

" Don't worry, you'll do fine. " ( Schneider)

" We expect big things from you" ( Tina)

" Yeah" ( me)

We are headed to the location for our first mission.

[ Oh, I haven't explained how I got here. So in the end Doris told me a way to rise in popularity so that I didn't end my life there. She said I just had to join a popular Hero team. After a while I'll become popular by association.

Hearing that I went downstairs to look for someone to team up with. Sadly everyone rejected me on the spot. It seems like falling for the manager's trick makes them think I'm to much of a greenhorn, it doesn't help that they also think I'm an exhibitionist.

After going to sulk on a table in the corner, I saw the doors open and two people walked in, a well built guy and a fine looking lady.

Everyone around seemed to show an amount of respect for them as they walked in. I was too sad at that point to care so I kept sulking on my table. They walked up to my table and sat. Apparently I was in their usual spot. I guessed it would be the situation where they bully me to go away so I stood up to leave.

Surprisingly they told me to stay. They asked me why I was so sullen. When I mentioned that I wanted to join a team, they said I should join theirs. I was extremely overjoyed, although I was a little disturbed from all the pitiful looks I was getting from other heroes present]

" So I hear you guys are the most popular heroes in this town" ( me)

"We don't like to think of it that way. We fight for justice, our popularity is only a side effect of our dedication to our cause" ( Schneider)

" And besides, Neo Tokyo is a relatively small city" ( Tina)

[ Jeez, these guys are humble]

As we walk down the street some kids see us and rush towards us, well towards Schneider and Tina.

" It's Silver Schneider and Titanic Tina..... can I get an autograph" ( kid 1)

" Can I get an autograph too?" ( kid 2)

" Can I take a picture with you guys?" ( kid 3)

[ I know I'm unpopular but it wouldn't hurt to at least look at me. I guess I can't complain too much cause I pretty much look like a civilian. Most of the heroes I've seen were all wearing cool, tactical or snazzy costumes. Schneider is wearing a silver western knight armour and he has a sword at his side. Tina is wearing a black and red bodysuit that looks elastic. If I'd known about costumes I'd have put on more than jeans, a shirt and my tracksuit jacket. ]

" Thanks for everything " ( kid 1, 2 and 3)

" No worries, we're always happy to interact with the people " ( Schneider)

" Be careful when crossing the road" ( Tina)

The kids scurry off into the distance. Schneider and Tina look happy.

" What's with the hero names? Doris didn't give a form to write down mine" (me)

" Oh, you don't give yourself your name, it's the people that give you one. It's kinda like the nickname the people say when they see you. Eventually it becomes your hero name" ( Tina)

" So make sure to do your best so as not to get a bad name" ( Schneider)

We eventually arrive at an abandoned construction yard. There is an incomplete structure and metal bars are scattered everywhere.

" So why are we here?" ( me)

" We got a notification from HeroCorp that a bunch of meteorites containing Flaxxons are going to crash land here. So we're here to eliminate them" ( Tina)

" What are Flaxxons?" (me)

" I'm suprised you don't know. It's basically common knowledge. " (Tina)

" I'm kinda a NEET" (me)

" Oh, don't worry I won't judge you. Flaxxons are small carnivorous creatures that eat other things to gain their abilities and become stronger. They're small at first but the more they eat the stronger they become. Lucky for us, the ones arriving haven't had their first meal" ( Tina)

" Look alive, they're almost here" ( Schneider)

I look up and see some flaming objects falling fast towards us. I almost ran away in fear. [ I only stayed because Tina is blocking the exit. I have to think fast. I can't fight alien monsters, I'll die. I have to convince them I'm helping but still stay out of danger.]

" I'll guard the exit. If any get past you guys I'll stop them" ( me)

[ If these guys are as good as their reputation says they are, none should get past them]

" That's a good plan Seiji" ( Tina)

" Yeah, way to think ahead " ( Schneider)

I pick up a small steel pipe from the floor and dash to the exit. If things start to go south I'm out of here.

