
The world of Gamindustri is Tough for a DxD Devil of Shadows

In order to stop Vali from being a threat to his plans, his grandfather and father decide to pull the problem out by the roots by tossing him into the dimensional gap. Through some luck and chance however, he ends up in Gamindustri… though, not quite the original Gamindustri.

Dark_Spider · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Chapter 1

"What should we do with him, father? This boy… this THING, his demonic reserves are bigger than mine!"

Deep within a dark, dimly lit room, two men could be seen discussing something, something which turned out to be quite important if the intensity surrounding them was any indication. Both men remained covered by long, black hooded cloaks with the room's only source of light being those lit by candles… which also resulted in a mass of brown bundles being seen in one of the mens' arms. Just the right size for something like an infant, and judging by the slight sounds of quiet snoring coming from the bundle, that seemed to be exactly it.

Still, the men didn't seem too thrilled about the baby. As evident by the way that one of them talked like he was about to have a mental breakdown from sheer fear.

"I don't know, Razevan....maybe we should leave him somewhere else, somewhere when he wouldn't be a problem for us."

In contrast to the panicking man, the other man seemed to be much more composed, even if his eyes shone a silverish grey under his hood as he stared down at the infant in his companion's arms. His gaze shone with disgust and caution, as well as slight trepidation as the baby, which only had a slight tuff of silver hair on top of its head, slumbered peacefully, unaware of what was going on around it.

"I don't mean any disrespect, father, but what good will that do? Sooner or later, the boy would be a threat to us in the future!"

The panicking man questioned the other one, once more confirming their family relation despite both men looking like they were of similar age, physically, from what little of their features that could be seen.

For context, these two men… well, one could say that they were both quite 'high up' in their society, beings of power which could only command respect and fear from their followers. Also, one of them had the power to unnerve even others of their station, resulting in these two men enjoying a luxurious lifestyle where they could have taken anything they had wanted, without there being many ways for those in their way to halt them. They just had that much power… well, one of them did, the other didn't have NEARLY as much power which resulted in a deeply driven inferiority complex. One which the stronger of the two chose to exploit for his own gain more than once, though the weaker one had too much idiocy in his veins to notice this or care, even.

However, not long after one of the younger one's many trysts with females of other races, seeing himself as the superior one even if he had to brainwash them into loving him, a child was born as a result. Normally, this wouldn't be too much of an issue for them, all they would have to do would have been to either kill both the mother alongside the child, dispose of any evidence then brainwash any relatives as well as the authorities into acting like the mother and child hadn't even existed. It had been done multiple times in the past, and these men had lived for a long, long time too.

But, this time… one irregularity, well two actually, about this child made these two men sweat profusely, one more so than the other. The first irregularity was the 'power' which currently slumbered within the frail child, unintroduced to the world at large. That power, even in it's infantile stages, surpassed the weaker man's own by a HUGE margin which had caused said man to become spooked out of his mind. This was only when the child was as small as it was now, should it be allowed to grow into a full-grown adult, then the amount of power it would have would have dwarfed the weaker one and could potentially become a contender for the stronger one.

As for the second irregularity, that one had much less information about it due to it barely being noticeable at the moment due to the child having just been born into the world. However, the simple fact that it had been there AT ALL provided more than a few implications which neither men appreciated.

Hence, they had to act quickly, before this child could one day become their ultimate bane.

"Then, what should we do Razevan? it's not like we can send him....to…..another dimension. Of course! You, my son, just gave me a brilliant idea!"

Just as he had made to vent some frustration over how loud his son was yelling, the man suddenly widened his eyes as he realized what he had just said. Afterwards, his gaze shifted, perking up as an idea formed within his mind, one which obviously got the attention of his son, considering the following words that came out of his mouth.

"What is it father?"

"I know that I don't have the Sacred Gear dimension lost, but why not send that boy to the dimensional gap? Even with this power in him, he can't survive that!"

"U-ummmmmm are you sure about that, father?"

"What? Doubting your own father Razevan? You should have some pride in your father."

Although it sounded like it had been in jest, the father's eyes gleamed with a menacing undertone which the son slightly paled at… since he looked to have lost the color of his skin already just from holding a, according to him, literal BALL of chaotic Demonic Power not a harmless infant.

"N-no it's not that, it's just the Great Red lives there, are you sure that will work?"

