
The World Through Her Eyes

Daimos was on the verge of giving up after losing everything to an enemy of his race. That was when a book fell into his hands and could only be wielded by someone who had a certain percentage of Cthulhu's bloodline. He thought this was his opportunity to take revenge, only to realise that he needed a minds eye to access the book. A minds eye that was severed from him. Now he needs another way to access it, and that way existed in a woman called Likyl. Now Daimos has a chance, but the books keep giving him trials that start to get harder and harder. Would he fold and give up or continue his quest for revenge. ____________________________________________________________________________ I had to pause this novel due to some issues. But you can read my other novel Welcome to the supernatural world; what power would you get?

papylion · Urban
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

An angry boss level NPC

It took a lot of time but Daimos finally killed all the players, they were about 37 of them, including their commander that was 38.

Thusixla knew that somethig was off about Daimos all of a sudden, he was not looking happy at all, she had only seen an expression like that when he heard that non of his siblings survived the massacre of the dragons.

As the only royal blood with an 80% bloodline percentage of Cthulhu, he was sheltered and hidden from the sight of universe, they placed all their hopes on him, that he would become a powerful existence like their ancestor and bring the name of the Cthulhu race to a new height.

That's why only the royal families of other races and those with power knew of Daimos, so Likyl not knowing about him was normal. Daimos could stand ini the midst of space pirates and they would see him as a normal Cthulhu descent.

"Let's go" Likyl who just woke up, also felt the pressure from Daimos and how his expression was not looking good, he looked more sinister. Even his order felt like a great command from the gods, and should not be questioned at all.

As they made their way down the passage, Daimos still had his tentacles outside and he was walking infront of the group. Likyl looked at Thusixla who looked back at her with a look that said,'don't ask me.'

In the office of the priestess.

Luke and the priestess had a look of astonishment when the judgement soldiers did noy revive like they normal after being killed over and over again. It was a surprise to Luke, he remembered he fought with one of these undying heroe and remembered he killed that hero about a dozen times and for some tim he did not come back, but later he found him in another location. Maybe that is what is happening.

The preistess on the other hand was a bit relifed and worried at the sametime. Relief because these heroes can be killed, worry because that means some of their enemies only had to keep killing these heroes and they would be done for if it was found out.

"Send the rest, the maze is not that long, and it all connects to another cleansing temple, I told those elders that we needed to place traps in them, but after seeing these undying heroes, they placed all hope on them like they were some god!" The priestess was fuming. The elders of the temple did not have any power in the temple, but the temple cannot exist on it's own as it still needs money and support, they could not live off the donations and offerings of the common populace.

"Relax, they won't make it out of the hall alive." Luke said with a smug smile. The priestess looked at him and raised an eye brow. She had to admit that even though he was arrogant and disregarded the rules and regulations of the temple,he was someone that still considered the temple his home and had always stood up for the temple and never let it get bullied by the other races and the nobles in the kingdom who believed that the temple was just a bunch of men and women who just preaching nonsense about cleanliness and how the human race was the only clean race in the world. Some of the nobles in the kingdom all had one of these races as their sex slave, especially the elves and beastkin who were truly beatiful, it was not only the men tho, some human women too had some, mostly the wolf and fox beastkins.

"I will make sure of it." Luke said as he stood up and went towards the door with a determined look and resolve, since he awakened his light element, he had never lost a duel or battle to anyone, and he was not planning to start now.

Daimos was fuming, he was really angry and he just wanted to let loose at any moment. But his rationality did not allow him, if he were to give into his desire and let carnage reign, he knew that it would take sometime for him to get control... Wait.

He looked at Likyl and smiled. Why was he worried about letting loose and losing control when part of his consciousness was still in Likyl and all he had to do was connect to his main consciosness from the one in Likyl's mind and boom, problem solved. With Likyl's mind space, he coould only stay within an area the size of a football field around Likyl and he did not need to fear losing his control.

Likyl did not know why, but seeing Daimos turn around and look at her with a smile like that, her mind instantly conjured up countless scenerios in her head as to why he was looking at her like that. Thusixla's mind was more straight foreward. 'Does he want to f*ck?'.

