
The World Of Ascathia

The Planet Ascathia, Home to the all-powerful magical beings, Humans, Demi-Humans and mythical creatures, all were created by a god-like being that calls herself "The Celestial Thearch", She came with an idea to prevent a world-level catastrophe by creating a contract which is called "Eternal Partner", that allows humans and demi-humans to host and control the mythical creatures' powers, The Story tells us about a mysterious human called "Aksul", who receives a help from an unknown mysterious power.

NothTard · Fantasy
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9 Chs

"The Creation"

Chapter 0, Part 1, "The Creation"

It all started with the void.

Centuries ago, a massive amount of unknown kinds of creatures had lived in a specific dimension; that dimension was believed to be "cursed" by gods, demi-gods, and many more powerful creatures.

You ask, why is it cursed? The answer to your question is, That dimension had a living will, Gods would refer to it as "Spirit",

The Spirit had controlled everything, Life and Death, Day and Night.

That Spirit wished for one thing, which is "Happiness".

Its wish was to create a dimension filled with happy creatures and beings.


It went all wrong.

[Time: NULL]

[Location: The "Cursed" Dimension, One of the planets.]

As we see the Spirit looking at one of the planets of its creation, The Spirit dives into the planet to check how its creations were doing.

The Spirit lands in a random city somewhere on the planet.

The Spirit sees kids having fun and playing in the city's fountain.

Adults and Teenagers were talking and enjoying conversations with each other.

Merchant, as usual, doing their own business.

People were helping the elderly with their daily routine and work.

The Spirit seemed to be happy and proud of itself.

It all went wrong here.

As the Spirit is wandering around looking at its creation, she stumbles upon a "suffering" being, the being seems to be in pain, and its eyes are red as blood.

The other beings around the in-pain entity seem to be worried about its situation.

Suddenly the creation's arms are blown up and replaced by stiff and disgusting looking arms; a "new" part replaces each part of its body.

Beings around it are starting to feel afraid and worried.

In the end, the Being's body and looks are transformed into devil-evil like creatures.

The Devil's aura seems to be surrounding the whole city.

People were scared for their life.

The Devil started casting a wide-range area spell around him.

Devil: Unknown Language.

The Devil then claps its hands, and in just a few seconds, the beings around it seem to start transforming into their same looks.

The Spirit was worried and didn't know what to do.

As it's trying to analyze the situation, something "attacked" its mind and gave her visuals of the future.

The Spirit saw destructions, massacres, more devils, more bloodshed, cruel living and inferior beings.

Finally, The Spirit realizes what happened.

"Multi-Dimensional Level Magic."

The Spirit says.

The Spirit lost hope but still wants to try to cure someone.

The Spirit tries to touch one of the devils to see if it can cure its body.

But the Devil somehow sees it and attacks it.

The Spirit gets infected by the magic.

The Spirit rises in the sky and realizes it is not the only city bearing the Infection.

Multiple Regions, Countries and even Planets.

The Spirit seems to be losing its hope and being driven into sadness and despair.

The Infection is rising upon its body, and it's almost done transforming.

The Spirit says.

"I'm sorry everyone."

"I'm sorry for not being powerful and wise enough to stop this."

"I'm sorry to let you all go through this suffering and pain."

The Spirit points both of her hands at the sky and says:

"Forbidden Ancient Magic: Summoning.."

"Summoning: World Eater."

The sky above the Spirit seems to crack and shatters.

A Gigantic black hole starts to slip through the crack and devour everything around it.

Everything around the black hole is gravity pulled and devoured.

Even other smaller black holes.

"Goodbye, everyone."

The Spirit is sucked into the black hole.

The black hole breaks the whole dimension and devours everything.

Only leaving the Infinite void and the black hole.

… But it seems that The Spirit's will have been "inherited" by the black hole.

Since then, any other dimension creature that tries to stumble upon that dimension gets devoured into complete nothingness.

To prevent a catastrophe like this from happening again.

[Thousands of years after the incident.]

The Living black hole is, as usual, is just floating in the infinite void.

But it gets interrupted when a dimensional gate appears.

a "Being" Fully equipped with legendary looking armour appears out of the gate.

It looks at the black hole and says:

"So this is the rumoured god eater black hole…."

"It is gigantic as I expected."

"Well… Rather than letting the other Void Emperors and Empresses from erasing you and this dimension out of existence."

"I'm gonna make the utmost use of you."

The Black Hole is angered and starts to move towards the unknown Being.

And out of nowhere, Tentacles appear from random locations, and they start to hold the unknown Being.

"This is… Smaller black holes huh…."

The Unknown Being claps and the tentacles disappear.

"Too bad for you. I've studied the forbidden magic for over two thousand years."

The Unknown Being points her palm at the black hole and says:

"Forbidden Ancient Magic: Infinite Seal."

The black hole seems to get smaller, smaller and smaller.

As the black hole is getting smaller, the infinite void can hear the Spirit's voice saying:

"Can I trust you?"

"Can I trust you with my wish?"

"The only wish I've wanted."

The Unknown Being replies:

"Not to be cocky, but you have seen what I could do, not even trillions of beings like me could do what I just did."

"Even if you won't trust me, I will achieve my objective and dream."

"No matter what lays in front of me, I will overcome it and move on."

The Spirit replied:

"I see…"

"I trust you."


The Black Hole disappears, and a shining orb is remaining.

The Orb moves toward the unknown Being and gets sucked into it.

Unknown Being: "What was that?"

Unknown Being: "Sigh… Whatever, but still Forbidden magic does take a toll on me."

Unknown Being: "No wonder "they" didn't allow me there."

Unknown Being: "Alright, that orb seems to have given me some kind of weird power, I will use that to create this world."

[A few months later…]

That world is now full of planets, stars, and so many creations.

For the Unknown Being, she is now on her planet, Called "Ascathia".

She's currently creating magical beings.

Unknown Being: "Huff… Last one."

The Unknown Being points her palm at the ground, and a beam comes out of her hand, creating a mythical creature.

As she looks onto the other creature, she says:

"From now and on, you will live here for all eternity, Live however you want and exist however you want."

The Creatures look at her with weird looks.

"They don't seem to understand me."

"Well, I don't mind teaching a few of them how to speak and talk, they will teach the others."

"That will be for later."

Then she shouts and releases her aura:

"Call me… The Celestial Thearch."

heya again, decided to update and revamp this part since it kinda didn't attract attention because of bad writing, for now, I'm planning to revamp every part including all the ones in chapter 1.

I will revamp chapter 2 if needed.

(I'm looking for an editor and a proofreader, IM NOT PAYING ANYTHING AT ALL, take it as volunteer work, if you're interested, go to my profile and add me on discord.)

thank you for reading.

NothTardcreators' thoughts