
The world of magic and mystery

James White, a former game developer, passed away after undergoing significant hardship. Following his demise, he discovered himself transmigrated as a privileged teen of 14 in a wholly dissimilar universe. In this new environment, he perceives resemblances to the 1700s, yet the world teems with enchantment and fresh prospects. Nevertheless, during his tenure in this new realm, he notes that while the world radiates beauty during the daytime, nocturnal hours usher in mystery and peril. When the grand clock tower rings at midnight, echoing throughout the city, hear the prayers of its inhabitants, yet it is unclear to whom these prayers are directed. James White undertakes a journey under the cover of darkness, maintaining his true identity. However, he leads a double life, for at the break of dawn, he adopts the persona of Zakiel Lunite, a student of magical arts. Discord:https://discord.gg/jvufW2Rh

Kingjr10 · Fantasy
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57 Chs

The great continental clash

Upon opening the book, Melody was confronted by a succession of blank pages. She turned towards Zak and inquired, "What did you do?"

"Are you telling me you can't see anything?" Zak asked, to which Melody confirmed that indeed, she could not see anything. As she hurriedly sifted through the pages, it became apparent that they were all glaringly empty.

"Is this a different book?" Melody queried, confused. Zak, however, assured her that this was the same book he had shown her previously. He suggested that the reason others were unable to perceive the contents was due to one of the potions he had tested earlier.

Intrigued yet bemused at this oddity, Melody vocalized her thoughts. "That's strange," she mused. "But what's even stranger is how you came to possess this book in the first place." She then turned her attention from Zak to Vellis who was seated calmly by the glass table.

She apologized for her inability to see the content of the book, to which Vellis responded, "Oh, no, don't worry about that. I merely wanted to ascertain that my theory was correct."

"Could you explain the theory?" Melody inquired, eyeing Vellis curiously. Vellis calmly replied, "It seems that Zak is uniquely apt to read this red book, likely due to the potion he used yesterday."

Melody raised an eyebrow, "That's strange ," she murmured. She glanced at Zak as Vellis shifted her attention towards him. "Could you show me the potion you crafted yesterday?" she inquired.

Zak displayed a slight hesitation. "I regret to inform you that's not possible." he replied, "Following my consumption of the potion, the page caught fire spontaneously. It's worthy to mention that it was the only page affected, despite no apparent source of fire."

"Compelling," Vellis murmured, her focus interrupted by an abrupt noise emanating from her leather satchel. She retrieved a golden watch from her bag, sighing deeply, "Regrettably, I am out of time, we must discuss this matter further a later date."

"Are you intending to take the book?" Zak questioned, his gaze falling on Vellis. She shook her head. "No, I suspect the book is intrinsically linked with you." She paused momentarily before amending her earlier statement, "Actually, it may be most prudent if we retain the book for subsequent research."

Vellis rose from her seat, picking up her leather bag from the glass table. "I had a wonderful time here," she said. Zak, visibly anxious, asked, "Will I be able to get my book back in the future?" Vellis answered, "Yes, but only after I've determined the type of potion it contains."

"Alright," Zak acquiesced, turning to Oscar who walked to the wooden door, Oscar said, "It was a pleasure being here. Certainly, it was not a waste of my time."

As Vellis trailed behind him, she waved goodbye before they closed the door. Once it was shut, Melody turned to Zak, saying, "Since you're disallowed from making potions, I wager you'll be rather bored, won't you?".

"I will certainly find something to keep myself occupied," Zak assured. Melody, however, interjected, "Wait." She then walked towards the wooden door situated in the living room before making her way back to her room. Zak waited patiently for her return. After some time he observed her coming out of her room clutching three books.

"These belong to you," Melody declared, handing the books over to Zak.

Taken by surprise, Zak questioned, "Why? I have not made any requests for books."

Melody responded, "Indeed, I am aware of that. Alice has requested me to pass these on to you. They are history books according to her.".

