
The World: Era of change

The year 2031 did have some advancement, but not as expected. However, it did bring some change to the climate. A bad one. let's Say, it's a little bit hotter, not much. Just enough to sink some islands around the world and reduce the landmass of Earth. But worry not my brethren. When there is a will, you can change anything. The only problem here being, whose will is it this time. Change is coming, and the world we know is not the same anymore. Will this change bring destruction and chaos or new opportunities. No one knows. So let's follow our protagonist as he explores the new Era. -------------- synopsis is subjected to change. -------------- Hello everybody! Author here *wave* :) I have been reading web novels since 2012 and finally decided to write something on my own. before reading, I hope that you could keep in mind a couple of things: 1- like many authors here on this platform English is not my first language. 2- it's my first time attempting to write anything other than school/college papers. advices are much appreciated :) note: If the story is too slow for you, please consider adding this novel to your collection and coming back later when there is more chapters. This work is purely fictional.

peddler · Urban
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46 Chs

Chapter 30 - Goodbye Cousin. Boom!

Inside the corridor, we saw a room with the tag "waiting room", when we opened the door, the cool air from the inside washed all over us.


We ran inside and closed the door to prevent the cool air from escaping the room.

The room is 5m2 with black leather couches that look so comfortable to sit at, and they were.

"Ahh, that's so comfy, so cold!"

Walid said exaggeratedly as he lay on the cold leather couch.

"Can't you behave like a normal human being for a day?"

Adam asked while shaking his head.

"What do you mean like a normal human being? Isn't it normal to express oneself clearly?"

"You can express all you want, but can you tone it down?"

Walid defended, then Salem joined and the three started bickering with each other.

After sitting down on the couch, I didn't participate in their fun activities. I was more focused on the introspection of my body. The previously eaten pills and protein shake were being digested at a faster rate than normal food or even the meal placement jelly.

However, by now, the sense of hunger has been reduced quite a lot, and it seems my body cells have consumed enough nutrition to substitute the ones I lost previously.

I don't feel like my body is going to eat itself anymore like I previously felt. But don't get me wrong, my body cells are still demanding more energy and nutrition, only not as much as before.

Nevertheless, most of the nutrients and energy are still being absorbed by the area between my eyebrows, giving me a different feeling of hunger. Although faint, it was like my soul was the hungry one this time. Maybe I felt it before but it was covered by my body's hunger.


"Hey, what are you doing?"

A hand started waving in front of me accompanied by a loud question pulled me out of my musing.

It was Walid Who was asking, and I noticed the other two were looking at me. It seems their bickering had stopped at some point when they noticed my silence.

I looked at them with furious eyes, like I'm ready to kill them, causing them to flench.

"Don't you know it is taboo to interrupt someone else's cultivation, I just suffered from an internal injury because of your interruption."

I said vehemently.

What greeted me in return was three leather pillows aimed straight at my head. I put my hands in a defensive position and successfully defended my vital organs.

"You f*cking a**hole! We thought it was something serious."

Salem said with a feed-up face while reaching for a second pillow beside him, ready to throw it at me again.

"What!? You don't believe that I am a cultivator? What happened to me today was because I awakened my spiritual roots."

I said with the utmost seriousness I could muster.

They stopped all of a sudden, donning a baffled expression, not sure if they should believe what I said or not. because what happened to me previously was really bizarre.

"Then how do you prove what you said is true?"

Walid asked with a doubtful expression, still holding a pillow in his hands.

"It is easy. To show you the power of my cultivation, I will move my spiritual power to my hand and let you see it being manifested."

I put my hand in front of me with my palm facing the ceiling, then I closed my eyes and pretended to be focusing, with my eyebrows being locked together.

*hum* *hum*

I start humming and humming louder and louder, making my friends focus on my palm, and then all of a sudden,


My middle finger popped straight at a 90-degree angle while I yelled,

"Feel the power of my dark yin supreme finger palm! Hah!"


Silence prevailed over the room for three seconds then,

*woosh* *woosh* *woosh*

*pah* *pah* *pah*

Three cannonballs… I mean, three pillows were thrown at me.

"F*ck you!"

"Taste my star destroyer pillow!"

"Throw it at the n*ts!"

My three friends were cursing and shouting at me. However, the last shout caused us to stop immediately. We all looked at Walid with vacant dead eyes.

