
The World Of Mushrooms

When a completely ordinary teenager finds out he isn’t quite as ordinary as he first expected when the world went to hell. He doesn’t realize just how truly special he is. I do not own the cover, I got it from a screenshot I took on istagram when I was looking at a band called infected mushroom. It is also the band that made the music that inspired me to write this novel

Ikizumari · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter Four: Lots Of New Findings

Staring at the mushroom creature, Karl decide to hide from it as he didn't think it was friendly, but he ended up tripping over a rock and causing a large piece of metal to fall and hit another piece of metal causing a loud ringing to reverberate throughout a few hundred metres.

Immediately stopping it's attempts to get inside the building, the mushroom creature looked at the spot where the sound came from, and it saw a skeleton sitting on the ground looking at it. In the next second a furious roar broke out as the mushroom creature shed all concern of causing any kind of damage to it's surroundings and it violently forced it's way through the doorway that was way too small for it.

Turning around and crawling on his hands and knees, Karl found a small tunnel that he could fit inside and he crawled inside, but it was only four metres long, two metres wide, and three feet tall. Loud sounds of debris hitting the ground, which caused the ground to shake, was being produced by the mushroom creature charging forwards without care, and it reached the spot that Karl was hiding.

Laying down on it's own hands and knees, the mushroom creature tried crawling inside the tunnel, but it was too big, and it started trying to reach Karl by sticking it's irregularly long arms inside the tunnel. That didn't work though and it got angry, so it started ripping pieces of rubble away from the tunnel, and trying to get to Karl by whatever means possible.

Karl on the other hand, was curled into the fetal position at the very back of the tunnel, watching the mushroom creature slowly making it's way towards him while other mushrooms creatures appeared behind it, observing the commotion.

When they saw the tiny skeleton inside the tunnel all of them started charging over and were trying to get inside the tunnel. The first one was angered over the actions of the other mushroom creatures and it started attacking the other ones.

Also angry over the fact that they were just attacked, the other mushroom creatures ganged up on the original mushroom creature and killed it. Surprised at what just happened, Karl quietly crawled out of the tunnel and snuck away from the group of mushroom creatures that had started devouring the dead one.

Running out of the building, he started running towards the university at full speed, but then he hit a wall. Bouncing back and falling on his butt bones, Karl looked at what he hit and was immediately terrified, and he was terrified because he had hit a gigantic leg.

Looking up to what the leg was connected too, he saw a massive creature over a kilometre tall looking over the entire city, and it was currently looking towards the direction of the university. In the next moment an ear splitting roar was produced from the giant monster, Karl would have gone deaf if he had still been a normal human, but he wasn't normal anymore and no damage was caused to his ears since he didn't have any.

The mushroom creature looked like a tree that has been overgrown by mushrooms. It had logs sticking out all over it's body with some that looked like they were just other trees stuck inside of the mushroom creature.

It was a glowing grassy green with a crimson red shine being produced from the cap of the mushroom, it's eyes were like two yellow stars illuminating wherever it looked, and it's arms reached it's knees.

Lifting up it's leg, the giant mushroom creature started heading towards the university, and Karl got a bright idea. Standing up, he ran towards a large pile of rubble, climbed up it and jumped. Landing on the leg of the mushroom creature, the wind pressure from it simply lifting it's leg was immense, and then the leg landed on the ground.

With a quake of the earth, Karl was ejected off of the leg like a bullet, he had been holding on so tightly that a tiny portion of the force transmitted through the leg had been redirected to his location and he was forced off of the leg.

Flying for a few hundred metres, Karl landed back in the same area that he had jumped onto the leg, but he wasn't getting up because there was a notification from his system. "You have taken three points of damage, please find some kind of way to heal yourself or you will die the next time you take any damage."

Staring at his health, which was at one point, he looked away from it and looked at his bones. His entire skeleton was cracked with some of the bones in his arms broken since he cushioned his fall with his arms.

Shakily standing up, Karl headed towards the university while being very cautious and avoiding every possible creature that he came across, and he arrived at the university after two long days of avoiding every mushroom creature.

Looking at the university, Karl became sad, and he became sad because the university was completely destroyed. All that remained was a gigantic pile of rubble that had some mushroom creatures climbing atop it.

Shaking his head, Karl sneakily made his way to the approximate location of his dorm room, and he started moving rubble around. Because he was only bones and he had no muscles, Karl was barely able to lift a five pound rock, which he knew he shouldn't even be able to do, but he shouldn't be alive anyway.

Moving all of the pieces of rubble he could, Karl barely got ten percent of the rubble away, and that was just the five to ten pound items, he pushed other slightly heavier rocks away from the location. After twelve hours of working he had moved the rubble, it would take him forever to remove all of the heavier rubble using his own strength, so he decided to borrow someone else's.

Quietly sneaking up the rubble pile, Karl saw a pair of mushroom creatures, they both were the same colour, a dark pine green with a bright yellow cap, but one was just over 1.5 metres tall while the other one was over 2.5 metres tall.