Upon his son asking him that, a light of realization crossed onto the father's face, but it didn't diminish the dark, sinister grin on his lips. If anything, it only made it broaden.

"Ooh, don't worry about that dragon, my son. Once the boy is in the dimensional gap, POOF! He's gone an instant... if you're worrying so much about this brat, I'll send in a subordinate to deliver him there."

Hearing that, the son of the man began to calm down upon hearing that, a relieved sigh escaping his lips before he glanced down and sneered at the baby. The baby which he had helped sire by impregnating some whore he'd met in passing. Had already forgotten her name after having rewrote her memories so that she didn't even know she'd even given birth. Even killed off her family and relatives so that, after her memories were rewritten, she would go on without ever even knowing what had really happened here. He was a paranoid man like that.

"O-okay father, if you say so. Good riddance, now I will finally be rid of you, you piece of garbage."

After this decision had been made, the older of the two men raised his right hand, to which the younger one quickly tensed up, memories of the past when the older man had done this to him so many times returning to his mind. However, instead of what he had been expecting, much to the older man's sadistic amusement, he instead clicked his fingers and in the next second, a Magic Circle appeared beside them. It turned out to be a portal of sorts though, since a third hooded figure seemed to phase through it, kneeling before the two men or rather, the older one in reverence.

"Sir, you called for me?"

The man asked, confirming the kind of relationship he and the older man had between them: one of subservience, dominion on the oldest man's end whilst with the respect in his tone, one could tell just how much this newcomer looked up to him.

"Yes, I want you to take this thing, and put it in the dimensional gap. Leave it to die in there."

Still, the oldest of the three men simply waved it off without much care as he gave the orders that he had intended to, not really caring much for the servant before him since he had many back home… with many of them also being female and 'much' more interesting to 'play with'

"Yes my lord, whatever you wish."

Later on, the subordinate had vanished from the scene, going through a specialized magic circle which sent him into a place which he would NEVER want to be sent to without protection: the Dimensional Gap. He didn't know the exact nature behind this brat, probably a hybrid of Devil and something else judging by what he sensed from it, but the servant didn't care much. Whoever this brat was, it could only resent the deities presiding over luck for it's fate of being forced to be left in this twisted place.

One cannot survive for even a few seconds in this kind of void, after all. Much like outer space.

While the subordinate was holding the child, he floated on through this void-like world, covered in a red bubble that kept him safe from the dimensional gap that was going to tear him apart.

"Whelp, might as well get this over with."

Lowering himself, the subordinate put the baby on his feet while retreating its aura from the child.

"I don't know what your family did to my lord Lucifer, but it's nothing personal. It's just how life is."

With that said, the subordinate then used his magic circle which appeared beneath his feet. It then rose up to his head, teleporting him out from the Dimensional gap and leaving the child behind its fate. Now, in any OTHER scenario, the baby would have not been able to scream out the pain it would have been under, since the seconds would have ticked by as the subordinate left and thus, the baby's body would have been disintegrated into nothingness due to the effects of the void. That would have been all she'd wrote for this innocent, pure soul which had done nothing wrong...

Fortunately, things didn't turn out that way. If the subordinate had stayed a little bit longer, then he would have noticed that the Demonic Power within the slumbering Hybrid, upon sensing the danger to the wielder, reacted instinctively. The instant that the subordinate had left, the energy had wound up forming a silverish blue bubble of power around the baby. Although, considering how faint and vague it looked, almost being transparent, the bubble likely wouldn't last long due to the baby being so fragile.

Again though, luck came to him instead in the form of a colossally large, red Western-looking Dragon with a horn on its snout with two sets of wings. He is the largest dragon that anyone has ever seen, and likely ever will...


The dragon was....doing stunts whilst howling like a biker delinquent, stunts such as going in a circle, doing a flip, and even doing a spinning around his body. The dragon didn't even see the young child as he was doing his own thing.


With that said, the dragon proceeded to spin itself around in a circle going faster and faster until a tornado of crimson color was formed. Though, this act ended up saving the young baby's life despite the dragon not having noticed it, causing the baby to go on a random place of a dimensional gap which opened many portals that led to the child one of them. As soon as the child went inside of the portal the dragon stopped on what he was doing. That means he's finished.


