
Episode 2


Dariel smiled as she walked into the maid's room to see her as she instructed.

Dariel met her engaging in daily quiet time, then the maid hugged her to join her to pray.

Though she was still young but the maid knew that her intellect is not blind to abide to cares of these world but the maid believe Dariel will be better.

Dariel pointed the stinking hand to the maid's nose, she sat her down to question about how she get lured to that habit. Dariel answered "nobody"

The maid asked her thesame question if incase she did not hear her well

Then Dariel answered, "Testimony said I should put my hand and smell that thing, testimony said I should be checking if the thing has thesame odor or not and if it is not thesame, I should come and tell him.

The maid ask Dariel intentionally, " who is Testimony?

How often do you see Testimony?

Did you guys attend thesame school?

How old is Testimony?

Dariel answered, " Testimony's mummy stays beside my mom's shop; Testimony, myself, Favour, Adetito always play together at the shop unless if they did not come; we do not attend thesame school; he is 7years old

The maid noted all what she said and suggested to ask for Iretioluwa's go to follow her to shop henceforth.

Iretioluwa gave her exact time to let her follow her to shop(2-weeks time)