< BOOM >

The meteorites crash. When the dust clears I see some creatures start to creep out. There are about a hundred of them. They are about the size of a house cat and walk on all furs. Their heads are about as large as their body and have no eyes. Their bodies have small misshapen limbs and a small tail. Their skin is red and slimy. When they open their mouths their rows of razor sharp teeth can be seen.

" Tina, the usual. I draw their attention and you attack" ( Schneider)

" Yeah" ( Tina)

Schneider charges them. He draws his sword and starts slashes the nearest one, cutting it clean in half. They all get into a frenzy and start attacking him. Schneider continues to slash them apart while weaving and dodging their attacks. [He keeps calling out his sword swings like anime attacks. In anime it's fine but in real life it'sweird.]

" Tornado strike..... back parry..... quick slash" ( Schneider)

I see in the corner of my vision, Tina is climbing the incomplete structure of metal bars. [ I wonder why she isn't attacking them like Schneider said but I'm not going to attract attention to myself by asking her]

Eventually Schneider starts to get overwhelmed. He starts getting scratch and bite marks on his armor as he slows down from fatigue.

"Tina, are you in position!!!?" ( Schneider)

" Yeah!!!" ( Tina)

" Fine, then. Time to lose some weight. Lead weights!!!!" ( Schneider)

As he shouts, the armor on his body liquefies and scatters. Each globule targets a Flaxxon and sticks to them immobilizing them. [ I guess his abilities have to do with metal control or something]

He then makes a run for it. I finally realize why when I see Tina jump from the top of the structure.

" TITANIC SLAM!!!" (Tina)

As she falls she grows to an enormous size. Normally she's quite tall, about 6ft 2" but now she's over a 100ft tall.

< BOOM >

She flattens all the immobilized Flaxxons in one go.

[ I guess we're done here and I didn't have to lift a finger. Shit I raised a flag]

While the dust clears, I hear some footsteps scurrying towards me. I see one Flaxxon that managed to survive. I quickly move sideways to let it escape. [ No way am I going near that thing]

It suddenly takes a ninety degree turn and heads straight for me. I start to running but I only take a few steps before I trip on a metal bar on the floor.

Before I know it, the Flaxxon is upon me. It tries to go for my head but I grab its body and hold it a distance away from me. That doesn't stop it from biting my arms. [ Damn, this hurts]

Eventually the adrenaline kicks in and I slam the Flaxxon into the ground. I quickly pick up my pipe which I dropped when I fell. I swivel and strike the Flaxxon just as it makes another lunge for me. It strikes the ground with a cracking sound. I take no chances and continue to whack it with the pipe. I take out all the pent up frustrations I've had since coming here on the Flaxxon. By the time my reasoning comes back, all that's left is a pile of mincemeat.

" I didn't take you for a thorough one, but good job nonetheless " ( Schneider)

" Yeah, if that Flaxxon had gotten out of here, who knows what kind of mayhem it would have caused" ( Tina)


" Well, to complete the task so quickly and efficiently, I'd expect nothing less from Silver Schneider and Titanic Tina." ( Doris)

" Don't forget Seiji over here, he helped" ( Schneider)

" Oh, first day on the job and already getting good merits. Keep up the good work Mr Makise." ( Doris)

" Yeah, yeah. What about the payment " ( me)

" Yes. The payment for completing the task is 50 million Geons. A bonus of 10 million Geons will be added for efficiency. So your total rises to 60 million Geons. Shall I deposit it to your team account?" ( Doris)

" Well then, whaddya say Seiji, wanna join our team." ( Schneider)

" Yeah, we could use someone like you. You're smart, quick on the fly and very thorough " ( Tina)

[ I guess I should join them. They pretty much did all the work. I eventually would have to get some combat action so why not beside two pros who can rescue me when I'm in dire straits]

" I'll join" ( me)

" Good choice, we look forward to working with you" ( Schneider)

Doris hands me a contract. Once I sign I'll officially be a member of their team.

" Now then Doris, we would like to as usual donate 95% of our earnings to charity " ( Schneider)

" What!!!" ( me)