
Two brothers

Its a stormy night.

The winds are very strong.

A middle aged man is closing the windows of his house.

As the windows were making a lot of voice beacuse of the storm.

And after it he looks at his childs sleeping and went out off the room.

He is a bit worried.

His wife is giving birth to his child.

After some time he heard a child voice.

He rushes into the room and see his child and tears if joy are flowing from his eyes .

He look at his wife with a smile.his wife is also smiling.

But theres a little problem the child is not crying.He is looking at everyone and is also thinking at the same time.

The child thinks! It seems I've been reincarnated.

After realising this he starts to weep.

His mother holds him.

Times passed away very quickly.

Now the child is about one year old.

In this year he has learned many things.

The most important thing is that.This world has magic.

His name is Talha.

He is the third child of his family.

He has a brother and a sister.

His brother is the oldest sibling.

His family not very wealthy. His father is a farmer. But he is a very kind and loving person.His big brother is out of village for studies.

His mother is also very kind and loving but she's a bit strict with childrens.

The world is not very advanced.People are doing everday work with magic.

A year has passed by he can walk now.

He can speak clearly now but is pretending not to.

He is showing that hes growing up like a normal child.

He is trying his best to learn magic.He is always crying and trying to to learn about magic by watching his father perform magic.

His brother is also a very strong and a great magic user.His brother is quite good in fighting.

His sister doesn't have any kind of magic.

Their father does farming.And his big brother is the only protector of the house.

His mother loves him very much. it reminds him of his previous mother.

He cries in his heart.

As they live in a small village.Every house is very friendly with each other.

Their neighbours are also very good with them.Their neighbour loves the Talha as their own child .

They also have a daughter that was around the same age as Talha .

Talha was using his knowledge to learn magic.

Many years have passed and now Talha is around 7 years old.

He has learned something that his magic power is only normal.

He not very exceptional or special.He is a normal human being in this world.

His brother has very great magic.

He tried his best to learn powerful magic spells but he didn't have much magic power .

His big brother even tried to teach him some spells but he couldn't do it.

So instead he started to power his body up.

He does extreme traning everyday. While not being noticed by everyone.

He had made a secret training ground for his traning in the near forest.

He is training ever since he was a little child.

He made his traning tougher and tougher day by day .

One day he was training in his secret ground. He was lifting weights that were about 4 tons.

He sensed that someone is watching him.

from the trees behind him.He sensed a murdereus intent.

He was getting this sense for a week that someone is watching him .But this time the thing he sensed was murdererous intent.

He stopped his lifting and put down the weights normally.

He bent down and picked a stone from the ground and immediately moving back,he threw the stone towards the person who was watching him.

The stone was sent with so much force and speed that it was pretty much im possible to see it.

The air around the stone got spread out like a bomb was blasted.

It created a huge sound. And the dirt beneath the flying stone got destroyed too.

The stone hit his target in less then a second.But he was surprised to see that the person who was standing their stopped the stone with his bare hands.

Talha was shocked to see this.He was trembling in fear now how could that person stop my threw. My throw could even kill a bear .

After this the person showed up in front of him.

He was wearing a coat that covered his whole body. And he was wearing a mask.

Talha said who are you?

What do you want ?

The person removed his mask and said,''dont you remenber yohr big brother''

He was unspeakable when he saw that it was his own brother.

And more surprised to see that he had stopped his throw attack.

Big brother its been many years since you come home let's go home together.

He ignored the question and said,''that was a great throw. It could have even killed an bear.''

Talha was still in shock that his brother is this much powerful and he knew that i was secretly training here .

Talha said; Big bro Rayan that was awesome.

Rayan was smiling with pleasure and was thinking his little brother is very powerfull.

He could even beat me in a few years.

Brother how are you this much powerful .


He was asking soo much questions.

Rayan got annoyed and said listem i am this much powerful beacuse i trained hard.

Did you use your magic to stop it.


He said no! I didn't.

It was my raw power.

Can bro can i become as powerful as you?

Yeah you can my little bro he said it while rubbing Talha hair.

You can beacome even more powerfull then me .

He was so much motivated to hear this.

He said you bet i will beacme more powerfull then you in no time .

Rayan said why do you wanna beacome powerful?

To beat you he said it while smiling

And after that what would you do with that power when you beat me .

He was quite unspeakable after hearing this.

He remembered his previous life and saw the things he did in that world and remembered his death and his friends that were hurt badly beacuse of his plan and decission.

His brother was starring staright at him with serious eyes.

After remembering his memories he said i will use this power to protect my loved onces.

His brother was quite releaved after hearing this. Thats my brother he said it while hugging his brother.