
The worlds malfunction

What if the world had a malfunction? Some people are now born with special abilities that make the world a very different and dangerous place. So the government came up with an idea to send the malfunctions to a school that will train them and set up a life plan for them. If they do not follow the life plan they will be killed. How will this turn out?

thenonhumanalien · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 10

Dede landed on the side of her bed getting ready for sleep. Today was a big day for her. She got to see that Sky was a badass. Sky sadly did not win her match but she still did some badass stuff like blowing to aponiniets out of the arena. Dede could tell Sky was sad about losing so she bought her a bag of chips at the cafe to cheer her up. Dede thinks it worked because she went back to being her normal self.

Dede's match was complicated. It was pretty much a big game of hide and seek. People jumped into every shadow looking for someone to grab onto and some hid. Since blacks do not really have a direct way to attack they just got beat up until they passed out. It was pretty dang violent. Dede didn't win but she came in top three which she was content with.

The next day.

Dede woke up and went to meet Sky for breakfast. Dede got chocolate chip pancakes and Sky got some scrambled eggs. They went and found some spare chairs and seats.

Dede started eating, "I am looking forward to the results from the match yesterday, how about you, Sky."

"Yeah, same here."

"Great enthusiasm you got there, Sky."

Sky rolled her eyes and picked up her plastic spoon. Then she dug out a piece of her egg and then flicked it at Dedes face.

Dede wiped the egg off her face, "What was that for?"

"I bombed the match, Dede. I seriously did terrible. I guess I am just scared to see my results.

Dedee stood up, slamming her hand on the table. Eyes turned towards her.

"You did great, Sky! You literally sent two people flying while eliminating them! Just because you did not win it, does not mean you did bad! In Fact, I think you did better than that Jason guy!"

Sky looked Dede in the eyes, "Thank you, Dede." was all she said as she turned towards her eggs.

Dede slowly set back in her chair with a faint smile on her face. Today is going to be a good day... no... today is going to be a fantastic day.

Training came.

Dede and Sky had training together because of covinance. Dede may have threatened the principal in the middle of the night to make sure she had the same classes as Sky. Maybe she did, maybe she didn't.

Dede and sky stood near the back of the fiel waiting for class to start. Dede was telling Sky about her favorite stray cat when Coach cleared her throat.

"Alright, kids listen here."

Coach was wearing a tracksuit that was grey with white stripes. Dede figured she wore the stripes to help her look taller. She went by Mrs. Tang but everyone ended up calling her Coach because that was easier to remember.

Gathered behind Coach were the scientists that spectated the fights from yesterday. They each were carrying a binder filled to the brim with papers. They all looked cranky.

Coach continued, "Today you will each be getting the results from the matches. The scientists here are each wearing a shirt with a certain color. The shirt that matches your color is the scientist you will be going with."

Coach stopped talking and everyone stared at her, unaware of what to do.

"What are you staring at!? Get moving!"

"Cya", Sky mumbled to Dede as she walked towards the woman in the th white shirt.

Dede walked up to the women in the black shirt along with her fellow black types. The scientist woman was darked skinned with a scar on her lip. She had big muscles and a mean face. She mageded to be even scarier than the coach. Dede laughed at her.

Dede jumped when the woman said, "What are you laughing at, rapunzile?"

"Y'You, you're just so tough looking." Dede said with a giggle.

"So is that a reason to laugh at me.?" The woman crossed her arms and stared down at Dede because she towered over her.

"Yep!" Dede said flatly.

The women scoffed, "You should learn some respect, runt. I am your superior and you will do as I say. Got it?"


The sighed and cleared her throat getting all the other black types attention.

"So, do you care to tell me what you were all having trouble with, yesturday."

The black types looked confused.

"At the match.", She cleared.

"Umm, hiding, there weren't many shadows and we can't jump in ones made by the living.", a guy responded.

"True, but in a fight you might not always have access to shadows. Infact, you might be in a sunny clear field. However that was not what I was getting at. Any more gusses?"

The black types stayed silent.

"Attacking. A direct way to attack with your color, is what you lack."