In an area that was filled with normal-looking grasses and trees with large blue cloudless skies, one could see nothing but tranquility. Tranquility only the warmth of nature could provide. However, if one were to look out to the horizon in the distance, they would see... many floating lands that will take their breath away. Though, if anyone lives here, then they would get used to the scenario.

Just by this said land, was a farm filled with plants with there being a tall, muscular-looking man working hard on some farming duties. He looked to be in his thirties whilst wearing a commoners shirt with some plain leather pants and black boots. On his chin was a growing beard that he might let grow out if he wanted to. Right now however, he had bigger problems on his mind than his own beard, as whilst he had been working the man glanced to the side to see a huge brown bundle. One which caused the man to groan in frustrated dismay.

"Ahhhhhh man not again. [SIGH], this is like the third time this week, and the seventeenth time this month. I really, REALLY need to buy animal repellent to get these little bastards from crapping on my yard."

As he was getting the shovel he was about to scope it up when he looked clearly at it, he saw a silver hair sticking out, curiosity got to him as he looked at the bundle. When he touched it he was surprised that it felt very soft, then that means it's made of leather. When he moved the top of the leather cloth he became very surprised that he saw a baby with silver hands closed to his chest with his eyes closed seemingly sleeping soundly.

"WHAT THE FU-who…..how did you even get here?"

He picked up the child in his arms tenderly, as if holding something that would shatter into nothingness at any moment. Considering his large, rough-looking hands concealed by his farmer's gloves, that wasn't really an understatement. Whilst holding close to his chest, the man set about looking around for some passerby to see if they forgot or left this child. So far, however, he didn't see anyone or even sensed any magic… that is, until he began sensing the childs as he became surprised again on how much magic he has sensed in this child.

"Would you look at that, you have lots of magic in you, don't you little guy? Well then, I guess that's that. Don't worry, I'll take care of you... Vali."

With that said, the man decided to take care of the lost child, naming him as such right then and there with a rather coincidental name. Although, he forever remained unaware that he will bring changes to this dimension... and another dimension as well.

Timeskip 10 years later

10 years passed since that day in which he had been unknowingly tossed into a different world like yesterday's garbage. When Vali had landed in this world, he had been taken in by the man whose name turned out to be Barcus Fou Bartford. Whilst he'd been accepted by Luce, the second wife of Barcus, the same could NOT be said for his 'main wife' Zora. She did not accept a boy having so much more magic than her, it was unacceptable for a man having that much magic than a woman, the more domineering of the two genders. She wanted to get rid of the child but was unable to since Barcus threatened her for a divorce which she didn't want, since the guy did have some power that she could exploit for her own gain. Not to mention that his second wife also helped defend the infant Vali. Thus, in the end she had to grudgingly accept the boy into the household.

However, that did NOT mean she made it easy for the boy's life growing up. On the contrary, she had done all she could to make his life in the household as miserable as possible. Despite them living on a floating island separated from the main continent of Gamindustri below, Zora would make frequent trips here with her daughters from the main estate she lived in to bully and scorn Vali in any way she could. From childish pranks she usually got away with (with some exceptions, though with a bit of a powerplay and she didn't get any punishment), to outright beatdowns, Zora had done all she could to make Vali's life utterly miserable.

It helped that he had become somewhat of a loner with very few associates outside of the family, preferring to stay isolated in either his room or somewhere close to the house if he were to venture outside. There WAS a part of him which surfaced whenever he was beaten up however, a surge of excitement and battle-lust which did NOT befit a kid like him at the time, like the very THOUGHT of fighting someone thrilled him down to his very core. A true battle-maniac, something which honestly traumatized Zora one time when she'd caught him grin at her after managing to win against the servants she'd sent to beat him up. It had resembled more like an expression that the Lower CPU would make, or more commonly something only heard of in ghost stories meant to scare young boys into obedience:

A Devil.

Other than this, young Vali's childhood seemed to be filled with peaceful tranquility… aside from his above-average desire to train and get stronger, probably fuelled by his own childish curiosity about his own powers. Powers which, when he had asked his adoptive mother Luce (he didn't see Zora as anything more than a bully, and made no intent to hide it whenever he spoke to her even if he got hit for it), seemed to be a variant of magic that only he seemed to possess, fuelling his childish desire to learn about them even more…with some varying results.

