
Leaving Blazing Sun City

In the east of Azure Flame City, Fang Yun's current destination, the sounds of metal clashing could be heard as a handsome youth and female warrior battled it out without holding back.

"Just submit to me. I'm a genius of the Dao of Time and you're the former sword of a Martial Sovereign. Is there even a reason for you to be resisting me in such a manner?" The handsome youth lightheadedly clashed several more times with his sword as he spoke in confusion. He wasn't planning on killing the Sword Spirit before him because he knew the Primal Weapon in her hands would disintegrate upon her death. This put him in a very complicated situation where he could only choose to capture the woman.

Which was too bad because although the Sword Spirit was damaged, it's overall strength was equal to the handsome youth's own. The youth didn't seem affected by this though as a joyful atmosphere surrounded him.

"You're crazy! Get away from me! I'd rather die than fall into your hands!" A look of fear could be seen on the Sword Spirit's face as it tried its best to escape.

The Sword Spirit of the Clockwork Sovereign's Primal Weapon was a spiritual entity that had fought on many battlefields and killed countless Martial Emperors. However, this prideful Sword Spirit that had been born out of the Spiritual Weapon and met many outstanding figures who were even able to ascend to the Immortal Realm, but none of those monstrous figures with talent beyond her scope of imagination were able to terrify to her very core like this youth.

Perhaps others may find the youth's smile to be sincere, but she knew just wrong others would be if they were to think of him as harmless. The smile on the youth's face hadn't changed from the day he murdered all his clansmen!

The smiling youth stopped attacking her after realising that doing so wouldn't get him anywhere and allowed them to have some time to rest. The Sword Spirit took this opportunity to internally concentrate her Primal Qi to power her trump card.

"The Dao is heartless, the Heavens are emotionless, so why shouldn't those who cultivate to achieve immortality be the same? I find your fear of me to be quite irrational considering how many ruthless Cultivators there are in this world." The youth said disappointedly.

"Don't act like you're in any way similar to those Emperors of the past! You mad, crazy, psychotic, unfilial scoundrel! You have no honour and can't even be considered a human being!" The Sword Spirit's eyes turned red as she roared ferociously. Even though there were many who'd do anything to achieve immortality. To still be considered a human, one needed to have a bottom line. The Sword Spirit was well-aware that there was no limit to the youth's pure evil.

The smiling youth seemed to be unable to understand her sentiments. As if her emotions were completely foreign to him. His head-tilting movement was very minuscule, but this one swift motion was enough to scare the Sword Spirit to the point of using her vital energy to power her escape technique.

The youth looked mildly surprised as he saw the Sword Spirit turn into a beam of light that shot of into the distance. Even with his mastery over Time Laws, he wasn't able to react fast enough to stop her from escaping. He didn't look too disappointed though as he seemed willing to chase her to the depths of hell in order to acquire her.

This was what made many afraid of him. This seemingly unchanging attitude no matter what situation was to arise. He seemed to always have a look of happiness on his face no matter what he was to experience in life. Like a demon who knew only one emotion...


At the gates of Blazing Sun City, a teenager arrived on a deserted street in a horse drawn carriage. This youth was undoubtedly Lou Meng, the servant of Fang Yun who was waiting for him to arrive before escaping the city.

He thought that he was careful enough as he heightened his awareness in order to keep a good watch over the surrounding, but it seemed he wasn't being careful enough as Fang Yun's voice resounded from behind him.

"We are leaving now. Make sure you don't annoy the guards or else they'll extort even more money from us. Give them just enough so then they're satisfied." Fang Yun advised as he slipped some money into Lou Meng's pocket before lying down at the back.

He wasn't really bothered about telling Lou Meng what to do since their relationship was still that of a servant and master. Even though Lou Meng was his best friend, he wasn't willing to let the guy turn into a lazy freeloader.

He wasn't stingy with his money as the gold coins he slipped into Lou Meng's pocket was everything he currently had on him. It wasn't surprising that they'd quickly run out of money since they weren't able to plan out their escape beforehand. Fang Yun was just making everything up as he went along.

Lou Meng didn't ask how his young master's infiltration went as he wasn't stupid enough to not understand the reason he couldn't sense a second person's figure behind him. He briefly turned to look at his master who was fiddling with a precious-looking azure locket before turning his attention to the front once more. He had already predicted that this would happen since he wasn't naive enough to think Chu Rinyu would escape with them. It was only a pity that his young master couldn't luck-out and kidnap her anyway. That's what he would've done.

As the carriage moved forward, Fang Yun looked at the locket Chu Rinyu gifted him with melancholy. They both knew they had feelings for each other but still regrettably chose to part ways.

This wasn't her Sect's fault, but his own for being so weak. If he had the talent for cultivation, disciples of the Arctic Ocean Dragon Sect would be more accepting of their relationship. The members of the Sect may be quite prejudiced against males, but they didn't completely reject them like dirt.

It was more like females were more dominant in the Arctic Ocean Dragon Sect than other Sect's. Meaning that her master would definitely accept him as her partner as long as he gains cultivation that matches her own... It was an impossible goal to achieve, but he was willing to fight against this Heavenly Restriction within him.

