
The World That Withered

"The World That Withered" is set in a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by the withering virus, a deadly affliction that turns people into mindless, cannibalistic monsters known as "The Withered." As survivors struggle to navigate this desolate landscape, they must contend with not only the threat of the infected but also ruthless raiders fighting for power in a world devoid of law and order. Amidst the ruins of civilization, one survivor must confront their inner demons while fighting to protect what remains of humanity, searching for hope in a world consumed by darkness. (I will be posting this on Royal Road)

Eradira · Action
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Chapter 3: Embers Of Truth

The smoke was thick, stinging my eyes as I stumbled through the chaos. The heat was intense, a wall of fire that seemed to push back with a life of its own. I could hear Elena's shouts behind me, but they were distant, muffled by the roar of the raging fire."Tyrell, come back! It's too dangerous!" her voice was fearful, but I couldn't—I wouldn't—turn back now. But the heat was real, the danger was real, and the loss… the loss was unspeakable.As the realization set in, my legs started shaking as I was on the brink of collapsing to the ground, the world spinning around me. "N-no.", I denied as I ran towards an office. I burst into the office, my heart pounding in my ears. There she was, slumped against the wall, coughing. I freed the woman from the burning flames."Mom... Mom, are you okay?" I reached for her, my hands trembling.She looked up, her eyes meeting mine, and in that moment, I saw a lifetime of secrets reflected back at me. "Tyrell.", she gasped, her voice barely above a whisper. I pulled her out of the burning office and helped her lay on the ground. "Here, have some water.", I said as I helped her drink the water through a bottle.She coughed blood and wiped it off with her palm."I need to tell you... I'm not your mother."My mind reeled, the world tilting on its axis. "What do you mean? You're not—""I'm your aunt," she interrupted, her hand gripping mine with surprising strength. "Your mother, my sister, she died giving birth to you. And your father... he disappeared soon after. I couldn't leave you alone in this world. I had to take care of you."Tears streamed down my face. The woman I had called 'mother' was my aunt. The life I thought I knew was a tapestry woven with threads of lies and sacrifice."We have to get out of here," I said, pulling her to her feet. "We'll talk about this later-""No.", She interrupted again. "I'm not going to make it. Take this.", she gasped as she handed me a letter with an address written on it. Your father left something there that might be useful.", She put her hand on my cheek. "And remember, Tyrell. I know I was not your real mother. But you were always like a real son to me.", Her hand dropped and she went cold. She died.I screamed. A long, mournful scream. I had lost the person who meant the most to me."Tyrell.", Elena said as she held my shoulder. I let go of the person I had called my mother for my entire life and got up. "Let's go.", I said to Elena, keeping my head down as I walked past her and she followed. I went out of the base, watching it burn. Memories of Base Delta flooded my mind. Good and bad. I would never see it again. . The base had been more than a shelter; it had been a cradle of hope, now reduced to ashes. The truth that had been revealed to me about my family was a bitter pill to swallow. "I'm going to kill all of them.", I said, clutching my fist making my palm bleed slightly. "You're not alone.", Elena said. "Indeed. We'll be by your side no matter what.", Nodded Samuel. I looked at the 3 of them. These 3 were a glimmer of hope that would help me get through this forsaken world.We drove to the Raider Base and when we arrived I instructed Lily and Samuel to stay hidden somewhere. Elena followed me as we approached the gate. "Any plans?", she asked."Just don't die.", I replied.Elena shot the 2 guards at the main gate as I ran through them, pulling out my dual swords and cutting them down. They fired but I hid behind a wall as Elena shot the firearm wielders. I ran and killed more of the raiders. All I could hear were the screams of their pain. All I could see was their blood flying through the air. I was consumed by rage. (Zoom) a motorcycle zoomed past me with a rope tied into a knot wrapping around my leg and dragging me across the field. Elena shot the raider into the head just before he could slam me into a wall. I quickly cut the rope and got up."Now's not the time to let your anger overpower you!", Elena shouted in worry. She was right. Now was not the time to get angry. It was time to avenge all the people I lost. "Burn this place down!" One of the raiders shouted as he threw a molotov at me, setting the area on fire. "Don't let them escape!", I shouted at Elena. She closed the gate as I killed the remaining raiders. But there was only one remaining. The same one who had been setting the place on fire. Elena shot him in the leg as he tried to get away. He fell and laid on the ground."I'm assuming you're the one who burned Base Delta since you like playing with fire.", I said, walking towards him, using the fire to heat up my blade." No please, forgive me. It was an order! If I didn't do it then-""Then what?", I cut him off. "Would they kill you? Do you really think just because you beg me for forgiveness and tell me that it was an order as an excuse, then I'll forgive you? That I'll walk away and act like nothing happened? No. You have no right to forgiveness. You have no right to live after making 100s of people suffer." I raised my hot blade above my head and cut his throat, killing him in a single blow. I looked at his lifeless body. But I felt nothing. I felt empty. I thought I would be satisfied by getting revenge, so why is it that I feel nothing? Elena approached me from behind." You're probably wondering why you aren't satisfied.", She said as she put her hand on my shoulder to comfort me. "Revenge can't undo things that have already been done, Tyrell. It's over now so let's go." "Ahh!" A raider screamed as he ran to us holding a knife. "Get behind me!", I shouted as I stood in front of Elena to cover her. *Bang* The raider fell to the ground, lifeless. I saw a small light and led my eyes towards it to see the silhouette of a hooded person holding a rifle. End of Chapter 3.