Barcus had noticed that, whilst Vali was growing up, his magic had kept on becoming more and more powerful, it honestly frightened him whenever he thought of the potential that he held. Not to mention that it HARDLY felt like ANYTHING which he could consider familiar, since from what he had learned at school Mana was meant to feel like this flexible river flowing through one's body, whilst Share Energy was meant to feel like this warm flame meant to illuminate their very beings… well, at least that's what a first-hand account from an interviewed Goddess mentioned at least, he couldn't remember the details.

But Vali's power? It felt NOTHING like that… no, it felt dark, darker than the blackest abyss that threatened to swallow whole anything around it that dared try to bar its path. It… gave him chills, actually, and he wasn't the only one who felt this way either.

Thinking back to his education, Barcus recalled that magic was simply the Arts which people used in the form of Skill attacks which came from Mana, a human-made power which got developed from exposure to Share Energy, an energy born from people's faith that both created CPUs when gathered together in big enough quantities, but also kept them in existence like some kind of life support. Mana was simply a byproduct of Share Energy for human use, in a sense, and its power wasn't as great as the Goddess's unless INTENSELY trained.

This knowledge got called into question now, especially when the man had first felt and seen Vali's own dark, twisted-feeling Mana.

It wasn't like this power hadn't grown quietly either. The first few signs of this Mana's growth had started when Vali formed a silverish colored energy ball to play with, a complete opposite to what the older man had felt from it yet he still felt that chill from the ball. But, not too long into this when he had thrown it, bluish energy crackled along the ball before Vali had unintentionally caused COLOSSAL damage to the land. A huge portion of it had a hole the size of a small building (the island itself still remained floating though, thank the CPUs for that), and would remain that way for years to come. Poor boy had gotten a scolding for that one, mostly by Zora and the maids on her side, but Luce had been the concerned one whilst Barcus had been the horrified one. He'd nearly had a heart attack from this incident alone.

Then, another time when he had run out of water whilst taking a bath (Zora turning off the water on him), he had tried to make water appear in the bathroom… then, the next minute he had flooded the whole house which ruined Zora's make up when she was preparing to go on a party(Instant karma on her). It had taken two weeks to clean the house and repair the furniture.

Finally when teaching Vali how to farm and cultivating it by putting a small amount of magic to seed to make it grow easily. When Vali tried to do that he made the crops grow at least three-story high which made Zora think that someone was visiting them and instead fainted when she saw a crop grow that high.

Whilst all of this did cause a surge of fear of Vali into the man, that didn't mean that he didn't care for the boy, he was just worried that if left unchecked with his magic who knows what will happen? Especially if he can't control it whilst in a large civilian population like a town or a city. In a world like Gamindustri where women held more power and sway over the men, ruled by four CPUs who governed four main nations, someone with powers like Vali could cause a LOT of trouble without him even intending to.

As such, Barcus made a decision to fix multiple issues all at the same time, to get Vali out into the world, help him learn to control his powers, and POSSIBLY make a few friends before he would inevitably be forced to marry a woman before someone married him off against his will. The man had decided to have him enrolled in an academy called 'Gamicademi', located within the mainland in 'Leanbox', to see if that can help him control his magic. At one point this Academy had been in decline due to various financial reasons, but after a year of attending the four governing CPUs, Goddesses in every sense of the word had managed to restore it to its former glory.

Now, it's mostly for teaching others how to play a game properly or make one, they also teach students about their magic to see their potential, like whether or not they could be adventurers, one of the fairer practices in this world if the man had any say. It's also where boys and men can see if they can get a fiance or get married… though, that was more towards the 'highschool' section, whereas Vali would be enrolled in the 'elementary school' division.

Currently, Vali stood tall in the front of the school that he would be attending on behalf of his father, looking everything over with an interesting look on his face. "Huh… now THIS is a surprise. The view I got while on the Airship here was nothing compared to this…" the boy mused, appreciating the architecture before him somewhat. He looked at all like someone taking a passing fancy to something, and on another note, the boy's current appearance consisted of the School's regulated uniform, a black suit with gold outlines, accompanied by a blue vest as well as a white shirt and red tie. He'd heard that the uniforms could be customized, but that was reserved for those of the high school division, much to Vali's internal annoyance. As for his hair and eyes, they were silver and blue respectively, the former styled into a bowl-like cut although he wished it could have remained it's natural wild, untamable look. But, according to Zora, he had to 'look the part for his future role in life'.

