
The World Through Her Eyes

Daimos was on the verge of giving up after losing everything to an enemy of his race. That was when a book fell into his hands and could only be wielded by someone who had a certain percentage of Cthulhu's bloodline. He thought this was his opportunity to take revenge, only to realise that he needed a minds eye to access the book. A minds eye that was severed from him. Now he needs another way to access it, and that way existed in a woman called Likyl. Now Daimos has a chance, but the books keep giving him trials that start to get harder and harder. Would he fold and give up or continue his quest for revenge. ____________________________________________________________________________ I had to pause this novel due to some issues. But you can read my other novel Welcome to the supernatural world; what power would you get?

papylion · Urban
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15 Chs

Second phase of the plan

The academy, also known as the Elites Training ground, was now located on a planet in the Freexcove galaxy. The first academy was located in the Galaxy belonging to the Crypto race, or the braniac race. They were the ones that ushered in the planet sized mother ships, and the grays who had more resources in the galaxy surpased them iin terms of mother ship numbers.

The freexcove galaxy was a lone galaxy that was light years away from any other galaxy. The only way to get there was by using a wormhole that was guarded by all the universal races that joined the Universal Alliance. Of course there were still races out there that did not join, or found it a waste of time to join an alliance that hindered you with rules that could even kill you by just reading it. The reading part was torture, after billions of years of existing, of course there would be races that found loopholes in this rules, and the covered loopholes would still lead to more loopholes. The alliance did not have a super computer that could link the whole universe together, the cost was just too heavy.

The acdemy owned every thing in the freexcove universe. The planets in the galaxy, well not of them, all had a specific role. For example, the planet closest to the wormhole, served as a checkpoint for the the ships entering the galaxy, they are thouroghly serched for any, contrabands or carrying anything that is band from entering the galaxy.

This is where Daimos was at the moment, not being searched, but rather being scolded.

"... you are the f*cking prince of a dying race and it's preorginator! can you stop putting yourself in needless dangers?. I mean, what would have happened if you were caught by the elves, huh?... and don't you dare say you could get out of there unscathed like some kind of overpowred MC!". The one talking was his surbodinate/friend, Thusixla.

Thusixla's family had served the Cthilhu royal family since the first time they invaded a certain planet. At that time, they were called star spawn, but since their ancestor perfomed so well during the invasion, Cthulhu rewarded her by giving her a drop of his blood and for a lowly star spawn like her, that drop of blood was already a reward that other star spawns would have killed for.

Thusixla, just like Daimos had ebony like skin, long dark hair that reached her perky but and looked to have been braided, she was about 1.7 meters tall and had a very lean but muscular body. Daimos sometimes wondered how strong she was but did not act upon that thought. Her eyes were what easily differentiated her from humans.

Like all Cthulhu descendants, their eyes looked like an equals to sign on a grayish white background, when those eyes cross over each other and look like a plus, any unfortunate life form to gaze into them would have the risk of having their sanity consumed. LIke the lamia race that could turn other life forms to stone from just looking at them.

The reason Thusixla was beratting Daimos was because he did not follow the plan at all.

This was how it was supposed to go.

Step one, enter the planet that the elves had turn into a virus breeding ground.

Step two, locate the seer.

Step three, find a way to separate the seer from her group.

Step four, isolate her and try to talk to her amicablly, even throw in some juicy promises to entice her.

Step five, come back to the academy and prepare for the second phase of the plan and maybe have some nightly exercises.

That was the plan Daimos was supposed to follow, the last part of step five could be ignored, but the rest were a must to follow and yet.

"AAAAHHH! I feel like strangling you right now!". Thusixla said, as her tentacles appeared behind her back, moving back and forth threatenly, and her teeth gnashing agaisnt each other.

"Calm down would you". This time it was the third member of their group that spoke."As the prince he is, he doesn't really need to follow boring plans like that,*yawn*, I told you it needed action". The third member of the group, Asuxes, was not a Cthulhu descendant.

