
The worlds malfunction

What if the world had a malfunction? Some people are now born with special abilities that make the world a very different and dangerous place. So the government came up with an idea to send the malfunctions to a school that will train them and set up a life plan for them. If they do not follow the life plan they will be killed. How will this turn out?

thenonhumanalien · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 2

Dede looked at herself in the mirror. She was a black-type with hair that fell to her knees, she was about six feet tall and had big eyes. She was wearing a suit jacket and skirt with a yellow tie and matching shoulder pads and high socks. She smiled at herself in the mirror.

Dede had an unpleasant childhood. Her mom and dad gave her away after the found out she was a malfunction. She had a feeling they couldn't stand her black eyes. Often times in the street random people would come up to her and stare into  or insult her solid black eyes. She honestly didn't really mind, it gave her something to laugh about. She laughs about any insult people can throw at her, she just can't help but find it funny. Just thinking about all of them makes her laugh at herself in the mirror. She loves her mirror.

What her parents thought giving her away was, was driving her into the woods during her fifth birthday. Her parents said they where going camping. Once they got there her parents set up a tent and gave her a basket of sandwiches and two water bottles. They set her in the tent and ran for it to the car. Dede set their and cried and cried. She stayed their for two days before wondering off to try and find her parents house.

Dede didn't understand how to use her abilities yet. Sometimes she just looked at a shadow and fell in it and the automatically pop out. It was very confusing to her and she didn't really know what it was as a matter of a fact. The only clue she got that she was different was when other children where scared of her but that was mainly just because of her eyes. Also, when other parents or her own would whisper things to one another or even scream at her or tell her things like "Your a freak!" or "Your kind doesn't deserve to exist!" That was what Dede's little five year old brain knew.

She encountered many strangers on her way to try and find her parents house. Some tried to give her candy but she looked down and tried to run away when that happened. The first strange encounter happened at the end of her third day and she needed a place to stay. She was thinking that she should sleep on a local park bench or try to get her way into a hotel room. When a strange girl a little older then Dede came up to her. Now this girl is important. "What a young black type we have here." She said in a cheerful voice.

"Black type?" Dede looked up at her. She had short hair with a hat on. Here eyes where pitch black like Dede's.

"You don't know your a black type? Man, the way some people are taking this. It just doesn't make any since."

"I'm confused."

As Dede was saying that a women which Dede figured to be the girls mom came up behind her daughter. This lady was the second strange encounter.

"Who are you talking to, midnight?" The women asked.

"This girl" she said pointing at Dede. "She doesn't know she's a malfunction or what malfunctions are!"

The women bent down to look at Dede, she had a soft smile on her face. "Where are your parents, honey." She said warm and calmly.

Dede felt she could trust this warm lady and girl with eyes like hers. They where nice to her and she wasn't used to that. So she told them the truth and came clean.

After that Dede stayed with them for a solid couple years. They tought her what the malfunctions where and how to use her abilities. Midnight (the girl) was always ahead of her but Dede told herself it was just because she was older. The women's name was Rose and she was lovely and always cooked Dede cookies. The women never told Dede or Midnight how bad the world was getting.

Dede had just turned ten and was more happy then ever. She had just woke up to the fresh smell of pancakes and rolled over in her bed. Over the past five years she grew taller much taller. At the age of ten she was already five foot way past Midnights height which midnight always made fun of her for but Dede knew she was secretly jealous. She looked at Midnight over on the other side of the room. She was very pretty. She had short hair and a small nose. She had a rather masculine appearance and many stranger confused her as a boy but Midnight didn't mind, she'd just laugh and correct them. Midnights confidence and calmness is what Dede wanted. Dede would kill someone to be like Midnight. Dede idolized her.

"Come get pancakes!" Rose called.

Dede and Midnight got themselves together and ran downstairs. Midnight was faster then Dede. Rose slammed three pancake in a stack on both Dede's and Midnights plates. Dede rememberers everything about this day. The TV was earring the news.

"The crime rate has gone up dramatically. Unsolved murder cases and massacres are everywhere and everyda-"

Rose shut off the tv. At the time Dede was not paying any attention. She should have, she really should have. As she was eating her pancakes with Midnight rambling on about a video game she heard a Big Bang and everything went black. Dede woke up far away with no idea as to where she was. However, this time she knew how to use her abilities.

Dede soon realized how terrible the world was turning. As a homeless girl you where bound the find out sooner or latter. Dede was a black type so she survived by theft. She soon made a home for herself at a abounded church. You may think that it was a unstable life but truly it wasn't. Whenever Dede wanted something she just had to find a store that carried it and a shadow and then bam she had it. No wonder the crime rate went up. It was that easy!

One day Dede was out strolling the streets when she walked by a tv station. The news was on and she decided to listen in.

"-o the government decided to send all malfunctions even if they are over eighteen to a school in which can hold up to one five hundred students, they will build however many it takes to hold them all. At these schools they will be tought how to use and control their abilities and be given a life plan that they must follow if not then it results in death. So if you are a malfunction then this is your warning to if you don't attend and the government find out you will too to be killed. So go to you local police station and fill out a form. The first day will start July 19t."

The new anchor rambled on but Dede stoped listening. *July 19th* she thought *that is Sven days from now. This is going to be interesting.*

That is the story of how Dede ended up standing in front of this mirror. Dede looks deep into her eyes and starts laughing. She does this every morning. She can't let herself  be anything other then joyful. If she does then to her she is weak. She needs to be just like Midnight. Dede laughs herself to the point where she is now crying. Now she is ready to go. Dede grabs her bags and is out the door to her new life at "school for the malfunctions number: 172."

Chapters will be longer soon. I repeat. Chapters will be longer soon. I will aim for 1500 to 2000. I PROMISE