It was true. Black types do not have a direct way to attack. Dede would always jump onto people and steal their wallets. The element of surprise is a powerful one that Dede always would rely on. But sometimes surprises and stealth doesn't work. What if the enemy knew you were there? Or you were in a sunny field like the scary lady suggested. Dede would be screwed.

The black types nodded their heads in agreement but a few others seemed to have taken it as an insult. A couple people said things along the lines as this:

"You don't even know what you are talking about! You're not even a malfunction."

The lady stood there and took it for a solid minute before speaking up. "I have studied your kind for a decade and a half. I have always stood up for your kind and even attended a few support rallys. The black types have always captured my interest so trust me I know what I am talking about. Just, hear me out."

She paused thinking of her words.

"Black types do not have any direct way to attack. They rely on stealth but sadly, stealth can not get you everywhere. Some of you may end up becoming a military weapon so you're going to need to become everything you can be. Do not waste your potential."

She then completely glossed over the military weapon part. Dede could barely contain her laughter.

"So what I am going to have each and everyone of you do is pick out some weapons. You will all be undergoing weapon training. You can have any weapon you want besides a gun, of course."

She studied the black tapes reactions. Dede bursted into laughter, unable to hold herself anymore.

"Are you serious?" Someone asked.

"I am." replied the woman. "By the way my name is Mary."

Mary took the black types into a room located in the basement of the school. The room contained pretty much every weapon in the world besides guns. Dede eyes went all over the place giggling.

"You each may pick out a weapon. I am a black belt in martial arts so I will be training all of you how to use your weapons until you are mastered. So, after your classes everyday you will all meet up with me."

Great more work Dede thought but truthly, she was still excited.

"I don't know if I like this or not," someone mumbled.

"Too bad." Mary replied with a glare. "Get. To. Picking."

Dede walked along the isles and filled the ceiling with weapons. What studied her?

She used to have a pocket knife that she would carry on her when she went to mug people. She would go to random drug stores in the middle of the night and wait. When someone came out she would jump out of the shadow she was hiding in and topple them down to the grown. She would hold them at knife point and tell them to get out their wallet. She could be pretty evil when she wanted to be.

Dede picked up a scythe that she thought looked cool. It was absolutely huge and with a sharp point. It was most likely made out of pure silver. It knocked Dede down to the floor with its weight, it had to weigh like forty pounds. The sound made a big band causing everyone to look at her.

"Put it back and be quiet, would ya?!", Mary snapped.

Dede laughed, "Sorry!"

Dede bent down to pick up the scythe but couldn't get it more than an inch off the ground.

"Let me help." A black type girl with shaved hair came up to her.

She bent down and gabed the scythe with both her hands.

"On the count of three." The girl said, "One, two, three!"

The two girls lifted and heaved it up onto it's hook. Once they got it up there their muscles ached.

"That weighted way more than I thought it would."

"I know, thank you so much for helping me!" Dede responded with a giggle.

"Anytime, by the way my name is Mikey."


"Alright I'm going to go find myself a weapon. See you around, Dede."

"See you!"

Alright, Dede needed to find herself a weapon. Now, what would she want? Dede was deep in thought. Then she spotted the knife section. Did she want a knife? No, knives are boring. She needed something that she could have fun with. Something that could make her laugh.

She wondered farther.

"Fiver more minutes!", Mary shouted.

Five more minutes. Dede needed to find a weapon and she needed to do it fast. But what?

Dede laughed. She would find one. Hopefully, that is.

Dede stumbled upon the martial arts section.

They had nunchakus.


Dede didn't understand why in the world they had nunchakus or why they made her laugh so much but she loved. She fell to her knees laughing. Then she had an upthiny. She would fight with nunchaku. They were perfect for her. They even fit her standard. Unique? Check. Make her laugh? Cheek.

Dede picked them up and swung them around. She almost took out a shield but they were pretty light in her hands. They were pitch black and shiny. She could see her pitch black eyes in them. Like a mirror and Dede loved mirrors. Also nunchakus now.

Dede took the nunchaku to Mary.

"I have chosen these." Dede said.



"You sure?"

"Yep." Dede said with a giggle.

"You sure are an odd kid."

"Thank you."

"Whatever, I am not going to stop you." Coach said as she walked away.

That is how Dede started her journey of becoming a nunchaku master.