
The Wound In The Stars

What happens when you suddenly get dropped into a galaxy far far away. You have a few god given gifts , how will you use them. AN: This is my first time writing. I hope this goes well. I am just writing as hobby . sorry in advance ,if the updates are irregular in the future, but i will try my utmost to keep this going. All constructive criticisms are welcome. I don't know all the lore, so I have to do a lot of digging around to find them. And this story will most certainly deviate from canon a little bit, the MC existing itself is a deviation in the flow of canon. Please rate and review. Disclaimer : I don't own the Cover Image. Pillaged that of google. All writes of Star Wars belong to Disney or any other Mega corporations that might buy Disney in the future . I only lay claim to the original characters that pop up all over because I am a lazy ass who thinks making shit up is better than finding canon names and the story arc I introduce( well sometimes). Warning: The first ten chapters are a bit tough to read. It took me that long to realise that spacing in Microsoft Word and Web-novel are different. Will edit it in the future. With that out of the way, ENJOY!

JohnnyReever · Movies
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54 Chs

Chapter 15

After the clan head meeting, I had to meet Individual house heads and Industry directors of Mandalore. I gave them a rough outlay of what I have done and what I intend to do. We have concocted a plan for getting all the Mandalorian citizens onboard the colony ships. It's simple really. Each and every citizen will be registered and given an Id tag. On the day of departure, a false emergency will be declared throughout Mandalorian systems. All registered citizens will be boarded onto the colony ships, which will then make their ways to the unknown regions.

I had the Nite Owls under Bo-Katan, for now. Their task was to protect the Mandalorian systems from external influence and to prevent espionage.

On the topic of mass migration, I had found the Rakatan device. It was damaged pretty badly, but like all their devices it repaired itself, atleast to an extent. It was good for a one-time use. It will most likely disintegrate after it's fired but it will have to do. The year for the mass exodus is 22BBy. In the meantime, I had the research division droids look into the working of it. Maybe we can learn something. From the calculations so far once the device is activated it will cause a mass hyperspace anomaly that will rip the Mandalorian sector and transfer it to my territory in the unknown regions.

For these ten years I will fortify, expand and develop the unknown regions. I will turn Eldith and forge along with other key systems into unassailable fortresses. I also have ordered construction of shipyard on many other occupied worlds and had them fortified.

For now, I have asked primitive worlds to be left alone. But after the immigration of a few of my people they will be conquered and integrated, atleast those that have to fortune to fall in our territory. So far there are six worlds with human populations are projected to be on that list. I have always wondered about at the high density of humans in this galaxy. Once enough Mandalorian troops and officers were in command of my forces the integration of such primitive planets can take place. By then I will have been able to build up a strong enough fleet and army to deter anyone. Plus, my space fortresses and harbinger class dreadnaughts will be more prevalent by then. I also had the Mandalorian military academies reinstated and moved to Eldith in secret. The officers will get their first phase training on Mandalore, then they will be moved along with their families secretly to Eldith which will be turned into my Reach in the future. There these officers and soldiers can get used to flying and operating the new ships and fighting alongside my vast droid armies and tank fleets. The Owls will act as a special forces' unit for the military. They will be given base augmentations and better armor. Their training and deployments will start immediately. The best of the best from the Owls will be selected for the Ghosts, where they will get even better armor and tech to play with. The Ghosts will work directly under me.

Another method we have in play to increase our numbers is taking in orphans, buying up slaves and by taking in the poorer of society. They will help increase our population to a great extent. There is an abnormal amount of them in the outer, mid rim regions and even core regions. All of them will be taken to Mandalore, were they will undergo preliminary training, education, indoctrination and integration into our way of life. Then they will be sent to Eldith where they will undergo further training and specialization on skills, they are good at. Then they will be tasked with jobs they are good at. This way our numbers will keep on increasing, especially when the clone wars start. I have the companies under me as well partaking in this venture for now. They will use their connection to find and move these individuals to our training camps. They will start playing a bigger role after the exodus.

Now all we need to do is prepare. Next year will be especially busy.

(Month 1, Year 32 BBY)

The first interference I threw in Palpatine's plan was in his planned assassination of some trade federation officers. I informed the trade federation officers concerned that there is a chance for them to be attacked by pirates in the Kellux system, all anonymously of course. Apparently when the pirates started their attack run on a lone Lucrehulk class freighter, they though victory was in the bag. But as soon as they committed to the attack two more Lucrehulk armed transports jumped into the fight. More than half the pirates were destroyed. The key outcome being the officers somehow survived.

(Month 2,32 BBY)

This time we are going to throw a another on of Palpatine's master plans under so proverbial bus. The Nebula Front are supposed to attack the Eriadu conference that's to take place in a few days.

I had the 19STs scour Eriadu for their strong holds, hack into their systems as well. We didn't leave Eriadu's systems alone either. When the Nebula front launches its attack, my troops will take out their bases silently. Our way in was acting as security for the Hutt delegation. We get to foil the dark lords plans while getting paid. That was a winning formula if any. Having a working relationship with Grakkus pays off now and then, I was able to convince him of the possibility of an attack taking place, and that it would be better if we helped out.

