
Chapter 1: Pirates


On a sunny, peaceful day. The air let out gentle breezes that flowed across a small island surrounded by crystal-clear water, that shined beautifully in the sunlight. A few ships could be seen fishing off the coast of the island. On the Island were four houses, all belonging to a separate family. 

The families of the island were close knowing each other's names. Speaking of names, at the leftist house on the island, a young brown-haired woman wearing an orangish tunic can be heard shouting out a name. 

" Bridget! Bridget! Where are you?! " The woman kept screaming out this name, before suddenly over the dirt path leading towards the house's entrance, a small boy with white hair and golden eyes, walked towards the woman tightly holding onto two buckets filled to the brim with fish. 

" Sorry, mother. The dock was overcrowded this morning. " The boy cheerfully said with a polite grin, the mother couldn't help but scoff. You see, this village's livelihood depended on fishermen, that fished right outside the island. The soil of the island was poor meaning that growing crops was difficult.

That is why, the young boy was wearing a smock that covered his entire body, Bridget took a few more steps, walking towards his house before taking a left, walking towards a wooden stool, that had a knife pierced into it. Bridget quickly dropped the buckets of fish next to the stool before grabbing the knife, and yanking it out of the wood.

" Make sure to hurry, your father is about to come home. And you know how he is without dinner. "

Part of Bridget's job after getting the buckets of fish from the dock was to descale them, something he didn't mind doing, after all, if he didn't descale them, he wouldn't be able to taste his mother's cooking. He quickly started to descale fish using the shiny knife, while his mother returned inside the house. 

Bridget's eyes were fixated on the fish, while he brushed remnants of cut scales off the stool before he placed a new fish on the wooden stool. The wind playfully blew Bridget's shiny white hair, as he focused his entire being on slicing the fish. With each precise motion, he gracefully descaled the fish, he kept slicing the fish for several minutes, placing descaled fish underneath the stool on bright green glass. 

Lost in his own world, Bridget continued cutting the fish aimlessly until a sudden, faint boom rippled through the air, snapping Bridget back into reality. Startled, Bridget's eyes darted around, searching for the source of the noise, before he noticed faint smoke flowing into the sky. He glared at the smoke before his heart sank, and he instinctively stumbled back.

Fear gripped Bridget's racing heart as the sound of several more faint booms reverberated through the air. Without a moment's hesitation, he spun around and sprinted towards his house, clutching the knife tightly in his hand. Bridget ran faster than he had ever run before, he slammed into the door leading into his house.

The creaky wooden door slammed into the wall making a loud bang echo out, causing Bridget's mother to turn around confused, Bridget's mother locked eyes with her son before he shouted out in a high-pitched voice. 

" T-There's Pirates! Attacking!" His mother let out a scoff before she shook her head and spoke while leaning her elbows on a wooden table. 

" That's nothing to joke about, Bridget. You're lucky, that you don't have to deal with pirates, after all, there's nothing important on this island to steal. " Bridget stared at his mother, his mind racing, trying to figure out a way to tell his mother, that he wasn't joking, until a response escaped his lips. 

" I-I'm not, they're really- " Before Bridget could finish his sentence, the sound of rushing footsteps entered his ears, making him turn around just in time to see his father sprint through the doorway with a massive bloody gash on his right shoulder. His father leaned on the wooden wall gasping for air, as he shouted out in horror. 

" Hide! There are pirates, attacking! "Bridget's mother's heart sank, as she quickly rushed to her son with unsteady footsteps, unbeknownst to Bridget, right behind his father was a bald man with a long black beard tightly holding onto a flintlock pistol, before Bridget's father could react, the pistol fired sending a bullet crashing through his back that pierced his heart, killing him almost instantly. 

Blood poured out of his mouth, as he collapsed onto the wooden floor, Bridget stared at his dead father in shock, as a blood puddle formed underneath him, staining the floor. He stared at the puddle seeping into the floor before another shot rippled through the air, Bridget glanced up right in time, to see a bullet pierce into his mother's brown eye, the force of the bullet snapped her head back. She staggered, clinging to her life, before finally, she collapsed, slamming into the wooden table behind her, snapping it in half. 

In a mere instant, Bridget's entire life was turned upside down. In a fit of pure rage, Bridget swung his knife at the man's leg, the knife sliced through the air, before stabbing into his leg, causing the pirate to yell out in pain. 

" Fuck you, kid! " Yelled out the pirate, pointing his pistol at Bridget's face and aiming between his shiny golden eyes, the pirate pressed down on the trigger making a click echo out, bouncing off the wooden walls of the buildings. However, off of pure luck, the gun jammed, giving Bridget enough time to stab the pirate's stomach. 

Bridget leaned on the pirate's stomach while tightly holding the hilt of the knife, before he twisted it, causing a sharp pain to course through the pirate's nerves, the pirate staggered back in agony before he slipped on a pool of blood, collapsing on his back. 

A thunderous bang rippled out from the pirate colliding with the floor, he pushed off the floor while glancing forward until a blade slammed into his neck, the pirate's locked eyes with Bridget whose eyes were filled with anger. The pirate reached up trying to grab Bridget's wrist, but before he could grab it, Bridget stabbed his neck again.

The pirate's face twisted with disbelief, he couldn't comprehend that he had been killed by a mere child, no older than twelve. Gurgling on his own blood, he succumbed to the inevitable, his lifeless body falling back in a final act of life. 

Bridget glared down at the pirate, he had killed, but his anger wasn't satisfied, he quickly plunged the knife into the pirate's skull, before stabbing his skull again, and again. Several minutes passed of Bridget repeatedly stabbing the pirate. The pirate's corpse was covered in deep wounds, the knife Bridget was holding went dull, as he kneeled next to the corpse breathing heavily, Bridget kept staring at the body, before a sudden voice spoke.

" Hey! Captain look at this. " Bridget glanced up at the voice and saw a young man holding a pistol in the doorway holding onto a sword. The young man was glancing to his left, before his captain walked towards him, stopping next to him, the captain was a tall lanky man, wearing a striped shirt with a saber fastened to his waist. 

His hair was pitch black and long, the captain glared through the doorway, staring at Bridget before a cruel grin appeared on his face and murmured two words. 

" Not Bad. "

Bridget stared at the captain confused, before he suddenly turned and walked away from the doorway, the young man also standing in the doorway left following his captain. Unsure of what to do, Bridget stood still motionlessly for several seconds, before he gingerly stood up, and walked towards the door. 

The smell of blood and smoke entered his nostrils as he grabbed onto the doorframe and pulled himself out of the house. As soon as Bridget stepped out, he could see nothing but smoke and dead bodies, his once peaceful island became the place of a cruel massacre. Nothing was stolen, and no prisoners were taken. It was obvious, that these pirates didn't have a motive, they did it, for nothing more than fun. 

He stared through the smoke as the few houses on the island were set on fire, Bridget watched helplessly, as the pirates boarded their ship, the pirates paid no mind to Bridget, some of them noticed his gaze, but just laughed at him, while entering the ship. After a few minutes, the ship set sail. 

Leaving Bridget to his lonesome, standing next to bodies, as fire violently roared beside him...

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