
The World: Era of change

The year 2031 did have some advancement, but not as expected. However, it did bring some change to the climate. A bad one. let's Say, it's a little bit hotter, not much. Just enough to sink some islands around the world and reduce the landmass of Earth. But worry not my brethren. When there is a will, you can change anything. The only problem here being, whose will is it this time. Change is coming, and the world we know is not the same anymore. Will this change bring destruction and chaos or new opportunities. No one knows. So let's follow our protagonist as he explores the new Era. -------------- synopsis is subjected to change. -------------- Hello everybody! Author here *wave* :) I have been reading web novels since 2012 and finally decided to write something on my own. before reading, I hope that you could keep in mind a couple of things: 1- like many authors here on this platform English is not my first language. 2- it's my first time attempting to write anything other than school/college papers. advices are much appreciated :) note: If the story is too slow for you, please consider adding this novel to your collection and coming back later when there is more chapters. This work is purely fictional.

peddler · Urban
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46 Chs

Chapter 40 - That's It?

Just as the gangsters were about to start moving.

I tilted my body outside the window and took aim.

The gangster boss, who was ready to step on the gas pedal, saw the gun, he yelled in horror while lowering his body under the window.

"Get down! They have guns!"

We have just reached the point where the distance between us is 50 m at this point.

Aiming at the front wheel, I didn't hesitate and opened fire.

*bang* *bang* *bang*

*tink* *tink* *tink*

By the time we managed to cross the two cars to the exit, I had already shot a full magazine worth of bullets.

Then I pulled my upper body to the inside of the car again.

"Did you damage their tires?"

Salem asked nervously as the car exited the avenue, officially on 126 street.

Looking at the back window I saw the fuel truck right behind us, while the car I shot stayed motionless, as for the other car, because it was on the side of both drivers, they couldn't shoot accurately. Fearing that they would kill someone they opted not to shoot at all.

"I saw their front tire get punctured!"

Walid's excited voice came through the phone as if he was the one to shoot just now. Seemingly, this provided him with a shot of adrenaline so he added.

"Let's go back and shoot all their tires! That way they won't follow us!"

"You go back by yourself! They probably didn't expect us to know about them, that is why they did not shoot us first. We only managed to take them by surprise just now!"

I yelled back with a dark face while changing the gun magazine, then started filling the empty magazine with bullets from my backpack while we still had time.

"But dude! If they don't have running cars, we won't have to worry about them following us!"

Walid still argued, wanting to turn back. This time I didn't have to say anything, Adam by his side cursed.

"F*ck OFF and keep on driving!"


"We can't do that because, one, we are already 2 km away by now. Two, they might really shoot us this time. Three, it's useless, they can stop any car and use it to follow us. So drive and let us get away from here as soon as possible."

I explained just in case his brain didn't register these points by now, which I'm sure he didn't. Once Walid gets the adrenaline rush, he becomes a raging bull.

Salem looked at the mirror and said.

"I'm going to drive behind you."

Then he changed the right lane on the two-lane street. Slowed down and let the truck pass us, then changed to the left lane again.

Turning my body in my seat, I look at the back window to see if we are being followed.

Seeing no one following us so far, I breathed a sigh of relief, but still did not dare to relax.

While we went on our way, the gangster boss was screaming while holding his left leg.

"F*ck! F*ck!"

"Boss! What happened to you!?"

The young man beside him asked after hurriedly lifting himself back to his seat.

"What the f*ck do you think happened! Can't you see my f*cking leg is bleeding you dumb f*ck!?"

The boss yelled at him while in pain.

*vroom* *dum* *shiik*

The other car saw that their boss' car was shot and came hurriedly.


"Boss! Are you okay!?"

"Shit the tire is done for!"

Three gangsters came running from the car. Some checked the car while the others looked after their boss.

"The boss was shot! Come help quickly!"

The young man at the back yelled toward the other three as he went outside the car.

The mob opened the door and saw that the boss had two bleeding holes in his legs.

"Quickly! Let's send him to the hospital!"

"Boss! We will take you in our car, your front tire is completely gone."

Without waiting for the boss to say anything, he was carried away to the backseat of the other car.

One of them took out a rope from the back of the car and tied the boss leg to lessen the blood flow. As for why there is a rope so readily in the car… of course it's to tie some disobedient customers.

While still in pain the boss ordered with gritted teeth.

"Let the others pick up Rafick and see if they can catch up with them, we will be in trouble if we let them go so easily! At least we have to know who they are."

Then he seemed to remember something and added.

"And leave someone here to handle my car! Let him take my baby for repair."

"Okay! I will call them."

One of them started calling as the car started moving towards the nearest hospital, leaving only a poor ghost to guard the car.

Back to our car, I was still looking back from time to time, without relaxing my vigilance.

I opened the map app and looked at the route ahead of us with a frown, after thinking for some time,

"Salem, give me your phone."

He put the gun down from his left hand and handed me his phone. And yes he is left-handed.

Operating the phone, I called my father and put the call in speaker mode.

*toot* *toot* *toot*

The phone rang for some time with nobody answering. Just as I was about to end the call, it got connected.


I heard my Father's voice coming from the phone with loud background noises.

"Father, It's me!"

For some reason, hearing his voice right now calmed my nerves.

"Have you bought the fuel?"

He asked calmly.

"We did. However, there is a bit of a situation right now!"

I said with a nervous tone.

"Hmm? Wait a second."

He said then went silent for some time, then I could hear the noise almost reduced to nothing all of a sudden.

"I'm in the car, you can talk now."

He said in a serious tone.

I thought for a second and only told him about the gangsters' situation, without mentioning anything about my 'superpower'.

"How did you know someone is going to steal the fuel truck, and how did you judge which car to shoot?"

He noticed my omission of details easily. Hey! It's not easy to lie to your parents.

"I can only tell you when we meet in person. However, rest assured, I'm a hundred percent sure of what I did."

I replied seriously, hearing what I said, my father didn't question me any further.

"Father, what do you think we should do right now? Should we continue on the same road or take another one?"

I looked at the back again, always feeling like staying on this road is a wrong choice.

"Where are you right now?"

Father asked.

Looking at the sign on the side of the road, I replied.

"Right now, we are at the 126th road, going south. Just passed the 20th exit."

"126th road, 20th exit? Then you can drive to the 19th exit, after about 200 meters, you would have passed 3 turns to the right, turn on the fourth, 200 meters in you would see a giant warehouse complex. Stop at the gate, someone will let you in. wait there and we will meet after I finish buying all the stuff we need from the grain market."

*toot* *toot* *toot*

Then he ended the call abruptly without giving me the chance to talk. My head got dizzy from the amount of instruction he gave, one after the other.

Coming back to my sense, I said,

"You heard what he said right? Let's go."

"Roger that."



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