As for the School itself, it looked like a sight to behold. There was a long, wide avenue leading up to what appeared to be the main academy building and their large, impressive main doorway. One which opened up to a large amphitheater surrounded by a double ring of colonnades, bisected by the main avenue, with the outer ring rising high over the main entrance to the academy itself. The avenue was marked with trees and flag-draped light-poles, as well as a number of impressive aqueduct-like features and archways. The campus itself included a large statue featuring two figures, one a male and the other a younger-looking female, standing on a rock outcropping, both dressed in robes with hoods over their heads. The most prominent part of the academy buildings however, was the large tower, surmounted by a number of green spheres or lights, as well as an intricate clockwork mechanism consisting of many interlocking cogs and gears.

His luggage had been reportedly delivered to his dorm, so he only had a Pamphlet to rely on for directions, with there being a school assembly tomorrow for introduction purposes. The silver-haired boy sighed at this, proceeding to walk forwards along with many other boys and girls near his age (some being highschoolers though). 'Geez, this is annoying… These brats and their so-called 'superiority complexes. How can dad even stand these people, let alone that bitch Zora... ' Vali wondered, hands in his pockets whilst he radiated a nonchalant aura externally. Already he could feel his frustrations beginning to rise as he saw how the majority of the females seemed to act like Zora, acting all high and mighty with many guys around them trying to cater to their every whim. One even sat on a chair which was being carried by these large, buff guys who looked like they only knew how to hit the gym.

'Well, might get on with this. Wouldn't want dad or mom(Luce) to be disappointed in me, just because I can be provoked so easily. Like my dad said, I have to control my Mana, so I can finally live life the way I want to, by fighting eternally.....and perhaps screw up the system to relieve my boredom, or something.' With that said mentally, he proceeded to walk to the school and get ready for class.

"Hey you boy. I've decided that you are going to be my knight."

"....Hell no, bitch."

"What did you say to me, boy?! drop down your knees and apologize!"

"That will be the day, whoever wants to be a knight to that ugly face."

"Why, I otta-"



Guess that he had a lot of work ahead of him yet, if he reacted THIS negatively towards just one little grain of sand on his road to freedom, Vali mentally pondered. Quickly having grown rather irritated by the 10th girl trying to claim him as one of her servants or lovers, most of them having been teenage ones who'd had yet to be sorted into their own classrooms in the highschool division, Vali mentally strained what little control he had over his rapidly growing Mana in order to release a small fraction of it. Although, this resulted in an almost TYRANNICAL presence to slam into not only her but the student surrounding them, slamming them into the ground with enough force to knock them out.


"My my, what a powerful Mana presence you have there, boy."

Just as he made to leave without attracting any more attention to himself, Vali cursed under his breath when he heard a voice behind him. Turning around to face the direction it had come from, the boy saw a tall, elderly man with white hair and a well groomed mustache. He seemed to be quite important, considering how he wore a black suit along with a monocle over his right eye. Still, even though this guy had a penis between his legs, didn't mean that Vali would be willing to trust him any. Male servants had been a favourite way of beating him up according to Zore one time when he'd overheard her discussing a future prank she would pull on him. Hence, when he had spoken upon seeing him after a couple seconds, his words carried a heavy, blade-like edge to them whilst his eyes narrowed in distrust. "Who are you?"

However, instead of just answering his question, the man didn't seem to even care about the rudeness Vali had hit him with, instead he calmly cupped his chin whilst looking the boy over from head to toe with a calculating gleam in his eye. "I say young man, with that much power you might even surpass many seniors in this academy… Yes, I see that quite clearly." The man mused, and in that moment Vali realized that whilst looking at him the man seemed to also be examining him with his magical senses. The boy had heard it to be called 'Scan' like computer systems did for bugs or anomalies in their software, an ability to evaluate the energy levels of one's opponents or those around them. He had heard that this ability wasn't in practice very often by a lot of people outside the adventurer or military trade, much to his befuddlement since it seemed like quite the useful ability if properly trained correctly. "Be that as it may, normally I would give you detention for acting with such rudeness to your seniors, but with them acting like that, I'll let it slip."