"You are deemed guilty for attempting to violate the bro code. Thereby you are sentenced to be stoned."

I said, then threw one of the pillows thrown at me previously, so did Adam and Salem.

"Ahh! Mercy!"

Walid yelled exaggeratedly, then pretended to die and fell on the couch, not moving anymore.

stepping forward with a solemn face I said,

"Even if you broke the code, you were once a brother of ours. Don't worry, we will take care of your family. May your soul rest in peace. Amen! Now brothers, a moment of silence for this poor soul."

Adam and Salem were going on with the play and pretended to be sad for a moment and kept silent. Five seconds later, the sadness faded, replaced by funny smiles.

Just when the laughter was about to sound,

*knock* *knock*

Two knocks came from the door, ending our skit abruptly.

Walid changed his dying dog posture to a normal sitting one. So did we, before realizing the pillows were all over the place. We had to scramble around to arrange them as quickly as possible.

*Click* *open*

The door opened just as we put everything back in its place.

Two young men came through the door, the neatly dressed one at the front appears to be of the same age as us, with black hair, white skin, brown eyes, and a height of 1.7 m.

The other young man had some similar features to the first, only, he was a little taller, about 1.8 m. However, he looked a little sloppy and his eyes were a bit shifty.

"Ahh! Walid! Long time no see!"

The young man at the front had a big smile on his face as he greeted Walid enthusiastically, like seeing a long-lost relative.

"Laheeb! Long time no see!"

Walid stood up and replied back with the same enthusiasm, then gave him a hug. It seems the two of them are of the same type of people.

After the hug, Walid pointed in our direction and started introducing us one by one.

Then he introduced the young man as Laheeb.

Looking carefully at Laheeb, I thought to myself he looked familiar.

"Laheeb and I used to play together when we were kids, mostly when his father sent their trucks for monthly inspection."

It then clicked.

"Wasn't he the kid with the LED shoes that would play with us sometimes? Then he would bawl his eyes out when it's time to go?"

I asked with an 'I gotcha' kind of look.

Laheeb was surprised for a second, then he started laughing loudly, without taking any offense for exposing his dark past.

"That's me for sure! And I do have an impression of you guys in my memory."

He said merely, then turned and introduced the man behind him,

"This is my cousin sam."

"Nice to meet you sam!"

Walid still greeted enthusiastically while we nodded at sam. And he just returned a small smile with a nod. However, his eyes still looked shifty, not looking straight at anyone. We thought he wasn't great at dealing with people.

"It has been a long time since we met, let's go to have lunch together if you still haven't eaten!"

Laheeb then invited us with an eager look.

"Ahh, how do I say it, my dad wants the fuel as soon as possible, you know his temper, if I don't bring it back quickly, then he might drown me in car oil."

Walid hesitated for some time, wanting to accept the invitation. In the end, he still remembered that we had work to do and replied embarrassingly.

Laheeb looked disappointed for a second, then returned to his cheerfulness and said,

"That's Okay! We can make another appointment! I will take you to see our mountain resort next time! All of you are invited!"

We nod at him with a smile, although he is loud like Walid, it's hard to hate cheerful people like them.

"We are busy today, so we haven't finished arranging your order yet. I will go and make sure they're working on it."

Laheeb wanted to go and check the progress of the station workers. However, at that moment his cousin suddenly spoke.

"Cousin, you stay with your friends. I will go and arrange everything for them."

His voice was a bit sleazy, unlike Laheeb's cheerfulness.

Laheeb looked back at his cousin in surprise, feeling weird in his heart. Since when did my lazy cousin become so helpful and considerate?

Although he felt weird in his heart, he didn't say anything in front of outsiders, keeping a face for his cousin.

Couldn't do anything but nod and say thanks.

"Ahh, thank you sam!"

"No worries!"

Sam replied with a small smile and turned towards the door.

Before going out, he looked at his cousin and said in a small voice,

"Goodbye, dear cousin."

Then he pressed all his muscles together and,


Farted a big fart and closed the door, managing to poison all of us. And then I reincarnated and reached the pinnacle of the multiverse.

In the end someone published a novel about me, the title was:

How I Died From a Fart Then Become The Strongest

Hello *wave*

Goodbye *wave*

peddlercreators' thoughts