
The World I Created

'The elders say that we are all connected' 'That in the dawn before creation, Sol had been. and it was he that willed us into existence. Everyone.... was formed from a piece of him.. so when we die, we will one day meet him and return to the plane that brought in us creation. Synopsis- Adam dies one day, only to wake up in darkness. He struggles with his new situation, but soon realizes that he could sense strange abilities inside of himself. He decides in his loneliness, since there wasn't anyone that could share in his existence he'd have to simply create ones.

TYErannical · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Ch 7 The blossoming of power

(Before beginning the chapter, I'd like to apologize to my readers on how slow the start of the story has been. This is my first time formally publishing anything on a website, and I had hoped to create a story that focused more on the character aspect of the novel, rather then going full in to the action from the beginning. I will continue writing, but I'm planning on a later date to update and edit some changes in the story. I will not do it out of the blue, I will try to inform whoever cares in a later post.. Thank you.)

Isaac, did not meander. As if he was a professional, It only took him a few seconds to rob all three of them of their possessions.

The girl's looked shocked. Even Adam, was somewhat surprised by how efficiently Isaac parted the men from their Items.

At the same time Isaac felt annoyed, 'why are they so poor?' He thought. He'd believed that since these were the type of people that usually gallivanted around the streets robbing and extorting the people around them then that meant they were the fattest fish to catch, who would've thought that they were as poverty stricken as everyone else.

As he got up and looked at the miniscule amount of gains he had made from his hard work, he couldn't help but feel an irrational anger. Not, only were they weak they were also embarrassingly poor. He'd almost felt the urge to kick them.

Isaac, glanced back at them and assessed the worth of their clothes, But he shook his head. "Nah, all worn out and discolored.. None of the shoes are good either"

He turned around with the whopping twelve dollars he had managed to amass and started walking away.

He'd planned to leave the same as he'd arrived, as a mysterious stranger.

Before he could get far though, his departure was interrupted by a familiar voice, " H..hey wait up please sir."

The cowering girl had gotten a semblance of her courage back as she spoke. Isaac stopped, but was reluctant to turn around. "What is it?" He asked with his back turned.

"Ple..please could you help me and my friend get home?" She asked.

Isaac's face crumpled up slightly in unwillingness, his plan had concluded with the 'rob' phase. He had no intention of involving himself further with their situation, hence the reason he'd decided on the mask.

He was about to reply his refusal when he heard, "Please sir could you? my friend can't seem to stand up" She said while pointing at the girl a few meters away, too involved in her thoughts to hear what they were saying.

Turning around and looking at the once stout lady who had now for some reason turned into a mute, Isaac couldn't help but consider.

"Seems like that kick hurt her bad" Adam's voice sounded.

Isaac, Sighed. If he were to leave them there and some other thug's came to harass them later, then it would negate the whole reason he'd intervened in the first place. Deciding to accomplish his good deed fully, he walked toward the sitting girl.

"What are you doing" She said while noticing him staring at her. Her words had a noticeable weaker tone, but you could still hear the firmness from it.

He examined the girl for a brief second. noticing the swelling of her left cheek and the pile of throw up next to her, he couldn't help but feel his conscience waver. 'Bastards who can only group up to have any power' He felt indignant.

"You seemed to be in need of help" he spoke.

"No! i'm fine, thank you" she said while trying to get up, only to once again double over and collapse in pain.

Adam, sighed. "She needs to be taken to the hospital" he stated.

'It would seem so' Isaac thought.

Isaac crouched near the girl who was still reeling from pain and tried to speak with care in his voice. "Hey, would you like me to call for an ambulance?"

The girl looked at Isaac with intentions to refuse, but remembered the pain she was in. She debated for a moment between the options and hesitated. She, didn't want things to somehow end up with police involvement. If the three thug's somehow ended up being detained, then the gangsters behind them would certainly start going after her family more ferociously.

She could lie to the police, but looking back at the three unconscious guys on the floor, the police would definitely not believe the lie she told, instead believing this to be a form of gang violence. Further complicating things.

Isaac, looked at her silently contemplating, and could more or less guess what she was thinking about. He, found her worries to be somewhat naïve.

Even without police intervention, the gangsters behind those three would certainly not let her off. They would see the situation as her fault for making a scene, therefore causing the incident.

Isaac, could certainly understand her worries, and at the same time he somewhat regretted his actions. If he were to not of interjected himself, then there could've been a possibility were the gangsters let the two return back to their homes.

This would most certainly not of eliminated the main problem, but at least the possibility of the gangsters getting revenge on her on a later date would not have happened.

Isaac, knew that the chances of the three thugs just letting the girls go, would probably not have happened, but even the thought of it being a possibility made him feel slightly guilty.

"Do you think I did something wrong, Adam?" Isaac said.

