
The world traveler from the future

Charles Barlow was an engineer in the Empire, until one day he woke up inside a cave. His artificial intelligence companion still with him, he finds himself surrounded by monsters and people from old fantasy literature. The world itself following strange rules of magic and cultivation. Technology acting as if it was an artifact. But he soon shook himself out of his stupor, a goal in his mind. Make this world into the perfect colony of the Empire, find a way to open a permanent portal, and finally annex this land.

Luca_De_Rosa · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs



Charles stepped out of the shadows, one hand resting on his gun while the other was raised upwards. He had been discovered by means unknown, but he didn't let that discourage him. If these people were hostile, no matter their hidden powers he would not go down without a fight. In fact, he was confident that with the LAI's help he could shoot all four of them in less than two seconds.

"Who are you?" Asked the woman, drawing her bow. She pulled on the string, and a light blue arrow appeared out of thin air. Magic, of course, as he had predicted. Was it helped by the system, or was it all the woman's skill? Or perhaps it was a racial gift, or it was the weapon that was imbued with some runes or arcane rituals.

"I'm Charles." He replied, carefully watching both the woman and the three men who had drawn their weapons. They were eyeing him warily, but he didn't let himself be bothered by them. They were probably thinking that he was unarmed, and it all played to his advantage. As long as they stayed far from him, he had the upper hand here.

"Why were you following us?" She asked. The men were still silent, he noticed. Perhaps she was indeed in charge here.

"I got kinda lost in here." He said, motioning for his surroundings. It was not true at all, as he knew this floor like the back of his hand. But he had to make up some kind of story in order to convince the party that he was not hostile. In fact, he better play the part and do it well, he thought. "My party got killed by the vampires and… I…" He said, simulating a state of mild panic. "I didn't know what to do, I'm sorry."

He was already sick of this acting, but he needed to be convincing. He wondered if he should also fake cry, but decided not to. Overdoing it would be just as bad. The woman looked at him up and down, her gaze lingering on his body for a moment. He realized that he was still wearing the combat military suit from the Empire and mentally cursed himself. Fortunately, the suit looked like some sort of cheap leather armor in this low light, and the woman didn't seem to suspect anything. Not that she'd know what she was looking at, being the uncivilized barbarian that she was. If people were using swords and arrows, it meant that technology here wasn't really a thing.

"Why don't you come with us, we were just leaving." Said the spearman, smirking. The other men chuckled for a moment before the woman shut them all up with a stare.

She seemed to ponder the proposition for a moment, then her face lit up. "Yeah, come with us. I'm Lea." She said, holding out her hand. Charles shook it, gingerly, and for a moment was taken aback by the immense strength of her grip. He didn't let his face show the pain he was feeling, however, but internally he was already wishing he could kill this woman and her whole party.

In fact, he was wishing that they all turned out to be hostile so that he could wipe those smirks off their faces. They didn't seem the type of people he should trust at all, but at the same time he really didn't have any other choice. Walking away now was the same thing as attacking them. He kept his temper in check for now.

"Thank you for your kind offer." He finally said, fighting against his own mind in order not to sound annoyed or patronizing. He was in an advantageous position right now only because he had a gun, but as soon as his bullets ran out, he'd be the weakest of the bunch for sure. He had to be careful and not expose his hidden card at any cost.

"You're unarmed?"

"Uh, yeah. I lost my weapon when I escaped…" He looked down in hope to better sell the lie. He was expecting them to offer him a weapon but evidently, they had no plans to do so.

"Stay in the middle, then. We won't actively protect you, but you should be able to survive the weak vampires if you are careful." The woman said, then the group began walking.

Charles followed her instructions and put himself at the center of the four people party, and avoided any fight whenever he saw an enemy approach. The party worked quite well together. They had their tank, the big guy with the shield, who soaked up all the incoming damage. Then, the two melee fighters engaged the enemy frontline as the woman with the bow kept the enemy backline in check. The vampires were quite weak indeed, only taking a few hits from the melee fighters or one good aimed arrow to die. They engaged in small groups of three to five, and were no match for this party.

Charles had been lucky with his first encounter, he realized, because it was quite rare for the vampires to roam the caves alone and isolated. The party was also made of people of quite a high level, as they killed dozens of enemies without even breaking a sweat. He had no idea how levels worked or how much the required experience grew as the level increased, so he had no way to estimate just how high their levels were. Higher than his by a large margin for sure, but he had no idea how much.

There was a way to determine their strength. Assuming that they had no special skills or magic, of which he saw none apart from Lea's bow, their strength was approximately 5.6 times that of an average unmodded human. Which was him, by the way, as he had never come around to altering his genetic code or getting specific cybernetic implants to improve his body. He thanked LAI for the quick analysis, for a moment treating the simple AI as a fully self-aware one.

Another few hours passed, then they all stopped at the same time. They scouted the small cave they were in with practiced efficiency and then turned to Lea. "We stop to make camp." Lea said, and the party quickly materialized firewood and four tents seemingly out of nowhere. He was a bit surprised at this, but schooled his face before any surprise could be seen by the others. They all treated this as very routine, so being surprised would immediately put him in an unfavorable position.

In a matter of a few minutes, they already had a small fire going. The three men were sitting around the fire and chatting among themselves, the occasional burst of laughter echoing in the cave. They were not too worried about the noise they were making, probably because they were quite confident in their strength.

Lea approached Charles while he was watching from the edge of the camp. Her arrival shook him out of his contemplation just as he was about to ponder what to do next. Those people didn't seem trustworthy at first, but in truth they had been treating him quite well. It was true that they said they would not protect him, but it was to be expected. He was, after all, a stranger to them. Not only that, but according to his story he was the only survivor of a monster attack, which painted him in not the best of lights.

