing her tanned steel abs reflecting the morning sunlight.

"Relax, I'm just playing."

She wore, a tank-top? I think that's what it's called... it was short, loose, and exposed her midriff. She had blue garbs, dressed around her waist that smoothly accompanied her royal blue scales. Wearing sandals on her dragon-clawed feet, she looks really relaxed. I'm still wearing my geta... hmph.

"So why is she here? As a new student, I hope~"

Klara-san wiggles her tail at me as she walks alongside me towards the training ground.

"Yes, you're right, as my sort of disciple."

Klara-san tilts her head, her hair a bit of a mess entangled on her horns... did she just wake up?

"Disciple? Really? You're not one to take special interests."

Klara-san leans into me again.

"Hey, how did you crack open fiery queen's icy exterior?"

I shrug... did I? She seems as mean as ever. Klara-san chuckles and continues walking while I follow along with Kyuu-san.

"Well, you're gonna be one of our youngest students yet, little flower. Say, I didn't get your name back then."

"It's Sura!"

"Sura huh? Pretty name, I like to keep track of my maiden's names heh… alrighty then."

I can see veins on Kyuu-san's face and irritation sprouts. As we continue to walk further through the training grounds, I pull gently on Klara-san's tail, she jolts a little and turns to me.

"Well my little flower, sure know how to touch a woman don't you?"

Kyuu-san raises an angry eyebrow at Klara-san's curved smile and she coughs.

"Ahem, dragonkin tail ends is a bit sensitive you see?"

"Klara-san, where are all the students?"

A look of surprise overcome her face before she gets what I'm saying.

"Oh right! It's the early morning, dojo's not open yet till 8:30 am. We're here early to look over things and prepare."

We enter one of the rooms, it had screen doors and wooden finishes, and cabinets lined on the walls along with short, pristine bamboo plants sporting a lively green. Klara-san starts taking off her tank-top and I catch a glimpse of smooth, soft breasts before a hand covers my eyes.

"Hey, I want to see!!"

Kyuu-san refuses to move her hand.

"Klara! Not in front of her!"

I hear Klara-san's nonchalant voice and sounds of ruffling clothes as well as a cabinet opening.

"Oh right, whoops. The girl's gonna one day see the stuff anyway, why not me first?"

When Kyuu-san finally removes her hand from my eyes, Klara-san was wearing a black gi like hers but it had an open midriff and tight gi bottom-half that highlighted her leg muscles.

"Alright Kyuu, what's the setout plan for today?"

Kyuu-san goes to a calendar on the desk and skims over it. Next to the desk were shelves, some line with trophies and cups.

"Today you'll be teaching some Jiu-Jitsu and Judo throws and moves. I'll be helping practice how to focus quanta energy for accuracy and precision. And I swear Klara, do not flirt with the girls during teaching."

Klara-san seems to ignore the last part, much to Kyuu-san's growing headache, and does a quick flying jump to the fridge and takes out a few cold water bottles and throws one to Kyuu-san.

"Got it chief."

Kyuu-san catches it without looking. Standing a bit closer to the outside, I pick up footsteps and chatter at the front temple. I pop out to see a few students coming in, including Artemas and Pandora. Klara-san stands next to me observing the students and wave to them.

"Not even eight-thirty yet and they always come in earlier."

Artemas sees me and his face lights up a little and waves at me before his friends pull him back into their conversation. I sit on the porch, cupping my face as I watch more and more students come in... lots of different people including a few to name: a centaur, a Naga, few Chidiya people who flew in, humans, even a dryad.

Eventually, sounds of chattering began to increase and I find myself looking at groups of students in groups together, having fun, and talking... must be fun. Kyuu-san comes out and takes my hand with her. Klara-san spreads her dragon wings and takes off high above the students. Clasping her hands together, she shouts.

"Morning everyone!"

Together, students all warmingly say back:

"Morning Kyuu sensei and Klara sensei!"

Klara-san immediately lands down amongst a group of girls and they flock to her. I see Kyuu-san huff out visible disappointment before she stands tall.

"Alright! Everyone! Let's get started with warm-ups! Do some stretches first!"

All the students stopped what they're doing and began to form at the training grounds, taking their places as they stretched their arms and legs. Position themselves at about arms-length from one another, they look enthusiastically at Klara-san as she takes the front of the formation.

"Listen up students! Today we have a new young student here!! I hope you treat her well! And be careful now, you've seen her before and she's got the potential, better not let her rock your world!"

A few snickers are heard and some laughter. At the center of the training ground, I feel eyes watching me… now that everyone is looking at me and being at the center of attention, I do feel a bit nervous. But my enthusiasm isn't held down so easily!! Kyuu-san urges me on with a little push. I puff my chest out and raise both my hands.

"Hello everyone! My name is Sura!"

A short silence passes before a cheer erupts with more altogether.

"Sup girl!!"

"Hey kid! Nice to have ya here!"

Artemas smiles at me, giving me a wink through the formation and Wukong waves her two hands at me while showing a small smile. Klara hovers down.

"There you go kid! Welcome to the dojo! We got warm-ups right now so find a spot to join in."

Kyuu-san pats me on the back real quick.

"I've got my eyes on you and I swear if you embarrass me-"

She gives me a death stare that sends shivers down my spine… geez, meanie. I see an open area next to Artemas and proceed to jog there. Some of the students give a little nod to me and one slithers their tongue at me as if tasting who I am.

