
The World Flipped

This is a story about Reinard, a boy who was a game freak as a result of things that had happened to him. One night the world suddenly flipped and Reinard saw this as another chance to rewrite himself. But fate takes him on a journey without his consent and Reinard slowly realizes there may be more to the flipping of his world and to everything that exist. Follow Reinard and many other characters as they impact this Abeir Toril,( a beautiful world adored by many but untouchable)in different ways MC is not perfect and overpowered from the beginning and world building takes some chapters but later focuses on MC alone.

CephasWRITES · Fantasy
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303 Chs

Chapter 115: The White Flame.

"I hate you, we hate you"

Rein stood there, traumatised. He got himself together and asked, "Who are you guys?"

"huh, us? of course you wouldn't know us" 

They all spoke in unison this time, "We are you"

"We are your selfishness"

"Your regrets"

"Your hatred"

"Your despair" 

"We are the emotions you neglected" 

Rein rubbed his chin, "hmm, so in order words you are all that is not good about me" 

Only one talked, "What a beautiful way to put it" 

"Well I'm sorry but what am I supposed to say, what do you guys even want, what do you mean emotions I neglected" 

"It's funny how you have lived up until now being a facade, a liar, a pretentious bastard and then all if a sudden you want to claim the white flame"

"oh, that fire"

"Yes that fire is the purest form of you, untainted and righteous, indomitable and invincible, we will never let you have it"

"Whst the hell? What is you all deal?"