
The world of magic and mystery

James White, a former game developer, passed away after undergoing significant hardship. Following his demise, he discovered himself transmigrated as a privileged teen of 14 in a wholly dissimilar universe. In this new environment, he perceives resemblances to the 1700s, yet the world teems with enchantment and fresh prospects. Nevertheless, during his tenure in this new realm, he notes that while the world radiates beauty during the daytime, nocturnal hours usher in mystery and peril. When the grand clock tower rings at midnight, echoing throughout the city, hear the prayers of its inhabitants, yet it is unclear to whom these prayers are directed. James White undertakes a journey under the cover of darkness, maintaining his true identity. However, he leads a double life, for at the break of dawn, he adopts the persona of Zakiel Lunite, a student of magical arts. Discord:https://discord.gg/jvufW2Rh

Kingjr10 · Fantasy
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57 Chs

a new memory

As Zak stood before the bathroom mirror, his reflection revealed Christopher. The idea gradually formed in his mind that perhaps he only transformed into Christopher during his slumber as Zakiel, or it could indicate that the transformation solely occurred at night. Zak averted his gaze from the mirror and attempted to activate elemental sight by closing and reopening his eyes. Upon glancing back at his reflection, he discovered the grey aura had replenished, encompassing his body. "It appears that my elemental aura has been restored," Zak commented, contemplating the concept. "So this is elemental sight. Truly fascinating. It's possible that Christopher possessed impressive abilities, some of which I may have forgotten."

Zak looked down and looked through the seemingly transparent wall. He looked down at Melody's room and noticed she was sleeping, then turned to Alice and Jack, who were kissing and undressing.After witnessing the situation, Zak quickly deactivated his elemental sight and left the bathroom, realizing his mistake and understanding that he should not have witnessed what he did. As he opened his room door and entered, he suddenly recalled that he had not used elemental sight to ascertain whether Zoey was asleep or not. Although tempted to use it, Zak refrained from doing so out of respect for privacy, as he had unintentionally violated it previously when he accidentally witnessed Jack and Alice. Considering his limited knowledge about his current body, Zak contemplated leaving the house in the form of the white feathered owl and returning once he had acquired the skill of flight.

Zak stepped into the center of his room, slowly raising his hand and clenching it into a fist. As his eyes transitioned from blue to purple, his fist emitted a radiant purple energy that enveloped his entire body. This energy created a circle of purple aura, ascending from the ground around him, while his physical form vanished. Uttering the word "the observer," Zak's body dissipated completely within the encompassing purple circle. Against all odds, he then transformed into the majestic white owl, gracefully descending to the ground. Zak examined his transformed arms that had morphed into exquisite wings. Overwhelmed, he murmured, "This is truly incredible." Rising to the owl's feet, equipped with powerful talons, Zak determinedly exclaimed, "Now, let's practice flying!" Eagerly flapping his wings, he embarked on a quest to maneuver gracefully around his generously spaced room.

As Zak prepared to take flight, he contemplated the idea of practicing his flying abilities outdoors during nighttime when he transformed into Christopher, adopting the shape of an owl. With a flapping motion of his owl wings, Zak gradually lifted himself off the ground, saying, "That's it, Zak!" However, he unintentionally accelerated and crashed into the wall, exclaiming in pain, "Ouch, that hurts." Realizing that he could only revert back to his original form by losing focus, Zak stood up on his owl feet and attempted another temporary flight, discerning that he needed to comprehend the technique used by various birds he had observed throughout his life as James. To rectify his mistakes, he closed his eyes and visualized the birds, seeking to understand the nuances of their flight. Upon opening his eyes, Zak ascended from the ground once again, this time displaying heightened focus, and soared forward.

Zak cautiously glided around the room, ensuring he stayed close to the ground to avoid any potential pain from a fall. Gradually, he grew more confident in his flying abilities and began ascending higher and higher, eventually reaching the same height as the towering chandelier. As Zak circled the magnificent fixture, he couldn't help but marvel at the incredible sensation of flight. Reflecting on his past, he recalled a song echoing the lyrics "I believe I can fly," and now he knew it to be true. Zak slowly attempted a graceful landing on the large chandelier. His initial attempt fell short, but he persisted, circling back and trying again until he smoothly touched down. "This is truly fascinating," Zak exclaimed, relishing the view of the room from his vantage point on the chandelier, as the white owl.Zak cautiously glided around the room, ensuring he stayed close to the ground to avoid any potential pain from a fall. Gradually, he grew more confident in his flying abilities and began ascending higher and higher, eventually reaching the same height as the towering chandelier. As Zak circled the magnificent fixture, he couldn't help but marvel at the incredible sensation of flight. Reflecting on his past, he recalled a song echoing the lyrics "I believe I can fly," and now he knew it to be true. Zak slowly attempted a graceful landing on the large chandelier. His initial attempt fell short, but he persisted, circling back and trying again until he smoothly touched down. "This is truly fascinating," Zak exclaimed, relishing the view of the room from his vantage point on the chandelier, as the white owl.

Zak quietly descended from the towering chandelier, gracefully landing on his bed as he transformed back into Christopher from his white owl form. As Zak settled on the bed, a peculiar memory began to take shape in his mind - a memory of a unique ability that summoned both the white owl and the black owl. "Let's give this a shot," Zak murmured, rising from the bed and extending his palm with a gentle opening gesture. He closed his eyes, contemplating the activation command, and then reopened them. "The Seeker!" Zak exclaimed, while a vibrant purple energy materialized into an orb. From within the orb emerged the two magnificent owls - the white-feathered one and the black-feathered one. Curiosity stirred within Zak as he pondered whether these owls were sentient beings or mere manifestations of his ability. "Perhaps I could name them, if they do not already have names," Zak mused. The two owls gracefully flew towards the wooden door, while Zak stood motionless at the center of the room, observing their fluid movements.

He snapped his fingers and instantly teleported to where the white feathered owl and the black feathered owl were soaring right in front of the door. This particular experience intrigued him, making him realize that his abilities mostly revolved around locating and camouflaging himself. Zak turned his attention to the two glass doors leading to the balcony, contemplating whether or not to venture outside. Concerned about the consequences of flying out there and depleting his aura, potentially leaving him trapped in Christopher's body, Zak decided against it. It dawned upon him that the only solution to this predicament was to improve his flying skills. Despite being adept at teleportation, Zak acknowledged the need to familiarize himself with this ability as well. The white feathered owl and the black feathered owl perched on his shoulder, prompting Zak to wonder if they were actually living creatures. With curiosity, he raised his hand in front of his body, and the white owl gracefully landed on it.