"Sweet and succulent...mmmm..."

Said the Naga girl as her tail flicked impatiently before a guy slaps his feathers at her.

"Oh stop scaring the new girl, Tasha!"

I hop next to Artemas, his dark eyes greet me warmly, brushing his curly hair out of the way and stretching his arm.

"Welcome kid, so you're really our new student now. It's gonna be exciting, don't think I forgot about losing to you. I would be lying if it wasn't slightly embarrassing to lose to a kid heh."

I give a grin back.

"Hehe! I hope to learn a lot from you all!"

And with that, Kyuu-san's fiery voice booms across us, demanding our attention.

"Time for warm-ups!"

Everyone gets into position and stands tall and straight, hands at their sides. A command calls upon us all suddenly.


Artemas shoots forward his fist with a firm stance and a yell can be heard chanted by all students.


We're starting right! A little bit slower, I also strike forward in a panic and accidentally cause a small gush of wind forward, flipping up Wukong's gi as she yelps and nearly knocking her over.

"Whoops, sorry!!"

I whisper to Wukong as she hurries to flatten her green gi and balance herself.



This time I hold back a little while giving an apologetic face to Wukong. I hear a snicker from Artemas to my right.

"Haha! Hold back a little, it's just warm-ups, for getting your body ready. You can stop and watch if you need since you don't know all the commands."

"Got it!"

After a couple more punches, I get into the rhythm and join in on the students yelling!!



Building momentum as I turn around and with it, I shoot out my leg, following Artemas' example. After about 20 minutes of warm-ups, Kyuu-san raised her fist into the air.

"Alright! Warm-up's over! Take a break!"

Wukong jogs to me and follows me and Artemas alongside Pandora.

"Sorry again Wukong!"

"No! No! It's fine, it was an accident."

We sit down at the porch at another side of the dojo when Wukong hands me a bottle.


"No thank you! I'm good hehe!"

It was then Pandora kind of awkwardly stomped towards me with her arms crossed. Dawning at dark brown gi matching her dark short hair, she glares at me.

"Sup, my name's Pandora. Nice to have you here."

With her eyebrows furrowed and mouth not a hint of a smile... I felt like she was threatening me. Artemas shoulders her lightly.

"Pandora, your expression is worrying the kid, ease up."


I can see Pandora's eyebrows twitch in an attempt to smile as her lips grow slightly curved, only to look like she had malicious intentions. Her tail flicked impatiently behind her. Pulling on my mouth with my fingers, I rear my face up at her and gave her a big smile.

"This is how you smile see?"

Pandora took a step back and let out a stifled chuckle.

"How the fuck do you do it so easily?"

"Language Pandora!"

Wukong wagged her finger at her. I giggled lightly at Pandora, she doesn't seem bad, even if her big horns and angry face seem to say otherwise. A surge of a particular flaming quanta energy comes closer, Kyuu-san.

"Wukong, sorry to ask you this but could you keep an eye on the brat? Maybe keep the brat busy by giving a short tour of the dojo. I need Artemas to help teach and help students after my and Klara's instructions. I'll teach you personally tomorrow to help you catch up."

The golden head brace on Wukong seems to droop as she points at herself questioning if Kyuu-san was talking to her.

"Wait! Wait! You want me?"

"Yep, it's fine, the brat knows what she's in for if she messes around...again that is."

Wukong's tail ties a knot around her waist as she fidgets nervously.

"Right heh... ummm, gosh I've never done a tour before. Well, follow me please."

Following our tour guide monkey girl, she leads us into another temple. It's the one with all the weapons! Racks of weapons were on the wall and arranged upon wooden posts. Wukong turns around to me.

"This is our weapons room! We have all kinds of weapons here to use and you can put your own here as well for safekeeping. There's also a changing room next to this."

Giant, curved scythes, nunchucks, spears, swords of all kinds arranged. Spotting a gold-red pole-arm staff, I reach towards it. It was kind of short and at each end, there were rings that lightly jingled when I picked the staff up. The weight is surprisingly heavy, on it carried bold engraving in gold: "如意金箍棒." Upon my hand, the staff suddenly extended into a long pole weapon which surprised me.

"Oh, that's my pole staff."

Wukong scratches her hair a little, cheeks flushed.

"I named it Ruyi Jingu Bang... its nickname is Ruyi."

"Really?! Can you show me how you use it?"

"Eh? I'm not so sure..."

I stare at Wukong with overwhelming excitement until she finally sags her shoulders. Heading to another room, she slides the door open to reveal a much bigger room with mats and a high ceiling... intersecting woodworks and beams high above.

"We have lots of these indoor rooms for wrestling and practice... well... here I go."

Wukong closes her eyes, her breath shallows as she brings Ruyi behind her. The rings jingle softly and with her next inhale, it becomes a distinct sharpened ring as she sweeps Ruyi. A song of hums and jingles in synchrony as Wukong with a quick turn of her wrists spins Ruyi in swirling hums around herself.

Each of her steps quick and nimble, Ruyi and Wukong as one. Wukong was calm, no longer nervous and she becomes lost in her own world... so cool! I can feel my own heart racing even, looking as to what she'll do next. Ruyi slams onto the ground with grace before Wukong slows her bearing as she throws Ruyi into the air and flips backward. However, I see her legs take a misstep and she slightly miscalculates, tripping herself.
