
The World We Forgot

The world we live in exists in two separate planes, the one we mortals walk in and one reserved for the supernatural and Gods alike, the two planes were never meant come across one another however slowly the planes began to merge and the supernatural become our reality. Hidden from the public, creatures like Werewolves and vampires skulk the streets of many cities, kept in line by their masters or the powerful sorcerer families who rule the supernatural plane in place of the gods. Our story begins with a simple Bar owner called Jack Tanner, a self-made man who has distanced himself from his family and for good reason too....

GodOfWar · Urban
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1 Chs

The Wicked Ones (NSFW)

"No dad please don't, I do not want this power, please don't hurt her, please."

I tried to force myself free from my restraints, "Please dad, why must she die for our family? If you continue this, I will use my newfound power to kill of the Tanner family once and for all, you hear me scumbag, I will"

My father then hit me with a lightning bolt that I can still feel now, even though this nothing but a dream, I can feel the rage, pain and resentment that my father had for me in that single moment. The desire to eradicate the son who took his beloved wife away from him, the need for revenge. The arrogant smirk as he approached my one true friend, Kali Ralojeon, an Elf I had met when I first left the Tanner castle, thinking back on it, I wish I had never met her, then she wouldn't be dead.

My father continued in his stride towards the young girl, dagger in hand as he slit her throat as he shouted" I sacrifice this Elf in your name, Lord Tydite, use her connection to my son to grant me his powers instead, make me the Grand Magus, leave the little whelp to die."

That was the first time it happened, the first time I accepted what I was, I was no ordinary sorcerer, I was born of the Tanner family, one of the six strongest magic bloodlines in existence and me? My blood was even more important than that, you see, I'm what is known as a Grand Magus, a mortal being with the potential to become a God, in fact you could say it is a cheat system way for me to become a God.

Unlike other Gods, I do not need followers to grow in strength, all I need are priestesses to spread word of me and my power will grow, regardless of whether people believe in it or not. The only issue is that I have destined priestesses that I must use before I can delegate my own, tracking them down has been rather hard, enough about me, back to the dream.

My body began to shake, I could feel the untapped magical energy rage inside my body, the urge to take my father's life exploded within my consciousness, red wings exploded out of my back, taking both my father by surprise and his Orc bodyguard who was holding me down during the ritual, I rose my right hand and placed it on the face of the Orc, instantly his green skin began to turn black as it burnt under my touch, I smiled as the smell of burning skin entered my nostrils, I then placed my left hand on his stomach and gently touched it as a black mist covered my hand.

As soon as the black mist touched his stomach, it exploded, covering me in his blood as I stood there ready to approach my father and extract revenge for Kali, I was stopped in place as time froze around me, turning to my left I felt a gaze on me, I sneered" God or Goddess get out of my way, he dies now under my hand, let me at him or you will be joining him in his grave."

A beautiful and elegant laugh came from behind me and that moment I turned on my Axis and threw a gigantic lightning bolt at the source of the voice to my surprise, the laughter got stronger as the bolt disappeared right in front of my target. " Boy I'm not here to save your father, I'm here to save you, your body isn't ready to wield the powers of a Grand Magus yet, you can't force your awakening like this, you brain can't hold the strain of this power and neither can your body. I know you desire to kill your father and then yourself but you are destined for so much more and as such I refuse to allow you to throw your life away here. "

"Which Goddess has taken pity on me? You surely know my future, are you trying to gain favour with me ahead of time?"

The Goddess laughed once more" Quite cynical for a 13 year old boy, I like that about you, I'm Zodia, Goddess Of The Ostracised, you could consider me your patron Goddess. Wait here, learn from the Tanner family for the next three years, use their resources to help you gain strength, when you turn 16, it will be the right time for you to leave this plane and head to the mortal one, there you will have the freedom your heart desires."

I let out a low growl before resetting myself and saying"Three years until my freedom, fine, I will see you then, Zodia."

<Present Day>

"Hey boss, get out of bed, the bar opens in 2 hours, you still have to do the stoc-"

Opening my eyes, I looked towards the door to my house, it is basically a side room to the bar, makes work quite convenient, however events like these can be quite awkward, feeling someone gripping my side, I looked down to see Natasha holding my side as she slept. Looking back up towards the door, I smiled and said" Derek buddy, you are going to have to knock one pf these days, you know that right? Your lucky you didn't wake her up, she is quite stroppy if she is woken before 5, works the evening shift at the police station, she likes her beauty sleep."

Feeling a light pinch on my side I looked down to see Natasha glaring at me" 'Quite' stroppy am I? I will show you stroppy, you narcissistic 'Wizard'."

"For the last time woman, I'm a Sorcerer not a Wizard, Derek, I will be out front in a bit, it seems I have some apologising to do."

