
The World Of Mushrooms

When a completely ordinary teenager finds out he isn’t quite as ordinary as he first expected when the world went to hell. He doesn’t realize just how truly special he is. I do not own the cover, I got it from a screenshot I took on istagram when I was looking at a band called infected mushroom. It is also the band that made the music that inspired me to write this novel

Ikizumari · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter Eleven: Heading For Great Haven

Back with the group of sixteen people, Kevin was leading the group up in the sky while they were all riding their ravens, he was thinking back to what he had seen in the mall, he had barely managed to catch a glimpse of white before he found that nothing was there.

Remembering the skeleton he had seen, he smacked his forehead, "I'm such a fucking idiot!" Coming to a halt midair and almost causing an accident, Kevin tossed his bag of clothes to Gary, who had been flying ten metres behind him and was now only a metre away from him.

"I need to head back to the mall, I have remembered that my girlfriend had wanted a very specific type of clothing and she had said that if I didn't find it then she would break up with me." Kevin said this and started to fly back, but he was stopped when Gary had shouted at him to wait.

Flying closer to Kevin, Gary examined his face closely, he could tell when his best friend was lying, an he asked his best friend a question, "What's wrong?" Nervously looking at Gary, Kevin decided to spill the beans, "I dunno yet, I had seen something out of the corner of my eye back in the mall, and then I found a skeleton in a dark hallway."

"What's wrong with a-", those few words escaped Gary's mouth before he came to a realization, it is very rare to see a skeleton and that was because they were eaten by the Sporelings. "I'm thinking that the skeleton was the thing that had been on the stairs, it might be a new type of Sporeling or something, maybe it is another person that is shy."

Waving goodbye, Kevin left his group and left Gary in charge, he was heading back to investigate what he saw, and hopefully find an ally. Since it didn't take long to fly back, Kevin arrived after five minutes of flying, and he walked into the building.

The sound of heavy objects being moved around could be heard immediately after entering, along with the sound of concrete being struck by some other hard object, and the smell of something burning too.

Currently, Karl was creating a path towards the small store he was looking for, smashing his way through the collapsed concrete, he would punch it with as much force as he could muster while also melting it with the flames coming from the tip of his tail, he only needed another minute or so an he will reach his destination.

Having removed his clothes and put them outside of the hole he had started making, he continued punching and melting his way through the concrete, and he eventually reached the end after just over minute.

Walking into the small store, Karl looked around and saw a metal rack with a bunch of maps of different provinces, including British Columbia and Northwest Territories. Picking up the maps of British Columbia and Northwest Territories, Karl walked out of the store and headed back through his new pathway.

Silently walking up the stairs to the second floor and sneaking his way towards the direction that the sound had been coming from, Kevin saw a person in baggy clothing and a ski mask putting on some sunglasses while their hands had on leather gloves with cuffs that went halfway up their forearms.

From the body structure of the person, Kevin could tell that it was a man based on the fact that he didn't see any breasts, long hair, or long legs, then again all of that could be hidden by the baggy clothing that they were wearing, but he was sure that it was a man.

Standing up straight, Kevin started speaking, "Hello there! My name is Kevin, I don't know if it was you who had been watching us earlier, I was wondering if I may know your identity and if you would want to ride back to Great Haven with me and my group."

Karl had heard a voice behind him after he finished putting all of his clothes on and he froze up in nervousness. Slowly turning around, Karl examined the man named Kevin, with his teal hair and yellow eyes, Kevin waited patiently for the response of the mysterious person standing in front of him.

But none came, they just continued staring at each other, and eventually, Kevin couldn't take it anymore. "Would you like to come back to Great Haven with me and my group?" That question received an answer a few seconds later.

Raising his thumb, Karl shoved the maps he had obtained into his pockets and gestured for Kevin to lead the way, he then picked up his garbage bags of clothes and followed Kevin. Seeing as how the mysterious person was following him with more clothes, Kevin walked out of the mall and whistled, his bird the flew down from the sky and landed beside him.

Dropping his bags on the ground, Karl was stunned to see the gigantic Raven that had reins over its beak, he wanted one too, it was large, it could fly, and it looked cool. When Kevin saw that the mysterious person wasn't whistling or making some kind of signal he asked, "Do you not have a Raven?"

"No. I hadn't received one." A short reply from the mysterious person confirmed two things, they were a man and they didn't have a Raven. Sighing, Kevin just climbed atop his Raven and invited the mysterious man to sit behind him.

