
Prince Allium's Battle Speech

Prince Allium's command echoed through the room, "You may take a seat," yet no one heeded his words. Both Prince Allium and Princess Vitis exchanged puzzled glances, wondering why their simple request was met with resistance. It was a scenario they found perplexing, for under normal circumstances, no one dared to disregard the prince's orders.

In response, I offered an explanation, "Forgive me, Prince Allium. Sitting seems to be a discomfort shared by all. The chairs, as it turns out, are in short supply. While you have gallantly remained standing, we've hesitated to have a seat."

As this realization settled, Prince Allium's reply came forth, "Very well then. Al, Zelta, and their kin, I summon you to convene in the guild's dining quarters." Zelta and I both saluted, proclaiming in unison, "Of course, Your Highness." With a graceful exit, Prince Allium exited the room.

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