
Evil Lurks In The Dark


I watch as an array of emotions swirl in Vicki's eyes. Apprehension, doubt, and fear rains the most prominent. It makes me only wonder what she has exactly faced in her life.

Her question took me aback for a moment. I had not expected her turmoil to be that deep. I had to mull over my response for a while before answering her. As it is, I can tell that she has reached a point where she doubts her very sanity.

Therefore, I have to be tentative with my response to her equally eccentric question. If I bluntly refuse the existence of anything supernatural, that might throw her over the edge. The line between her two worlds is very thin right now.

After my well thought out response, I see her visibly relax. I mentally give myself a thumbs up for passing this test. I know she will feel at ease now and most probably open up.

It is odd that I feel the need to protect a person I barely know. Everything I did for her up to this point, I deem it just being human. Anyone could have surely done the same. However, this pull I feel towards her is unexplainable.

We sit in silence each of us engrossed in our thoughts. I think back to this morning and a fit of anger quite new engulfs me. Who in their right mind would do such an evil thing to another. A defenceless and unconscious woman at that?

Only a cowardly man would do such a thing. Her bruises show that she was badly beaten before being thrown into the water. Looking at Vicki, she does not seem like the kind of woman who goes about looking for trouble. Then what really is happening.

Even though I need to know her story, I do not push her. I am surprised at how well she has been handling her pain. It is almost as if she is in denial. As if she is numbing the pain by choosing to believe it is not real. Strange, but quite plausible.

I recall that she was quite comfortable with Cara until she gave that explanation for why people self-hurt. She clammed up since then and I could see her being warry of Cara till we reached the mainland. That is also the reason why I dismissed Cara.

Then there was officer Gallow. How did he know her name? Vicki says they have not met and she is also hundreds of miles away from her home. I know that I did not tell them her name when I made the emergency call. She was half dead at that time and even I did not know her.

Her reaction upon seeing officer Gallow was sheer terror. I need to know why but I cannot force her to talk. She has to do so without feeling compelled. I am suddenly pulled out of my thoughts by her soft voice.

"Do you think the police officers are still coming? It is quite late now."

"They should. After all, as they said; this is an attempted homicide curse. Do not worry, I will only leave when they are gone. I also have to give my statement, remember?"

"Yes. Besides, you are the one who saw what happened. I have no idea. What you saw and what o experienced, are worlds apart. Even if I try to tell you, you will not believe it."

"Try me, Vicki. I think it is quite unfair to judge me without a trial."

"All I can say is.."

She stops mid-sentence when the door swings open and in walk two uniform-clad officers from the local police department. There is no sign of officer Gallow and o hear Vicki release a breath I had not noticed she was holding.

When the other officer closes the door, I see Vicki relax. There is a story between her and officer Gallow. And judging by her reaction, it is not a pretty tale. Something is going on and I intend to find out what exactly. She needs help but she is scared to open up.

"Where is officer Gallow?"

I cannot resist the urge anymore. The man was fired up to commence the investigation and suddenly he does not show up. It does not sound right.

The two younger officers look at me oddly as if I just grew two heads. It is only now that I am seeing that they are not the ones who came on my yacht. After a brief silence, the other one shrugs and responds.

"How do you know officer Gallow sir?"

"He and two other officers were the first responders when I called. They came to my yacht but she was too terrified and did not want to leave with them. They came hours late anyway."

They both stare at my eyes wide open as if they are seeing an alien. Their weird reaction gets me riled up but I calm down for the sake of Vicki. I wonder what they are playing at.

"Are you sure sir? Can you remember the exact time?"

"What do you mean by that question? Do I seem like I would just sit here and spout nonsense? Of course, I am quite SURE and it was around 1630hrs."

I spit emphasizing the word sure. But they even gape their mouths wider gasping with horror printed on their faces. Victory also stares at them with a puzzled expression. I am sure that just like me, she is finding their reaction quite odd and puzzling.

The one who has been quiet all this while finally recovers from their dramatic shock and speaks. What he reveals leaves me in shock and Victory is not doing any better.

"Well, it cannot be, Sir. Officer Gallow could not have been the first responder. He and two rookies died earlier today. We were supposed to come to you first when we got the call about their untimely demise."

Hell no! This is not happening! I know what I saw and those guys did not seem like the walking dead to me. I am certainly not going to doubt my sanity because some junior officers think they can pull a prank on me. Anger consumes me and I lash out at them, unfortunately, scaring an already frightened Vicki.

"Cut the crap boys. So you think you can joke around with someone's life? That is not funny at all. I know what I saw and nothing you say can make me believe otherwise."

The first one grabs the television remote and flips through channels until he settles for a renowned news channel. It is prime time and to my astonishment, the news of Gallow's demise is making the headlines.

To say I am shocked is an understatement. I feel as if I am drowning in an ice-cold whirlpool. Seeing Vic shake whilst rocking herself and muttering something incoherent and inaudible, I snatch the remote and switch off the television.

"So do you now understand why I said that could not have been officer, Gallow? Most probably it could have been some rookie who posed as him. Or anyone else."

I want to retort and drill it in him that the same person with the picture I just saw on the news, is the same one who came but I stop myself. It is not going to do any good anyway. No one will believe us.

I need to talk to Vicki and hear her side of the story. Therefore, the quicker I give my statement, the sooner they leave. As long as they are here, Vicki will not tell me anything. She knows something and I need to be let in onto that knowledge.

I am already implicated as it is. Why would a dead cop appear to both of us? I push it to the back of my mind and answer all questions without leaving anything out.

When it is Victory's turn, even I am baffled. The officers keep looking at her as if she is utterly insane. Her story is told in a steady voice, indicating she is not lying. But who has ever heard of such a case of sleepwalking?

Seeing that they will not get anything more out of Vicki, the officers leave after assuring us that they have notified the County Sheriff to search for her vehicle. She provides them with all the details needed and they leave.

"Vicki, please tell me that I am not the only one who is spooked by all this? How can officer Gallow be gone when we clearly saw and talked to him?"

"I guess it is time I tell you my story now Angelo. At least you will not label me as insane. You also have seen and spoken to a dead man. I am sure what I am going to tell you will help enlighten you, dear. Do not worry, I will start from the beginning until now. I feel like this is the right time to talk about everything."

My heart aches for Vicki and I am at a loss for words. How do I console someone who has suffered so much loss, heartache and grief at such a young age? I swear, if she had told me her story earlier, I would have attributed it to her grief.

But now, that I have also seen and talked to a dead man, I have a feeling that this is bigger than both of us. I give her hand a gentle squeeze and she looks at me.

"I do not know what to do or who to turn to. I can barely differentiate between reality and fantasy. I am only glad that you now understand me. I am tired now Angelo and I need to sleep. I will tell you how all this started. I cannot weigh you down with my problems. There is something evil lurking in the dark waiting to pounce on me Angelo, and I don't even know why?"

I kiss her forehead and bid her farewell. I am tired as well and could do with a hot bath and a comfortable bed. Even as I drive out of the hospital parking lot, I cannot shake off her last statement. Indeed evil lurks in the dark.