
The World-weaver

Two worlds collided brought by the world weaver. Reo and his force are in a conquest to bring back the balance of the world. Join Reo on his journey to become a hero or a zero of the world earth. An original Filipino novel by CasualGrinder

CasualGrinder · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 6

Reo witnessed two scenes before his eyes. One showed a funeral for a mother, the other a funeral for a father. There was a strong sense of hostility and retribution in the air. He then notices a child watching along with him. He then tapped the kid on the shoulder in sympathy. The infant then showed its faceless features, causing Reo to stop breathing.


"Arrrrrggghhhhh" Usman screaming in agony, as he was pulled up and hanged mid air.

Usman was quickly pressed firmly in his left arm by a pointy object. A yellow light appeared to be glaring at him with bloodlust when it appeared to him next. He made an effort to get to the thing that was impaling his arm. As soon as he was able to grasp the object, he pulled himself up with the full force of his right arm and release his other arm from being pinned.

Usman stumbled when the animal's body began to shake. Usman firmly grasped the cone shaped object to prevent himself from being propelled into the air. He then reached behind him for a little knife, took it out, and stabbed the beast where he intended to.

Growing distressed, the beast let go of its weapon. Usman scurried away from the commotion after being hurled far away. The dense fog that had blocked their view was gradually dissipating as he forced himself to wriggle. Pleja and the beast were both drawn to his maddening laugh at that point.

"Ha ha haaaa. Usman remarked," I understand it now, laughing madly as he took a good look at the monster. He was reminded of something by the creature's bright yellow eye, pointed horn, and the dense fog surrounding it. "A sarangay!"

The entire plane's snow appeared to have been painted to resemble the color of roses. Every step the bloody horned beast took toward Usman caused the ground to tremble like a war drum calling for battle. Just in time, Pleja picked up Usman, lifted him onto her shoulder, and ran away from the monster.

Pleja gasped repeatedly, "I don't wanna die," as they sprinted away, breathing heavily. "I don't want to die, I really don't."

She let out ragged gasps as she gazed down at the chilly earth. The creature's shadow loomed over her, its darkness engulfing her completely. She was aware that there was no way out. She cried while her eyes were closed, pleading with her family and Reo, the person they had left behind, for forgiveness.

Pleja froze as she awaited their inevitable fate. She waited and waited, yet the club that the sarangay wields never came to smash them into the ground.

She cautiously twisted around to look behind her and noticed that Reo is clinging to the minotaur-like animal.

"Reo!" With a troubled sense of remorse, Pleja shouted. "You ought to have left us and run!"

"Hah!" Reo retorted while hugging the sarangay's lower torso, "Tell that to yourself while lugging Usman around.

Reo clenched his teeth and pulled as hard as he could, pressing his arms up against the beast's torso. He took a deep breath and hopped. His feet came to rest directly behind the beast's two knees, with that the beast then fell to the ground in an instant.

The boy didn't waste any time. He lunged at the beast, pinning it to the ground with his body. The creature roared in anger, but He was too quick. He moved with incredible speed, darted to the right side of the body, and seized the beast's right arm. He straightened the beast's arm and applied a straight arm lock, yanking the creature's arm up behind his back as the beast's eyes dilated in anguish. Without giving it a second thought, he broke its elbow joint.

The beast with the yellow eyes fought valiantly to get free of the lock. Reo, though, never gave it an opportunity to prove resilient.

Reo triumphantly rose to his feet. He approaches the two as he moves. He picks them up, places them on his shoulders, and then sprints away without any thought.

Pleja observes Reo displaying incredible power, speed, and stamina. She then questioned Reo.

"Are you even Human?" Pleja asked, lost in thought.

On the opposite side, coughing could be heard.

Usman was there as he regained consciousness.

A window appeared in his mind all of a sudden.


"You leveled up! You are now level 2"

NAME: Usman Dampil



CLASS: Vessel


- Thunder Clap Level 1

- Lethal stab Level 3


- Thunder's fang


- Outdoor Knife


Usman exclaimed in astonishment, waving his arm in the air. "What the hell is this?" "Vessel class? That looks familiar to me..."

Pleja and Reo saw the same thing.


"You leveled up! You are now level 2"

NAME: Reo Silliman



CLASS: Brawler


- Straight Arm lock Level 3

- Soul strengthening Level 1


- Earring of a tragic Chieftain.

- 1x Lana.



"You leveled up! You are now level 2"

NAME: Pleja Vicente



CLASS: Battle Witch


- Run away bitch Level 1 (passive)


- N/A


Pleja became annoyed by the windows she was looking through, so she read the description of her unpleasant skill.

Run away bitch: Allies receive a 10% movement speed boost. (Passive)

Pleja tilts her head, taking in the scenario, "This is too much!"

As Reo kept running, the group was able to map down all that happened.

- Usman is fundamentally aware about Sarangays.

- To Level up, one must kill abnormal beings.

- Where to go Reo?!

Usman clarified his position, saying that he had read about the sarangays in a note that Reo's brother had given him. Then he informed everyone that the sarangay's nose is its most powerful feature.

The nose emits a thick fog that blinds its victim in the area. The nose can also precisely locate its target during the hunt.

Usman was initially unsure that it was a sarangay, but as soon as he seen the yellow eyes and his struggle to break free of his immobility, he knew it was one. He immediately delivered an anticipated blow to its nose...

Meanwhile before the window appeared.

The sarangay that Reo killed died of blood loss. A mysterious being showed up on the scene. He started to round the dead sarangay's body with runes and casted an elemental curse that enveloped the sarangays body. With this a creature was back from the dead, stronger than before, able to wield elemental power.