"....I'll ask again, who are you?" Vali eventually questioned again, his eyes briefly flashing silver when his Mana briefly spiked thanks to his irritation.

Something which finally alerted the man to the fact that he had been seen as a total stranger to the young lad, evident by the slightly surprised and then sheepish look forming on his face. "Ahhhhh, forgive my manners. You can simply call me teacher for now, young man. For now head to class, it's almost time. If what I recall is true, your class is Class 2-D."

"Huh?....crap your right. Thanks, teach."

"Your welcome."

Later, Vali managed to get to his class on time, class 2D. He didn't know whether to laugh or growl in annoyance at this though, since he got a strange feeling that the word '2D' had multiple meanings to it for some reason. Still, at least the class had begun with a register, the teacher having been here on time which made the silver haired boy relieved somewhat. Mostly because it meant that this class would be over quicker and that would allow him to explore the campus.

As for the teacher themselves, it turned out to be a woman at, if he were to guess, about 20, go figure. She had long, almost fiery crimson coloured hair that fell down to her waist whilst she wore a strange outfit which seemed WAY more revealing than it needed to be. Like, the dress split itself apart at the waist, allowing for her black stocking and red high heel-clad legs to be visible, with a vertical ovular shaped hole in the centre of the torso, exposing some of those… things, on her chest. What were they called again?

Oh yeah, breasts.

Ugh, women.

Currently, she held an attendance book in front of her whilst she stood beside her Desk, looking rather bored with this lesson and wanting to finish it. Whelp, looked like he wasn't the only one, then. "Alright students welcome to Gamicademi elementary. My name is Shen Xiu you may call me Ms.Xiu or teacher that's fine now roll call. Vali Fou Bartford?"


"Samuel Rocker?"


Vali kept silent after he had answered the register, as he wasn't even paying attention to class anymore, much more focused about his powers. It had not been any secret that his power had been seen as more unnatural than the rest of his family, his father had made that distinction VERY clear to him at a young age. While the people here have Mana which they used for the CPU that they believed in, his power wasn't like theirs. Both in terms of presence and utility. His magic....he could feel like he could use it instinctively almost even imagining it, like those incidents that had happened a few years ago. He looked at his hand which briefly glowed silver before returning to normal, his eyes doing something similar whilst a single thought passed through his mind.

'...The sooner I can control my Mana, the faster I can get stronger.'

"Now that's everyone, let's get started on the measuring stone to determine how much Mana you possess." The teacher, who had previously introduced herself as Shen Xiu, declared as she clicked her fingers, and a magic circle large enough for a person to step onto appeared beside her on the floor. "We'll have you step on here one at a time, and this Spell will measure your Mana Capacity then draw it out. How much you have depends on the formed aura. Who knows, maybe you might be a knight, a gamer, or a duke. Who wants to go first? Uhhhhhhh how about you, Lily?"

"O-okay Teacher."

Some girl stood up from her seat, one which had been occupied by a pair of servants in the form of two masculine-looking beastmen who looked more like bulky tanks than anything. By the time she stepped onto the magic circle, it began to shine brightly whilst releasing a large aura around the girl. Or rather, one could say that it was drawing the Mana out of the girl to display it for all to see.

"Wow you have so much magic in you for someone so young. As expected from someone of the elven race."

"Thank you, teacher!"

"Now who's next?"

Meanwhile, as he glanced idly at the girl who proceeded to head back to her seat with her head held high, the silver haired boy scoffed inside his mind. 'This is stupid, why do a measuring check on Mana?' The male wondered, crossing his arms over the back of his head whilst he waited for his turn to inevitably arrive. 'When they figure that one's Mana Capacity is too low, the others will hold it against them. On the other hand, if one's Mana Capacity is too large, then people will fear and resent them.'

"Vali your next."

Before long, Vali's name finally got called out, prompting him to rise from his seat. Whilst doing so, Vali began to wonder if he should modify his power when it was drawn out so that it would only appear as 'average' at best. Not too large, but not too small, and mostly for the reasons which he had stated mentally just before. He didn't want to have any more females eyeing him than he already had with his looks. Looks which that bitch Zora had commented would 'drive her friends (old hags who've had many marriages before) crazy' on more than one occasion, even though he was only 10 currently. At least if he did modify his power output then it'd be a step forward to controlling his power's in the future.