It was only after a few moments of observing the pendant did he realise that it was actually a locket as well. As he opened it up to see what was inside it, a flash of sapphire light escaped from it and entered his forehead. He was shocked to find that the flash of sapphire light actually contained information regarding the incident Chu Rinyu spoke of. The information was like water as it effortlessly integrated with his current memories and added new bits of data without harming him.

Besides what he already knew from Chu Rinyu's words, the details regarding the circulation techniques the old martial artist used and the various experiences he went through were properly noted down in writing. A smile formed on his face as he actually felt more motivated after seeing the details on the old man's techniques. He was also awed by the methods of a Mind Cultivator since they could easily share information in such a way.

From what he could tell, although the techniques the old man used weren't bad, they couldn't be compared to his own world's top-ranked circulation techniques. What Cultivators of Sphera knew about the four fundamental internal forces was quite basic compared to the advanced knowledge he learnt as a grandmaster level martial artist on Earth. He was sure that as long as he had the right opportunities and a bit of luck, he should be able to break the heavenly restriction sooner.

After digesting the information he just received, he looked at what was inside the locket with interest. From what he could remember, the locket itself was some kind of music box. Others may have been confused on how to work its mechanisms, but for a reincarnated individual like him, it wasn't anything THAT special to be puzzled over.

He wanted to press the button and play the music recorded inside, but his finger stopped before it could touch the button that was obviously used to play it when he realised that Lou Meng had stopped the carriage's horses. Fang Yun listened in to the conversation since he didn't want anything to go wrong.

"Pay a gold coin if you're planning on leaving." One of the four guards near the city's large gate gave an inflated price without giving Lou Meng the opportunity to bargain with him.

Lou Meng didn't argue and handed over a gold coin reluctantly before preparing to set off, but the other three gate guards didn't budge whatsoever.

"Don't you go out often? He meant a gold coin each." The bearded guard laughed sinisterly as he and the other to guards opened their palms. Fang Yun felt something wasn't right and tried to think of what went wrong before realising that he made a big mistake. Those who had the ability to become guards were at least on eighth or ninth level of the Nascent Forging stage. Although they had no potential to breakthrough to the Internal Root stage, they were a lot more stronger than ordinary Mortal citizens.

Getting extorted by the gate guards was a normal occurrence since nobody was willing to against the City Lord over a few coins. Those of the Fang Clan or the Dong Clan weren't objected to this kind of treatment but he couldn't reveal his identity to these guard in case they spread the word to Chu Rinyu's senior-apprentice sister. He hadn't considered how having a lack of spirituality could cause a misunderstanding that they were fat sheep that didn't lack money.

"I don't have anymore money." Lou Meng also realised the mistake they made and tried to make it so that he looked like he already gave all the money he owned. Although they weren't stingy with money, there was no way they could enter Azure Flame City without a penny on their name.

"You think you can leave without paying up? Just try getting through and I'll break your legs." Fang Yun knee he couldn't just sit at the back anymore as things were definitely going to get out of hand. He didn't know how strong he was compared to two eighth level and two ninth level Cultivators at the Nascent Forging stage but he had to do SOMETHING before they were beaten.

He wasn't afraid of what the City Lord would do if he beat them to a pulp because they were leaving anyway. The City Lord may be an strong, influential figure, but he couldn't control anything outside the reaches of Blazing Sun City.

He decided to end things as quickly as he could using the Angel Form of his Harmonic Dragon's Angelic Halo hybrid style of martial arts. The first technique he used was a method of movement called Flash Step, the fastest movement technique in his arsenal.

With the Ki stories in his body that had already reached the Physique Perfection realm, he hardened his feet and augmented his strength in order to lunge through the air and appear in their blind-spot. This was followed by a hammer-like kick that smashed into the back of the first guard, effectively knocking the man out in one hit.

"What the f-" He didn't give the other three guards time to react as he used Flash Step again. This time he used it twice in succession in order get behind the guy closest to Lou Meng before slamming another kick into the man's head. The person he kicked flipped over a few times but wasn't injured too badly due to his control of force.

The two guards who were left finally pulled out their swords and pointed them towards him, which made it harder to use Flash Step. It may be the fastest movement technique in his arsenal but he was unable to change directions when lunging forwards. The worst case scenario that could happen if he was to Flash Step in this situation is accidentally walking into the bladed edges of their swords. His only choice was to take them both head-on.

Using the Harmony Form he created in his past life, he was able to redirect the blades of the two guards in one movement before slamming his palms into their necks. They let out a few grunts before falling unconscious on the floor, losing the strength to fight.

He casually picked up their swords and stole money from their pockets before walking back towards Lou Meng who was gaping at him in astonishment. He couldn't believe that mere mortal martial artist was able to beat four cultivators within a few moments.

"Now that was easier than I thought it'd be. Brother Lou, it's time to leave before we're pursued by people of the City Lord's Manor." He didn't explain things to Lou Meng as they needed to escape before they could talk about anything regarding his combat prowess as an 'ordinary' mortal martial artist.