
A bumpy ride

The room is earlie quiet as as arch slowly wakes up from his incident in the halls. "Uh, where am I?" arch grabs his head as he starts to wallow in pain. "Hey, hey , HEY calm down you're in the nurse's office, hey he's screaming again come quick this time he's awake!" "understood~" then from behind the curtain the double wielder from my class comes around the corner and starts an incantation "en stu tom bry nah ro iem dra na rou some bla" the pain from my head vanishes almost instantly, almost as if it was never even there in the first place. "There he should be good for now~, though can i have a bit to speak with him personally~?" "of course call us in when your done mame" "thank you~" the doctor, or at least who is presumed to be the doctor leaves. "Alright, what happened out there?" her usual tone has evaporated. "Pardon?" she raised her voice "what were you thinking? You scared the crap out of everyone. When we found you there was a black void engulfing the light we had to evacuate everyone around you to safety, it was terribly hard to get you here without any problems." Arch looked up and said "i'm terribly s- "DON'T YOU SAY SORRY, it wasn't your fault this happened to you" she quickly interrupted, she breathed and then spoke again "listen i know you were seeing something, your eye's were to blank even with your weapon out" "i don't know it was kinda foggy… i was in the halls, well at least i think it was me, but i could never draw my weapon's out, at least that's what the kids in the halls were saying, i kept failing a test" she interrupts "the weapon draw semester test, strange you only take that in wielder elementary school, sorry continue" "i then got super angry we'll what can be called angry in elementary school, anyways i got angry and, i guess my ability went out of control, or i went out of control, and I started to attack the kids that were making fun of me for not drawing out my weapon. But when that was happening my weapon drew, but bigger then it was today. When it happened all the windows in the building shattered and like today i caused an earthquake. Once the earthquake was over i was suspended by the chains again, but this time they didn't come undone. The chains while still being suspended latched onto the children not allowing them to run away. But like any good teacher would, they all came running around the corner. But the chains formed a wall blocking them out. It finally took the principle to come around the corner and bust down the wall of chains. He then grabbed the children out and erased my memory." "that would explain why you never knew what your abilities were but you were somehow easily able to summon them. Is there anything else that they said" "besides that i'm gonna be treated like a normal…. OH he said that my weapon draw was a level S" "wait you said your S rank?" "at least that what they said" "thank you, no further questions" "hgn!" "hey hold on i'll heal you and then you can go to sleep, it'll help" arch says as he slowly drifts asleep "oh, okay, thank you" "your welcome~" her usual tone returned as she started the incantation. "en stu tom bry nah ro iem dra na rou some bla" once again the pain from my head vanished almost instantly. "There darling everything should feel alot better" "augh thank you, again that feels alot better" she turns around, and leaves without saying anything else. "He's what we suspected. I want you to keep an eye on him at all cost a voice from a nearby shadow speaks "understood" then she disappeared. "Listen to me, you have to trust me, i'll allow you to control your abilities, but for right now i have to tell you to watch your back someone doesn't want you around, watch your back. , TRUST ME" abruptly he wakes up gasping for air "huh? It doesn't hurt anymore? What happened?" he turns around looking for Rechid but she's nowhere to be seen. "Uh my head…. What is going on none of this makes any sense…". "GOOD MORNING!!!" someone he's never seen before stands in the hallway "oh goodness we've never meet, that's right. Greetings! I'm the principle of the school! Airyck The lll but you can just call me Airyck!" "uh hi, what do i owe the pleasure?" he speaks up once more "nothing! I heard what a show you put on and just had to come and see our schools new super star!" "pardon?" "why i'm here to recruit you for the Rivalry!" "i'm sorry the what?" "right,right your new! Silly me! The Rivalry is the schools top aces they go through and control the school! They keep order!" "uh-" "HEY I'M NOT FINISHED" "okay" anyways! Not only do you keep order in the school you are also in charge of the Rivalry battles, it's like a sport but it's only for the top class of elites. Each school drived of 5 members. King, Queen, Knight, Squire, Omega!" "okay but why do you want me?" are you kidding?!? Your the strongest person here! From what i hear you had to have kept your full form out for at least and hour! When you didn't even have control over it! You have to have an immense amount of mana!" "uh okay i guess i'll join but what exactly will i be doing?" "perfect your going to be the King, the strongest of the male class. The Queen is Rechid! Now all you two need to do is find a Knight, Squire and, Omega! Hopefully you have someone i mind. Now that should be all. once you've got everyone come see me in my office will sign you all up and get you your tattoos! " "alright WAIT TATTOO-" "ALRIGHT BYE GET SOME REST YOU NEED IT!!!" "ugh whatever" Arch collapses on his bed, drained, how the hell am i going to do this? There's no way i'm going to heal fast enough to find the remaining people! I'm in for a bumpy ride