
The World Of Ascathia

The Planet Ascathia, Home to the all-powerful magical beings, Humans, Demi-Humans and mythical creatures, all were created by a god-like being that calls herself "The Celestial Thearch", She came with an idea to prevent a world-level catastrophe by creating a contract which is called "Eternal Partner", that allows humans and demi-humans to host and control the mythical creatures' powers, The Story tells us about a mysterious human called "Aksul", who receives a help from an unknown mysterious power.

NothTard · Fantasy
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9 Chs

"Eternal Partner."

Chapter 0, Final Part "Eternal Partner"

In the last part, The Thearch met one of the haunted and chased families for their "crime" against their superiors, She heard the explanation to the number of creatures that have been reduced, as well as delivering justice to the Kataigida family and other families.

and almost three decades later, she summons all of her creatures to discuss with them her new plans, while it doesn't go that smoothly but she succeeds in delivering her message and request.


[A year later after the "Important Matter".]

The Thearch sends summoning requests to all-region lords around the planet Ascathia, to discuss the current state of humans and demi-humans, as well as to reveal her "True intentions" Behind those two races.

Everyone accepts the summoning requests and goes to the location she specified.


As everyone is entering the meeting room, The Famous Legendary creatures make their appearances.

But the weird thing is, Most of those creatures have taken on a.. human form?

For unknown reasons but everyone is just amazed and honoured to be meeting with such legendary beings.

As everyone takes their seats and locations, The Thearch enters the meeting room.

Everyone bows their heads down to the Thearch.

The Elite Knight By her shouts: "Rise!"

Everyone rises and sits in their chairs.

Thearch: "I thank you all for coming my children."

Thearch: "I welcome you, my children, today is a very important day, We shall discuss the current situation of humans and demi-humans in your regions."

Thearch: "I can see some of you took on their forms, Well not that I mind, But anyway."

Thearch: "There is also another reason for this summoning but we shall discuss it after I hear your opinions about humans and demi-humans in your regions."

The Corruption Dragon: "May I speak?"

Thearch: "You may speak."

Corruption Dragon: "In my region, where I rule, we had a little bit of trouble with communicating with humans, they didn't know the basic language rules, and some of them rejected our existence."

Corruption Dragon: "But after some time, of teaching and earning their trust, and observation, We have found out that humans are professional when it comes to "Thinking"."

Corruption Dragon: "I have no intentions to offend our "Beast" Race but, Humans are extremely smart and the amount of ideas and creativity they can show is just impressive."

Corruption Dragon: "The only bad thing about them is their "Thinking" Could cause troublesome situations and their physical abilities are extremely lower than us."

Corruption Dragon: "Towns now are filled with elite knights, every corner of the towns is currently being monitored, to stop any kind of harassment towards humans,"

Corruption: "Other than that, they are extremely impressive and they were worth the trouble."

Thearch: "Impressive, I was expecting good results but I didn't expect that much."

Corruption Dragon: "For demi-humans, they were "Different"? Their learning and thinking level isn't that good as humans, but their physical abilities exceed the average level of us beasts."

Corruption Dragon: "It was also hard to communicate with them, they were extremely aggressive about us and violent as well."

Corruption Dragon: "We managed to successfully negotiate with them and currently demi-humans are the main construction workers of the region, their art of work is just completely amazing and shock."

Corruption Dragon: "I did mention there's their level of thinking isn't the same as humans, but there's a small percentage of demi-humans who are currently top researchers and most scientists."

Corruption Dragon: "To be honest, both of those races were completely worth the trouble, The Region Of Corruption is currently Ascathia's first region with the three races co-existing."

Corruption Dragon: "It is kind of shocking to see races that have superior terms than us."

Thearch: "This is indeed some impressive results, I also thank you for the detailed report and observation skills Corruption Dragon."

Corruption Dragon: "I'm honoured."

The other beings seem to agree as well with both races.

Random Region Lord 1: "Here too!"

Random Region Lord 2: "Me too! They are very useful beings"

Thearch is happy and proud of her creations.

Thearch: "I think the same applies for the main region lords as well?"

She looks at the other legendary region lords.

All three of them nod their heads in acceptance and agreement.

Thearch: "Good! Now, Shall we move on to the main topic?"

Everyone stops talking and starts listening closely to what the Thearch will say.

Thearch: "Now, I haven't created those two races only to serve under you."

Thearch: "There is another reason behind their existence."

The Nature Deer interrupts.

Nature Deer: "I apologize for interrupting but what do you mean by that?"

Thearch: "The true intention of humans and demi-humans was to become your eternal partners and control the power you're holding and using."

Thearch: "Yes I know you can control it but in a couple of years you will all go into complete madness."

Thearch: "After all, you, The "Beasts" Were created by a massive amount of hatred and negative emotions, Cursed, Despise, Hatred, Madness, almost all of those."

Thearch: "And I'm sure you all have noticed a tiny amount of your people have started to randomly go violent and start attacking others for no reason."

Thearch: "The only way of controlling those mass amount of negative feelings is through linking your soul or existence with a partner."

Thearch: "Once the partner have fought off or negotiated with the negative feelings, Your powers will be shared with your partner and You won't be driven into madness."

Thearch: "Of course, if you don't like your partner, you may always break the contract and receive a new one."

Thearch: "Now, I will completely leave you all to choose your partners."

Thearch: "I know this will be hard on you but you have to accept this, this will be the last request I gonna ask you to do."

Thearch: "if you feel like your partner can't handle your power and the negative feeling, break the pact immediately, otherwise there will be heavy consequences."

Thearch: "There are some un-related side-effects such as your partner taking advantage of you or abusing that power, you can always break the pact without even having it."

Thearch: "Also to make the pact you and your partner just simply let your blood touch each other on the contract scroll."

A purple small magic circle appears on the right of the Thearch's ear.

The Thearch stands up.

Thearch: "Anyways, I'm currently busy and I have to go, I hope all of you understand my decision and accept it."

Thearch: "Dismissed!"

Everyone leaves the meeting room, some of them are hyped their partners, some of them are worried, some of them will start preparing.


As the corrupt dragon is leaving the room she gets asked by a random ruler.

Random Ruler: "Excuse me Lady Corruption."

Corruption Dragon: "How may I help you?"

Random Ruler: "I'm sorry first for calling you a lady, I just assumed you are because of your female looks."

Lady Corruption: "No no it's alright, and you assumed right, I'm a female."

Random Ruler: "Anyways, Can I ask you who will you choose as your partner?"

Lady Corruption: "Partner huh... let's just say it's private."

Random Ruler: "Ah I see I see, well then, may the eternal void be with you, farewell."

The random ruler walks away.

Lady Corruption: " "Eternal Void"? Well, whatever."

Random ruler thinking while walking away.

"I will make sure "he" will be your partner."

"He will be my fate."

"He will be your eternal partner."

"isn't that right?


YEEEEEHAW finally finished revamping the pre-equal. I tried to rather than completely revamp it, to remake it and make it more understandable.

Anyways, now that I'm done with the pre-equal I will move on to the next part which is in chapter 1.

anyway, thank you for reading and being patient with me.

may the eternal void be with y'all.

NothTardcreators' thoughts