Picking up a five pound rock, Karl spun in a circle and let the rock fly out of his grasp. Flying five metres away from him, the rock decided to be a dick and hit a hollow piece of metal, and then the sound of a gong rang out.

Snapping their heads in the direction of the sound, the mushroom creatures saw a metal object, they weren't drawn over there since they could see that there wasn't anything over there, but as they were turning their head back they saw Karl hiding behind a small rock.

The rock was able to hide him from the sight of the smaller mushroom creature but not the taller one. Giving a pitifully weak sounding roar compared to the gigantic one, the taller mushroom creature rushed over.

Turning around, Karl ran away with the mushroom creature hot on his trail, and he ran until he found an intact ladder. Climbing up the ladder, he was five metres up when the mushroom creature arrived and grabbed hold of the ladder, and then it yanked it.

Coming off it's bolts the bottom half of the ladder, which Karl was on, came off the wall of the half destroyed building it was attached to. Making a split second decision, Karl jumped onto an air conditioning unit that was right beside the ladder.

Trapped in his current spot, Karl looked around for anything that could be used to get him out of his current situation, but there was nothing. Peering down at the mushroom creature that was trying to reach him unsuccessfully, Karl sat down and watched his surroundings, waiting for the mushroom creature to get bored and go away while thinking about how his brilliant plan failed.

Above him near the roof of the building, the small hand that had inscribed the symbols on Karl appeared again, and it scanned the half destroyed roof. Exclaiming, the hand found a long metal pipe that was sharp on one end and blunt on the other.

Picking it up, the hand very carefully maneuvered it so it would appear that it was balancing precariously over the edge, it then gave a light tap to the side hanging over the edge, and down the long metal pipe went.

Still staring at the mushroom creature, Karl moved his hand to scratch an itch that he had suddenly got on his shoulder blades. Looking over his shoulder, he saw that a large metal pipe had fallen from the roof and got caught on some cables, and thankfully it had or Karl would be dead right now.

Switching his gaze from the long metal pipe to the mushroom creature, and then back to the pipe, Karl got an idea. Lifting the pipe, Karl swayed side to side slightly as he almost fell of the air conditioning unit.

Untangling the pipe, he took it over the edge and dropped it sharp side down, he shouldn't have been able to lift the pipe since it was close to forty-five kilograms, but the hand was holding the other end of the pipe.

Letting go a split second before Karl did the hand disappeared back into nothingness. Falling straight down, the mushroom creature had it's head pierced and died instantly, and then Karl got a notification.

"Congratulations on Killing you first enemy, you have been awarded two times the EXP as a reward and another two times EXP as a bonus for killing this creature for the first time, you have gained three levels."

Hitting the back of his skull lightly, the system panel appeared before his eyes again, there were a few changes to it. Instead of being level zero he was level 3, he now had 10 points of health, 800 EXP is required to level up again, and he had 3 free points he can put into any of the things in the system panel, but he didn' have anything at the moment and kept them.

It was unknown how much EXP he gained, but he now knows how to level up relatively fast, and how to get health back. Jumping down from the air conditioning unit, Karl landed on the body of the mushroom creature, which was surprisingly soft, and he started heading back towards the university.

Stopping right after taking a few steps, Karl turned back to the corpse of the mushroom creature, and he walked back to touch it. After touching it the mushroom creature shrivelled up and turned into dust while small changes happened with Karl.

The reason he went back to touch the mushroom creature was because he had received a prompt from the system, "Would you like to absorb the sporeling, yes or no?", and he decided to see what would happen.

He also learned what these mushroom creatures were called, they were called sporelings, which sounded pretty accurate based on what they were. But if these ones that are this small are sporelings then the giant one must have been some kind of behemoth of sorts.

Checking the changes that took place with his bones, Karl noticed that they were a little thicker and denser, which is about all that changed with his bones, but he wanted to make sure to check the system panel as well, just to make sure there weren't any important things that he might missed.

Tapping the back of his skull again he found out that there were indeed changes to the panel, he was now able to see how many points he had in his stats, and they were much better than what he previously had as he found out.

"Strength: 8>0, Constitution: 6>0, Agility: 2>1, Stamina: 999>999, other stats locked." Bewildered as to why he his stamina didn't change, Karl wracked his brain... skull, about it and came to the conclusion that it was because he doesn't have flesh that can get tired. Closing his system panel, Karl headed towards the University again.

(P.S. I don't understand why this novel is getting lots of readers even though I'm not really advertising it, but I'm glad that people like it. If you want to see pictures of some of the creatures than you could join the discord for The World of Mushrooms and see the pictures of creatures that I have introduced so far. And thank you for liking my writing so far, if you spot any mistakes please make sure to leave a comment and inform me, I should have it fixed within a day or two. Oh, before I forget, I'll leave the link to the discord server in the synopsis, bye for now.)