Lifting off from the ground, Kevin and Karl were just about to fly away when a giant shadow covered them. Looking skyward, Kevin and Karl saw the giant hand of the new Guardian rapidly descending towards them. Paling instantaneously, Kevin shouted out in panic for his Raven to move as fast as possible.

Flying 100 metres forward in a single sudden burst of speed, they had escaped from under the hand, but they were still hit with the shockwave from the impact. Falling to the ground after being struck, Kevin, Karl, and the Raven got up to their feet.

Regrouping as fast as possible, the bags of clothes were abandoned so they had just a little bit more speed, and it helped, but only slightly. Still, they were able to get on the Raven and start flying away from the new Guardian, but the only the problem was having to dodge the hands that were trying to grab or smack them.

After a minute of nonstop dodging, they were finally outside the reach of the new Guardian. Peering behind him, Karl saw that the Guardian was now over 2 kilometres tall with brighter bioluminescent glow then the previous one.

As he was watching, he saw that it started puffing up its chest as the bioluminescent glow coming from it's cap was getting brighter. With a tingling sensation in his bones, Karl screamed in panic, "Dodge left as far a possible!"

Trusting the mysterious man, Kevin pulled on the reins causing his Raven to turn 90 degrees left and fly in the that direction. Three seconds after they had started flying left, Karl saw that the Guardian had opened it's mouth, and then a long line of red, pink, green, blue, and yellow glowing spores was spewed from it's mouth.

Karl and Kevin were already over a kilometre away from the Guardian, and yet the beam of spores had already reached their previous position in less than a second, it was then leaving a trail in the sky as it followed behind them.

"GO FASTER!!!" Karl screamed as the beam was quickly catching up. Urging his Raven to fly faster, they started going over 240 kilometres per hour as they were trying to escape the beam, but it was still to slow.

Making a split second decision, Karl fully turned his body around, pulling up his mask so that the tip of his tail was exposed, pulling his tail forward, and then finally letting the magic flow through his tail.

An extremely hot trail of bluish green flames erupted from the tip of his tail like a plane's jet engine, causing the Raven to jerk forward suddenly and have it's speed increase dramatically, almost causing Kevin and Karl to fall off. The Raven's speed tripled as it quickly left the city and Guardian behind while a stream of flames was left in it's path.

Lasting only for three minutes, the flame then stopped as Karl had run out of magic, and he covered his face again. Kevin hadn't thought that the mysterious man would be a magic user that was that high of a level and he was stunned by the power produced by the man.

Furthermore Kevin didn't hear any chants or anything, which meant that this was a very weak version of his spell or that the man was a high enough level with the skills mastered, but those kind's of people were very rare. Lastly, the man hadn't used a wand or staff, he just used his body, and he spewed the fire from his mouth.

When Karl turned around to face Kevin there was still smoke coming from his face. "My name is Kral, and we can stop flying this way now." Regaining his senses, Kevin wondered about the name Kral as he had never heard it before, whether it was in Great Haven or any of the other Safe Havens.

Pulling the reins, he steered the Raven so it would head towards Great Haven and regroup with the other 15 people in his group. Half an hour later, Kevin and Karl saw the group of 15 people flying at a moderate speed as they were close together, calmly talking to each other using the magic from one of the girls in their group.

When they saw another Raven flying over, they all stopped talking and waited for the new Raven to arrive, but then they saw it was Kevin and they were overjoyed that their captain had come back alive, and then they saw the mysterious person sitting behind him.

Raising his hand above his head slightly and then moving his hand in a circular motion, Kevin signalled for his group to land on the ground and regroup on him. Landing on the cap of a large mushroom that was over 100 metres tall, the group hugged as they had thought that Kevin might have died.

"So, what was that giant rainbow like beam that was back at the city? We could see it even though we were over 20 kilometres away." Gary asked this question as he along with the others had thought that the Guardian had killed Kevin.

"That was the new Guardian, it spewed that from it's mouth like how dragons did in movies, it's also twice as big as the previous Guardian. If it wasn't for him that I probably would have died, then again, if I hadn't gone back to check out what I had seen then I wouldn't have been in that situation.

It's his fault that I almost died but he saved me from certain death, so everything is fine." Simultaneously turning their gazes to the new person, they all crowded around him and started examining him with their eyes some tried to examine him with their hands, but they were swatted away by other members of their group.