Adam paused before answering. This trait of Isaac's was probably the least endearing trait he had. He always thought on a situation longer then most people, But at the same time he would sometimes make decisions haphazardly in the heat of the moment, only to later become anxious over the choices he'd already made. Adam, wasn't saying that a man shouldn't be thoughtful, but if one had already made his bed, why stand for an hour thinking about the sheeting arrangements?

"Wasting your time thinking about the choices you should've made will not solve anything. The time has already passed so move on.. As a man your morale code needs to be solid and the decisions you make should always reflect them" He spoke the words from his heart, but at the same time realized that he wasn't only saying this to Isaac, but also to himself.

As a kid, Adam wasn't much different from Isaac, in fact he was much worse. He also thought way too much on a lot of situations where the decisions had to be made. This trait had caused him to become a wishy washy person in his later years that only knew how to procrastinate. His words before, were inspired by the thoughts he'd had after his death. He'd always been too scared to be his own person even till death. That's why he'd stayed in the non risky passionless job he had until he reached forty and eventually met his demise while being overworked, that's why his family never looked at him for support, even while they were suffering.

Adam, saw that same characteristics growing from Isaac and intended to change it before it grew worse.

"Ah" Isaac was somewhat dazed from Adams answer. He' didn't think that one question would've elicited such a response.

Isaac, was not offended though. He had realized the trait about him a while ago. Because of his previous interactions with his peers, in always being the poorest in his class, he had become a bit of a cynic.

This was why he'd usually never make friends. Because, of his overthinking nothing he'd say to others would be genuine.

Isaac took a deep breath. He thought about the last couple of days and what it had given him. Incredible sadness... and incredible hope. Beforehand he'd wanted nothing more but for Adam, to help him find a way to cure his mom and nothing else, but lately he was having some strange feelings.

A feeling that made him want to act out and push him towards a goal. It may sound selfish, but now Isaac could clearly feel an ambition rising up inside of him. An ambition that wanted him to do what whatever he wanted to do. Of course, not anything evil that would shame him and his parents. But not thing's necessarily good either.

With everything being said, Isaac could feel something 'special' building up inside of him.

Adams eye's shifted. He looked at the red string that was attached to his stomach.

For a brief moment he could feel a turbulent energy vibrating through the string. Looking closer he noticed, an almost microscopic spherical bubble at the end of the yarn.

'How and why did this..." He thought midway before being interrupted.

"Adam, could you do that eye thing that you did last time again please?" Isaac asked.

"Why?" said Adam perplexed.

" I want to check to see the extent of her injuries"

"But last time we tried using color vision didn't you end up vomiting" Adam, remembered how the gagging Isaac, said he'd never try using it again.

"that was then. this is now.. I suddenly feel inspiration to finally feel out the extent of your abilities" he spoke confidently.

Adam, didn't understand the rationale of Isaac asking to be embarrassed in front of these two girls, but he still obliged anyway.

A sharp pain entered Isaac's head through the front lobe. It felt like five migraines at once. Isaac felt it uncomfortable, but he still smiled. Reason's being, that the pain he felt now was much easier to bear then the first time he'd tried the color vision.

He stared at the view around him and felt overwhelmed. The amount of information entering his mind almost incapacitated him. Choosing to do what he was planning fast, he stared at the curly haired girl.

The undiscernible color, that Isaac took for blood seemed to be following trails of passes that Adam took for veins and other organs.

All of the blood seemed to be following an organized root that led from her heart to her other organs.

All except for one. He, could see in her stomach area a small tear that seemed to be leaking with a trace amount of blood.

Isaac, now understood why the girl was keeled over so bad now. The amount of pain she must be feeling is terrible, he bet.

Isaac, wasn't an inspiring doctor so he didn't know how to help her, but he knew she needed medical attention as soon as possible.

Ever since earlier, after hearing Adams word's, Isaac had felt a certain pull from the energy inside him. Until now, he had been forcibly trying to control the energy.

He had treated the energy as an outside force, but now he felt that, that was wrong to do. The energy had been trying to guide him but instead of humbling himself, he wanted to master it.

Now he felt different. Letting go of his feelings and emotions he chose to follow the will of the energy.


The curly haired girl who was now in tears with pain, had been stealing glances at Isaac.

At some point along the conversation he stopped staring at her and began just standing along with a far out look in his eye. Previously, she did not want him to call the ambulance and get her to the hospital, but now she no longer felt that way.

She was in too much pain to debate about what the three bastards on the ground would do to her.

As she wanted to have the strange man call the police she suddenly halted. Her eyes had met contact with him and she noticed an almost indescribable glow within them. A glow that briefly let her forget about her pain.

The man who she didn't know suddenly kneeled right in front of her.

reaching out his hands he came close to touching her. She didn't say anything nor did she try to dodge his hand. For some reason, while looking at him in the eye's she felt no threat.

Finally his hand landed delicately on her stomach. Right where she felt the terrible pain and a powerful and wonderous comforting feeling started emitting.