However… all thoughts of this all but vanished from his mind entirely when he heard some students speaking about him as he walked.

"How big do you think his Mana Capacity is going to be?"

"Maybe as small as a bug."

"Well, he IS a male."

"Maybe after this I might have him as a boy toy."

That did it for him, Vali growled under his breath as anger flared up inside of him. There was nothing, NOTHING he hated more than those who tried to take control over his life, and those girls (why the heck are they even THINKING of things like boy toys? Did they even know what those words meant?) would PAY for trying. He'd do so byl showing these damn BRATS to not ever mess with him, even if they resented him afterwards. If they tried anything in the future, he didn't care about the consequences anymore, he'd beat the living daylights out of them.

He also did NOT miss the condescending look that the Teacher had aimed at him, reminding him of that bitch Zora and all but cementing his resolve for what he would be doing next.


Once he had walked up to the Magic Circle, Vali stood at it's centre. Then, right as it started to pull his power out to measure it, the silver haired boy gave a loud huff whilst he released an aura of Mana that made a goddamn TREMOR in the classroom. Many Students struggled to stand up or even stay conscious. A few weaker ones passed out from the pressure that Vali had unleashed like an explosion, even the teacher struggled to stand up by putting her hands on the desk to help her stand. After a short moment, Vali forcefully YANKED his power back into himself, destroying the Magic Circle all the while. 'Huh? I can destroy that thing? Something tells me that wasn't supposed to happen… guess I still have a lot of work ahead of me, then…'

After thinking this, Vali turned back to the class, gazing at the expression of the students who looked at him with fear, or in awe. Inside his head, Vai couldn't help but smirk a bit, his pride at stunning them slowly rearing itself inside of him. 'Hmph, fools. That'll teach them not to ever insult me like that ever again… and for any who have the balls to try, well, I guess i'll take a shot at being an 'equal opportunist' dad once told me about.'

Meanwhile, as she tried to recover herself from that unexpected pressure from Vali's aura, Shen Xiu looked at the aforementioned boy with complete surprise and horror. She could not count how many brats she had measured in her time as a teacher, even though she had been in this facility for about 4 years now. Yet, in those four years, she had NEVER felt that much Mana in ANYONE before, let alone a brat the age of this one right here. 'Wha-what a truly amazing mana! His magic is so dense that I can even feel it!' She mentally exclaimed as her brain whirred about with the possibilities that this could bring, once she managed to sufficiently recover her clarity that is. It didn't take her long to do, and she proved to be the first one to do so, too. 'I must have him marry my niece!'

She wasn't the only one with the convictions to get Vali as a husband to a family member, there were also some other girls who also wanted him as a husband, so with that mind they each made convictions that they will make Vali as their husband no matter what.

Unknown to Vali…...he just made his life worse.


Hey guys this is Darklord331 and I want to say thanks to my fellow favors and followers for my monster hunter dxd. Now if you noticed I decided to make two stories 10 chapters at a time, not those times when like other writers make too many stories that they just abandoned, because they can't come up with a plot. Originally I wanted to create a Fate and dxd crossover story but Hunter couldn't truly write for the Fate franchise, so he came up with this. For this story is about Vali being raised in the hyperdimension world and about to make changes to the world. Hope you guys enjoy this fic because I will not abandon it no matter what


Hunter here, and for those of you who aren't aware, this is a Crossover of DxD and a series I know a lot about: Hyperdimension Neptunia. Now, whilst I say this, it's not just these two we're using, we're actually taking things from a couple of different isekai mangas, for example 'The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs' is one which this Gamindustri's society will be based on. Essentially it'll be where the women have most of the power and the men don't have very good roles in society, which if you ask me can be a reason why so few men appeared in the game and why so many of them were rather jerky. I haven't seen this done before in other fanfics involving Neptunia actually, the closest author who tried something similar is one called Zergface, whom I know as well. Another Manga we'll be using is 'Eminence of Shadow', and you'll see why in later chapters. The story's setting is before rebirth 2, and it might be a while before those events start so hopefully you can be patient there. We might use things from other mangas too, but that's up in the air at this point. How this will affect the Neptunia cast people know and love, we'll have to wait and see.

Hope you like the chap despite it being a bit fast paced for my liking, and let us know what you think.