"Am releasing my powers, I don't have time to play with these poeple, Likyl get ready to switch consciosness with me." He ordered as the eye on his forehead appeared and opened up revealing a hollow space. "And don't get to far from me, and Thusixla... protect her."

Agatha was currently inside her room getting ready to meet Luke as today was one of those days when they explored the human bodies of man and woman and wrestle inside the sheats of the bed.


The wardrobe in the room fell to the ground, dust slowly fell from the top of her stone ceiling and the things on her dressing table either rolled of the table or fell of it.

Then it was followed by the screams and shouts of the other woman and girls living in the female quarters of the temple. Normally she was supposed to have either a roommate or roommates, but as Luke's lover, she had the privilage of having a whole room to herself.

Agatha quickly got of the dressing stool and dashed towards the door of her room, forgetting that she was still wearing her bath gown and a towel on her head.She opens the door and sees the other tenants running for their lives, some of them were not even wearing full clothing as they did not care about that at such a time.

Agatha grabbed a girl that looked to be about sixteen years old, at first she struggled to break free from her grip as she was clearly not in her right mind and as she was deperately running for her life.

"Let me go!!!!" The girl screamed as she realised that her strength was not enough for her to break free from the grip of the woman that was holding her.

"Ayyy, calm down! I just want to know why everyone is running away!!" Agatha said, trying to control her strength and not break the girls hand.

"I don't know, I just saw everyone running and also ran." The girl said with some embarrasement on her face, after she calmed down a little and saw that it was lady Agatha holding her hand. She was surely going to brag about this to her friends later.

"..." Agatha did not know how to respond after hearing what the girl said. She understood that she was still a teen and she would of course be scared when she sees everyone running away. Humans are social animals and because of this, they tend to do what they see the whole group do, and in this case, that was running away.

She left the girl alone and looked in the direction everyone was running from and frowned. If she remembered correctly, that said was where the well that they drew water from under the ground.

'Did something come out of that place.'

She slowly went in the opposite direction of where everyone was running from and some of the girls looked at her like she was insane.

Don't you see us running from that place? That means that direction is bad, bad things will happen to you if you go there you know.

Some wanted to stop her, but seeing that it was lady Agatha, they did not know how to approach her or question her about why she was heading straight to the danger.

As Agatha progressed, she noticed that some of the girls that she were running a moment ago were now walking behind her with some of them looking scared and others looking excited. They were mostly teens that followed behind her and some of them that looked to be in their early twenties.

She just ingnored them and continued her journey to where the well was located, but realised that there was something wrong with the hall way that they were passing. Reason?.

Well the huge octopus flying in the sky over the temple and the fact that the girls did not notice it was a very good hint that something was wrong.

Agatha stopped and the girls behind her also stopped with confussion all over their face.

"Why are we stopping?"

"Did lady Agatha notice something?"

The girls asked and this further confirmed her guess, usually, the girls in the female quarters don't know much about her, no rather they are not quallified to know her position in the temple, she was seen as the eldest in their dorm, only those who were arround the age of 20 years old upwards knew that she was Lukes lover, so calling her lady Agatha was not what they were supposed to call her.

That is why she was placed in this section of the female quarters as Luke, even though he was uncaring sometimes, placed her here to prevent 'unnecessary accidents'.

"Who are you?" She asked as she slowly activated a low level spell that did not require her to say it out loud.

"What do you mean?" They all asked in unison, and Agatha realised that some images were overlapping with the current one she was in. It was like looking at a tv that was glitching and showing you another program.

Agatha felt goosebumps on her skin, the images that were overlapping were not images she wanted to see.

Agatha quickly threw an ice shard at one of the girls and it pierced her head as blood splattered over the place. This shocked the other girls as they did not know why lady Agatha would just attack one of them, they had not yet recovered when another fell.

"AHHHHHH!!!!!" The scream sparked a chain reaction, the hall way was filled with blood and dead bodies of other female disciples. Agatha then realised that the girls she killed were not the problem, it was the surroundings that seemed off.

This chapter is a bit long so I might have made some mistakes in them.


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