
Epilogue 2 - A Month Later (2)


Here it comes... I closed my eyes, bracing for rejection. But I was willing to start from scratch if it meant getting her skill.

"That's awesome, Leon!" she exclaimed.

I blinked in surprise. What?

"You have a skill that copies others! And not just one, right? You can copy as many as you want, right?"

"Huh? O-Oh, yeah. T-That's right," I stammered, taken aback by her sudden enthusiasm.

Wait, what was going on here? Why was she suddenly so excited? Her reaction was completely opposite to what I had anticipated.

"Silly Leon," she chuckled softly. "Do you honestly believe that revealing something like that would diminish my love for you? It's as if you believe my affection for you is superficial, easily swayed by such trivialities. But you're mistaken. No matter what you say or do, no matter how many other women you're with, my love for you will never waver. I'm confident that no one loves you as deeply as I do."

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