Suddenly being surrounded by a group of people after not interacting with a single person for close to two months, Karl couldn't speak, and then he was bombarded by a bunch of questions. "How old are you? What's your name? What's you level? Do you use magic or do you use physical weapons? What kind of magic do you use? Did you come from a different Safe Haven? How come you don't have a Raven?"

Bombarded with all of those questions, Karl was speechless as he didn't, or more specifically, couldn't respond. Coming to the rescue was Kevin, who had started barking orders at the group, which quickly shut up and watched Karl eagerly.

"I'll start with a four or five questions for now, more can be asked at a later date." Appeasing his group, Kevin looked at everyone, and then he chose five people to come up and ask five questions. All four of the women were chosen as they had been aggressively shoving their hands in the air and glaring at any of the men who had raised their hands.

Gary was the fifth person to be chosen, he was also the one who was going to ask the most important question, but he had to wait his turn. The first woman to ask her question was a woman who was still in her teens as she had baby fat on her cheeks, it was more appropriate to call her a girl instead of a woman.

"Hi, my name is Henrietta, I'm 18, and my question is how old are you?" Henrietta was girl with hazel brown hair, brown eyes, a frame on the smaller side, and a cartoonishly oversized sword strapped to her back, it was twice as tall as she was.

"What day is it today?" Karl asked this question as he wasn't see of the specific date, but he knew it was March or April because of the age stated on his system panel. "It's March 31st today, tomorrow is or would have been April fools day if society was still here. Just over 7 months since the world was destroyed."

"Ah, I'm 22 years old then." Giving a short reply, Karl waited for the next person to question him, and he didn't have to wait long. "Hello, my name is Crystal, I was wondering what your level is, if you don't mind my asking?"

Thoughtfully looking at the girl who introduced herself as Crystal, Karl shook his head as he didn't want to answer that question. "You can ask a different question since I won't answer that one." Disappointedly looking at Karl, Crystal asked a new question, "Are you single?"

Stunned at the question that was asked, Karl thought about it, and he thought about Kris and what had happened before he became what he is now. "No." Looking even more disappointed than before, Crystal let the next girl ask their question.

"Hi, my name is Salina, I was wondering if you use magic or are physical fighter, or maybe you're a crafter of some kind." "I use both, but I'm not good at either." Was the reply that Karl gave because it was true, he didn't know any kind of fighting skills and he just let magic flow through his tail.

It was Kevin's turn to be stunned as he very clearly saw his powerful he was with magic, if he considered that to be "not good", then was the skill level of the best magic users in Great Haven trash or something?

Happy with the answer she received, Salina let the next girl ask her question as she stood beside one of the men in the group. "I'm Trudy, I was wondering why you don't have a Raven?" "I hadn't received one."

Gary was the last person who was going to ask a question this time and it was a very important question. "How did you manage to get all the way over to Canada, without a Raven, from one of the other Safe Havens?"

"I didn't come from a different Safe Haven, I came from Great Haven, but I had left a day after it was made since I had a dispute with someone." A look of realization crossed Gary's face after receiving his answer, he then climbed back on his Raven as he looked at Kevin.

"Will we be going now? We still need to bring these clothes back to the Association as per the mission we had taken to gather clothing for a reward of new armour and a small storage necklace."

Hearing those words, everyone got on their own Ravens, Kevin was about to invite Kral to ride with him, but someone else beat him to it. It was Henrietta, she was gently patting the back of her bird, implying for Karl to sit behind her.

Clicking his tongue, Kevin remembered that he hadn't actually told them the guy's name was Kral, so he did. "By the way, his name is Kral, for future reference, just letting everyone know so we don't have to say 'hey you' or 'dude' to get his attention."

Those were the last words spoken as everyone started flying higher into the sky with Kevin leading the group. Karl was holding the waist of Henrietta as he didn't want to fall off of the Raven, he didn't hold the waist of Kevin because he didn't swing that way, and he also held Henrietta's waist because she was pretty compared to most women. He then continued looking forward as he was excited to see what kind of place Great Haven was.

(AN. I have finished this chapter and will be doing two or three for 'The Boy Who Defended The World' before I release another one for this, I do already have stuff planned for the next chapter, so no need to worry, there should be another chapter within two or three days. Once again, if you see any spelling mistakes please leave a comment and point them out, I miss them sometimes since my brain automatically fills in the missing letters some times. Peace out for now)