I had HK and ZEM infiltrate and Slice into the trade federations local droid control system. The virus uploaded would make sure that the droids would protect both my squads and the delegates at any cost, and it would set of an alarm when the Nebula front tries to hack it, that is if they get passed my ambush. Because I knew that the Nebula front carried out the attack by hacking the droids. I had my droids watching all possible locations from which such a hack could take place, and lie in ambush.

On the day of the meeting Me, Vanzii and Doth were there in the meeting room guarding the Hutt delegates. While the Subail, HK and ZEM were providing overwatch with the droids. Janak was left with the ship in case we needed QRF. As the meeting proceeded with the back and forth between Supreme Chancellor Valorum and the delegates, I started getting reports that the Nebula front has started to move. And apparently, they were doing a full-frontal attack as well along with the hacking of the droids. Maybe my interference has changed something. I ordered the droids I have in place to ambush and eliminate the terrorist hackers without raising alarm, then they are to fall back and hide, while keeping an eye out for more. Now we wait for them to launch the attack.

After about half an hour I got word from Subail that the attack has started. At that point in informed the Hutt delegates of the attacks and that my overwatch teams have spotted a small army of Nebula front terrorists attacking the building. This immediately caused the delegates to panic. Somehow, I was able to convince them all to move into a nearby room which was heavily reinforced. I placed the delegates under portable ray shields. All the while the attackers were being dwindled down by over watch units, while they engage the security forces in place. Apparently Eriadu's units were holding back, wonder why.

There was only one hallway leading to the hall were the delegates were being held. We turned this to a killing field. Me and Doth moved in and took our position, while I had Vanzii look after the delegates. Whistling birds made quick work of a large number of attackers. The rest fell quick. Add my bullet time and Doth flying around with his jet pack and repeating canon firing nonstop, impersonating an A-10 to the best of his abilities, the attackers stood little chance.

After the area was clear, I had all my forces in different AOs fall back to the ship, while Subail, HK and ZEM joined us to escort the delegates to safety. Well saving the supreme chancellor and the delegates not only helped to increase our fame and infamy, it also helped reduce Palpatine's influence in these factions by quite a bit, well atleast for now. While I am sure many of these trade federation leaders will eventually end up dead due to assassinations and such, all I planned to do was decrease the assets Palpatine had in play. This will also distract him to some extent.

(Month 5, 32 BBY)

Next mission is to save the Jedi padawan Eldra Kaitis. I had to pay a small amount of credits to get the information on the padawan's location. Apparently, she was being transported Drazkel system on a converted light freighter.

The plan was to free the padawan and ransom her off back to the Jedi. We were now known to attack and liberate slave ships, quite frequently. And we had already ransomed a few such Padawans.

We raided the ship a few systems away from Drazkel. It went like all other raids. We ion cannoned the ship. Then boarded with droidekas leading the charge. 'Liberated' the padawan. Blew up the ship. And then placed a call to the Jedi order asking for a 'service fees' for effort in rescuing the youngling.

I had to wonder, why is it that I always end up rescuing blue twi'lek jedi chicks. Especially when Obiwan points it out at the exchange. Well I am 100,000 credits richer.

The funny thing though was Xev Xrexus declared that she will exterminate us and placed a bounty on me. Unfortunately for her, a mysterious armada appeared out of nowhere over Drazkel and wiped everything out. And I mean everything. Whatever loot was left was also taken. I wonder who had such a formidable armada that can just appear out of nowhere, wipe out the entirety of a system and then vanish like they were never there. I wonder hmmmm…. Oh, wait …. that's me. *Sinister smile*

(Coruscant, Senator of Naboo's office)

This year has been a series of setbacks, one after another. None of which was insurmountable but still seriously delayed my plans.

The failure to decimate the trade federation leadership has caused me serious headaches. But I somehow managed to get the ball rolling. The only positive was that I was able to take care of master Sifo-Dyas. Yet I can't help but feel that someone is behind all my sudden misfortunes. Whoever they were they have hidden themselves quite well, my spies can't even find a trace of them. The informant that warned the federation officers still remain anonymous. The only thing that sticks out is the illusive group of Mandalorians. They are efficient, I will give them that, but they don't have the means to find out my plans or to sabotage them. They are too small for that. They just end up being the right group at the right place. This level of coincidence is unnerving, but all evidence points out that it's nothing but coincidence.

I even sent Jedi after them discretely, pointing some disgruntled knights in the right direction was quite easy. So far, all the Jedi I was able send have been killed. What was the count now, 15 Jedi? Quite impressive. Atleast they are doing me a favor by culling the Jedi and making them look incompetent. A warrior of this caliber will prove useful.

I could do this to slowly kill them off, all I had to do was keep instigation some incompetent Jedi. Well, I could have. If it wasn't for master Yoda forbidding all missions or hostile actions against this group. It looks like they have caught the attention of the little green midget as well. Is the force really throwing curve balls at me?

If someone walks in now, they will see a seriously brooding Palpatine.