Derek laughed and said" Good luck boss"

Before he left back into the main bar area, Natasha had already left the bedroom and entered the master bathroom, sighing I left bedroom and joined her in the shower.

(Nsfw starts here, you have been warned.)

Coming from behind Natasha, I gently grabbed her long blonde hair with my right hand as I grabbed the shampoo with my left, I then began to wash her hair,"Hmmph, its going to take more than washing my hair to make up for what you said, all you did was bully me last night and as soon as I wake up this morning you did so again, why am I even here?"

I laughed and said" You are her for mediocre orgasms with a good one mixed in every now and again."

As soon as I finished speaking, I flipped her around and instantly got lost in her deep brown eyes, I muttered" Have I ever told you how beautiful your eyes are?"

Natasha smiled and said" No never."

"Well I should have, they are simply divine as are these"

My hands slowly wandered down her body before they found two divine peaks that filled them, at first I played with them gently, working my around the cute little nipple taking it between two of my fingers and gently moving it around. I then took her by surprise as I pushed her up against the shower, as I roughly grabbed her breasts, pulling at her nipples, the sharp contrast immediately caused her to squeal in pleasure, as she went to moan again I sealed her lips with my own.

Aggressively lusting for her tongue, I invaded her mouth, not allowing her to breathe for a second, she then surprised me as she pushed me off of her body, sensually saying" Please, just a minute to get my breathe back."

Ignoring her, I dropped down and attacked her other lips, lapping up the abundant juices that our 'Shower' had caused, I kept switching form attacking her small clit and sticking my tongue as deep inside her as as possible, as she began to shake, I attacked the one place that always threw her over the edge, using my right index finger, I scooped up some of her juices and before she could ask what is was doing, I inserted it into the 'forbidden' hole.

Instantly she began to buck as I held her in place, working both of her lower holes at the same time, I let her slowly fall down to the bottom of the shower, sitting in my arms as the water hit us I smiled at her and said" I'm afraid that isn't where this ends."

Lifting her back up, and pressing her against the glass of the shower, I whispered into her ear"If you want me to insert it, beg me for it."

I then slipped my penis between her legs and gently rubbed against her causing her body to shudder, before whispering once more" Do you want me to continue? You know what you need to do."

Natasha shuddered again before she weakly said "Please stop teasing me and put it in, I beg you, please put it in"

"I wonder what your co-workers would feel like knowing you are here begging for sex, I wonder what would happen to your little miss perfect appearance."

"Don't bring that uupppp"

As soon as she began to object I thrust myself deep inside her from behind, not allowing her the pleasure of a coherent comeback, I instantly began to thrust with vigour as if it was my sole mission to destroy the woman in front of me, to break her and make her solely mine. Each thrust went deeper than the last as my penis got closer and closer to the entrance to her womb, her desperate moans could definitely be heard in the bar next door and when I mentioned it, she clamped down on me harder.

Laughing I whispered" Do you want them to hear the immense pleasure you are feeling now? Is it revenge for waking you up or do you want to let them know that you are mine and mine alone?"

"Stop speaking, if you can speak the you can"

Before she could finish her retort, I sped up my thrusts, hammering against her womb, I reached towards her breasts with my hands, timing pinches on her nipples with me hitting her womb, the build was too much for Natasha and before long she began to convulse heavily, holding her body with my hands I continued to thrust until I felt pleasure overwhelm me to, unable to pull out of the vice-grip she had me in, I emptied myself deep inside of her.

Catching her body as she fell backwards I asked" Apology accepted?"

Barely able to speak she said" Apology accepted."

I then cleaned myself and Natasha before carrying her back to the bed and gently placing her on it, I smiled at her and said" I have to go to work now, let me know if you are coming to the bar now, I might be out tonight but I hope to see you again soon."

I then approached her and gave her a kiss on the lips before heading out to the bar, there I was met Derek and a blushing woman with orange hair, looking her up and down she had no worse feature than Natasha, the woman in front of me was a little bigger in terms of breasts, at least a D size however her but was a little smaller. I smiled at the both of them before saying" Sorry it took me a bit longer than usual to apologise, she was really demanding today. What did you need me for Derek?"

"Boss, someone has been targeting our shipments of booze, I would deal with it myself however I believe it is vampire related and I wanted to see what you believed would be best before I acted."

"Hmm, Lets head down to the warehouse and see if we can catch some bats playing with my booze, whos the girl?"

"Boss, this is my sister was telling you about, she is looking for work, she is the same as me, an orc."

"Her shimmer looks good, is that the spare one I gave you?"

"That it is boss."

"She can work here as a bartender, she will get payed weekly like you, if that is all, time to go down to the warehouses. You two go by car, I'm going to practice levitation magic and fly there."

Thanks for reading chapter one of my novel, hope you enjoyed and have a good day :)

GodOfWarcreators' thoughts