He was a tall man, about 2.4 meters in height, and a muscular physique with bulging muscles that looked ready to explode. He was also a surbodinate of Daimos, but his reason for joining was because Daimos was a worthhy opponent that he needed to defeat.

"Can you stop calling every plan boring! All you care about is action and blowing stuff up, can you not see that if not for the academies men, we would have lost Daimos".

"We both know that is not possible, those bunch of long eared p*ssies only know how to lick the a*ses of the dragons,everyone knows that their mother ship they so much worship is an obsolete class of mother ships, hahahha, the dragons don't like sharing their stuff". Asuxes said, picking his nose with his pinky. This of course earned him a disgusted look from Thusixla who ignored him and focused back on the elephant in the room.

"You aren't going to talk?". Thusixla asked, folding her arms under her breasts emphasizing their size even more, And the skin tight gary space suit also helped in the job.

"Do you think it would work?". Instead of answering her question, Daimos whose face had been facing the room that Likyl was sleeping in finally changed it's direction, and faced Thusixla who instantly blushed when she saw how serious Daimos was, and here she was, trying to look sexy.

"Ehem, well I don't know". Thusixla said shrugging her shoulders, after correcting her embarrasement. She walked to the chair Daimos was sitting on and sat on his laps, slowly stroking his face, mostly around his eyes. Seeing this, Asuxes saw it as his que to leave and got up, still picking his nose.

What he did not understand was the relationship between his rival and the woman named Thusixla. 'Maybe this is how lovers are?... Damn, got a big one' He thought as he flinged a bugger at the wall of the apartment they were currently staying at the moment.

Back in the sitting room, Thusixla was already trying to keep her composure as her insides were already churning. She was always horny for Daimos, but he was the type of man who loved to relax after accomplishing a goal. So waiting for sometime was not to hard for her, but. 'Why do I feel like my position is being threatened for some reason' Thusixla put those thoughts behind her and looked at Daimos who was currently not thinking straight, due to his worries.

"You know, I can still choo-"

"No, I won't allow it " Her words were cut off, by Daimos's instant rejection.

"We cannot trust the voice that we heard, the others left for that planet that only the ancient ones know if it exists or not. Even as the preorginator of my race, I don't have the ability to turn anyone from any other race into my kind, we need to follow the words our ancestors left for me" .

Daimos could still remember it clearly.

After having his minds eye severed by the preorginator of dragons, some of the surviving members of his race, including him heard a voice, an ancient and authurotative voice, filled with power and the urge to kneel was envoked in every Cthulhu descendant.

But what everyone heard was different from what he heard.

[Grimoire of the ancient one has chosen you to be it's wielder]

[Do you accept?]


That was what he heard and later found out that even though he could see, his minds eye was the only way for him to read the Grimoire of the ancient one.

When he summons it, he would feel a book appear iin his hands and weighed almost nothing at all, the cover had a very sophisticated star pentagram on the cover of the book and the back had what he would call a black hole sucking in the light around it.

The pages looked old and coarse with some of the pages looking like they were burnt by something.

The thing was, he could not read the book. No matter how he tried, he could not see it's contents at all.

The solution he found was written in an ancient record in the library of the royal family, the only place left untouched when the dragons ransaked the whole place.

The solution written was simple.

[The seer that could connect to the minds of others, could connect a lost eye, but beware, looking through her eyes would let you see the unholy one ].

He did not understand what looking through her eyes meant, but if the so called seer could allow him read the book, he did not care.

The second phase of the plan was look through her eyes. The warning was not heeded, since he did not have time to care about the unholy one.

The other Cthulhu descendants were all going to a lost city that they knew nothing of. since they heard about it from the voice.

Papylion here, my updates aren't scheduled, but having chapters daily would not be a problem.

but since am still a student, there willl be times I might not update, so please bear with me.

And i don't mind some readers giving some suggestions to help my writing.

Thanks ;p

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