"Don't stand there! Come, join us." She said smiling, and held out a hand to him. He took it despite his mind's protests, and she pulled him towards the fire while giggling. She motioned for a seat next to hers, quite some distance away from the other three, and handed him a jug of water.

"Thanks." He said, and opened it. He stared at the inside for a moment, wondering just out of what animal and what part of it this jug was made. He wasn't one to complain, just curious.

"Come on, it's not poisoned!" The woman said jokingly. The thought had crossed his mind, he had to admit, and he was quite irritated that the woman seemed to guess his thinking so easily. It was pretty normal to assume that he was being suspicious, but he couldn't bring himself to not being wary of those people.

He took a small sip. He had no idea if the LAI could identify poisons before they could harm him, or if it could do anything about them if he ingested them. Nothing happened, however, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"See? All good." She said and took the jug back. She too drank from it, taking a large chug and enjoying it.

"I'm sorry. Rough couple of days." Charles said. It had been a rough couple of days, he had to admit, although for completely different reasons. He never liked human company too much, but he had never experienced true isolation either. There was a difference between choosing to stay alone and being forced to. He had been forced to in this last four days, and he hated this powerlessness.

And now, here he was among people, and he had to be on guard because he could not trust them. He hated when his mind acted up like this. Couldn't he just take it easy and try to escape this dungeon without worrying about everything?

After a few minutes, the guy with the sword came and handed both Lea and him a small plate of meat. They had been roasting the meat over the fire for a while now, and the smell had made Charles quite hungry. It had been a while since he last ate as well, and he was already salivating.

He took a large bite, for once deciding to enjoy the meal.

LAI hyperfocus active. Poison element detected; effects mitigated by LAI. Current effects: decrease in brain functionality. Damage: 56%; total brain activity with LAI enhancement: 19.44x. Parameters acceptable, formulating plan. Fake poison symptoms, covertly unholster gun.

Two men approaching, designation shield and sword guy. Dialogue detected, attempting to make out words.

"…a shame this guy… anything of value."

"What do we… his body?"

"Strip him… leave it here."

Malicious intent confirmed, enacting plan. Estimated execution time: 3 seconds. Acting. Roll to the right, one meter. Assume upright position on left knee, take gun in right hand, aim at body of shield guy. Pull the trigger. Bullet path is correct, armor resistance is negligible. Damage to body is total, threat incapacitated. Sonic boom created distraction, switch to sword guy. Pull trigger. Target dead. Switch to spear guy. Aim at head, pull. Target dead. Examine bow woman, analyze facial features. Shock evident, anger, adrenaline reaction. Hostile action, intercept. Punch in the gut, disarm, level weapon, shoot. Target dead. Threat neutralized.

[Level up! New level: 30]

He came back to himself in the middle of a large pool of blood and dismembered bodies. The effects of his railgun from this close were devastating. The shield guy had taken a hit in the chest, and yet his body had exploded outwards and pieces of it had landed as far as thirty meters. The armor was torn open like it was made of tinfoil, the edges where the bullet had impacted still red hot and smoking. The others were all headless corpses, immobile. Their bodies dimly lit by the light of the fire, frozen in their last action before they died.

He could not see their faces, as they had no faces anymore, but clearly remembered the face of the woman, Lea, as she witnessed the massacre. She had been the last to die, the LAI deeming her a low priority target but he knew that there was something else. Revenge, that's what it was. He had wanted for her to see what her actions had caused, to look at her friends as they died because of a bad choice of hers. He wanted to let her see it all, and then he killed her.

And now he was quite angry. The killing had not been cathartic at all. In fact, it was repulsive to even think about it. He had killed many creatures, directly or indirectly through the use of the weapons he himself built for the empire, but never humans. There were no internal conflicts in the Empire after all. This, this was different. This was a shithole, a place where humans were no more than scum. He had been too soft with them, he realized, too trusting. Things were about to change now.

He checked his gun. Only one bullet left. "Fuck!" He yelled, and then kicked the headless body of the woman. "You fucking bitch!" He kicked and kicked until he felt that his foot had cracked something. He was sure he didn't use enough force to break bones, but he would think about it later. For now, this bitch was the reason he was stranded here with only one bullet, a magic bow he was sure he could not use and a sword. A sword! A barbarian's weapon, and he had to shut the fuck up and use it if he wanted to get out of here alive.

Someone would pay for this. He would find out who the sick son of a bitch who sent him in the dungeon in the first place was and give him a nice little gift. He crouched down and took the sword and a dagger from one of the corpses. He left the armor where it was, as he knew that his suit was much better than that. He also noticed an odd ring on the woman's hand, and took it as well. It looked valuable, and would at least be some sort of payment for the inconvenience they caused him.

Angry, hungry and quite disoriented from the poison, he set off. Anger and adrenaline would keep him going for another good while, he figured. Or, if not, he would just have the LAI take over. He didn't care either way. Meanwhile, to take his mind off of those things, he asked the LAI about the fight. There had been something odd that he noticed, which was the speed and ease in which he disposed of all the threats. He knew his body quite well, and could have sworn that there was something odd going on.

The LAI gave him a report. 134.8% peak efficiency as compared to his peak before coming here in this world. Something had changed, or rather was changing inside of him but he had no idea why or how. Levels were his first suspect, but there was no way to prove anything as of yet. He would find out for sure as soon as he leveled up again. But if that was to be the case, then he would figure out how they affected him, replicate it, grind it and abuse the goddamn system in any way possible.

If there was something that him, Charles Barlow, head military engineer for the Empire could do was figuring out shit. And then use it for his goals.