
new beginning

From next day he's doing his exersie much more harder. He know that he is very weak right now.

And he's helping his father with farm work to.

His mother is very happy that his child is very good and supportive.

Sanyoki is also trying to learn some magic.

She's very good at healing magic.she is improving his magic day by day.sh is also working hard to be a came a great magic healer.

She trains in his backyard on injured animals and people.while Talha is training in his secret training ground.

Time is lasing by very quickly. Many years have passed now.

The scene changes ....

The wind is blowing very hard. Its raining and thundering.

We see a man with who is lifting up weights that are about 100 of tons, and he's lifting these weights with much ease like its no big deal for him.

His muscles are not that big. He is training without his shirt on. He has an average not very slim or not very big body.

His muscles are sweating beacuse of this extreme training. The person stops and put left his weights from his hands the weights were so heavy that as he throw the in the ground, the weights got stuck in ground.

The dust spread around beacuse of the weights thrown to ground.The person get out of smoke slowly and we saw a clear image if him.

He puts his shirt on and went out if woods and we see he's heading toward a town.

he is entering into town without being noticed. A beautiful girl who was wearing white dress saw him sneaking around.

She sneaked around and got behind him.

The boy was lookin at a house that and seeing if anyone is out there. The girl said in a low voice ,"there is no one."

The boy turned around and was a bit scared of the girl. And he said sorry sanyoki I had some work to do.

Talha you're doing this every day, where do you even go she was a bit angry.

Just don't tell my mom please...


OK OK fine I won't tell her. But its the last time.

OK OK thanks sanyoki you're very helpfull. I will be going now. While he was going into his house he stopped midway and looked back and said you're looking very beautiful.he was smiling when he said that.

He said that and started to run toward his home.

The girl expression changed and her face got red. She was quite shocked to hear it. She made a cute looking face and said in a low voice,"dumb Talha."

She was watching him until he got into the house.

As he entered the house a loud voice was heard, "where were you." It was Talha mother he was quite angry.

I was just outside...Ahh....


He was out of options.

Hmm.... I was doing some work.