"Zak found the history books intriguing," he commented while collecting the three volumes. "Thank you, I will certainly dedicate time to read these," he added.

Since transmigration, I have not encountered a book that details the annals of this worlds. Consequently, my understanding of other continents remains fuzzy, even though my indistinct knowledge is supplemented by the memories of Zakiel. However, his knowledge has proven to be of limited use, Zak pondered before stepping into the living room, continuing up the stairs to his chamber.

Upon entering, he noted something peculiar and amusing– the red book he had entrusted to Vellis lay discarded on the floor, immediately in front of the door. Zak situated the trio of history books on his bed, then strolled over to the door to retrieve the seemingly red book.

"This is rather amusing," Zak verbalized upon lifting the book. Before opening and thumbing through the pages, he suspected it would divulge the familiar symbol and potion directions. "Indeed, this is it," Zak confirmed upon recognizing the peculiarities inside the book, making him believe that perhaps Vellis was correct in assuming it correlates with him somehow.

Without paying much attention to the peculiar situation, Zak ambled towards his dresser and gently rested the red book on top. Afterward, he sauntered towards his bed and took a comfortable seat. From there, he began examining one of the books proffered by Melody. The label on the book stood out, 'History of the Halphic Empire'.

"Alright, I'll commence with this one," voiced Zak, opening the book to its inaugural page, which revealed a detailed table of contents. He swiftly skimmed through, reaching the point where the actual narrative of the book started.

In the distant past, Jake Draco, a man hailing from the Phaldin continent, embarked on an expedition in search of gold. His arduous and lengthy journey led him to an untouched continent, free from the impact of civilization.

This was an epoch in history, recorded as 107 E.V.E, meaning the Envos Voyages Era. This was an era characterized by substantial maritime exploration, as people around the globe embarked on vast sea voyages in large ships and boats. Their ambition was to strike gold or discover new lands.

Jake Draco was not any ordinary adventurer; he was a notorious pirate. He dared to journey to the world's northern expanses, braving countless storms in search of a new homeland. His tough determination paid off when he discovered a vast, unexplored continent. The reason why this part of the world remained undiscovered was due to its hazardous weather conditions, which dissuaded most explorers from risking their lives.

Once Draco found this continent, he discovered that it was already populated. However, its inhabitants were scattered across different villages, indicating a divided society.

The discovery of such an expansive continent brought significant financial rewards. Hence, Jake Draco, armed with provisions from the newfound land, embarked on the journey back to his home, the Phaldin continent. Upon his return to Phaldin, he relayed this discovery to the king, sparking a heated discussion about the control and governance of the newly discovered land.

Draco's unraveling of this large continent can be attributed to his unique affiliation with lightning magic, making his voyage through storms safe and possible. This historical era recognized only the magic corresponding to the six elements, making its rarity abundantly clear. Possession of such a power not only conferred its possessor with significant importance but was also instrumental in the assignment of vital duties, including war and peacekeeping. As a result, Draco maintained a close association with the then-ruling king of the Phaldin continent.

After intense deliberations over the leadership of the newly discovered continent, Jake Draco, the man credited with its discovery, was chosen. The fairness of his selection was reinforced by his control over elemental magic, a factor which significantly influenced the decision. However, seizing the leadership proved challenging, given that the continent was already inhabited.

To navigate these complexities, Jake Draco sought aid from recognized monarchs in his time. Among his key allies were Alexander Cross, King of Phaldin, Arthur van Vagus II, King of Merphine, and King Adam Charles of Warclover. Together, they embarked on a campaign to introduce their culture to the locals and expand their sphere of influence.

Under their joint effort, they gradually invaded different territories, converting reluctant residents to their cause. The campaign progressed by slowly conquering territory after territory, often resulting in fierce conflict. The struggle for control, remembered as the Great Continental Clash, spanned a challenging nine-year period before all territories were finally subdued.