
The World: Era of change

The year 2031 did have some advancement, but not as expected. However, it did bring some change to the climate. A bad one. let's Say, it's a little bit hotter, not much. Just enough to sink some islands around the world and reduce the landmass of Earth. But worry not my brethren. When there is a will, you can change anything. The only problem here being, whose will is it this time. Change is coming, and the world we know is not the same anymore. Will this change bring destruction and chaos or new opportunities. No one knows. So let's follow our protagonist as he explores the new Era. -------------- synopsis is subjected to change. -------------- Hello everybody! Author here *wave* :) I have been reading web novels since 2012 and finally decided to write something on my own. before reading, I hope that you could keep in mind a couple of things: 1- like many authors here on this platform English is not my first language. 2- it's my first time attempting to write anything other than school/college papers. advices are much appreciated :) note: If the story is too slow for you, please consider adding this novel to your collection and coming back later when there is more chapters. This work is purely fictional.

peddler · Urban
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46 Chs

Chapter 21 - Moon?

"Captain! You shouldn't move around right now!"

A young doctor hurriedly wanted to stop him but was pushed away by Gill.

After moving around for a while, a look of doubt appeared on his face.

As he continued, his face transitioned from doubt to shock.


He began looking around with uncertainty in his eye as if wanting to do something but still quite hesitant to do so.

Colonel Stedman looked at his usually expressionless bodyguard having such an expression with bewilderment.

"Gill, what are you so hesitant for? If there is a problem with your body, you should tell the doctors now!"

The Colonel frowned and called Captain Gill by his name directly without adding the rank, something he wouldn't do unless he is getting impatient or angry.

Hearing the reprimanding tone of his boss, Captain Gill looked at the people around for a second then his eyes became firm and he no longer hesitated.

Bracing himself, he squatted a little then jumped with a yell all of sudden.


Attracted by the shout, the people around looked in Captain Gill's direction, only to find him jumping 1.8m off the ground measured from the sole of his feet.



"How could he jump so high."

"didn't he have a seizure a minute ago!?"

Shocked voices with equally shocking expressions speared all around.

You have to know that the average vertical jump height among men, is only between 40cm to 50cm. Anything above 70cm is considered excellent. The highest record for a vertical jump is held by Brett Williams which is 65 inches, roughly converted to meters is about 1.65m.

So just now, Captain Gill could be considered to have broken the world record that lasted since 2019.


Captain Gill landed on the ground with a loud thud. However, he didn't feel any pain or strain when landing.

Dr. Nelson, with shining eyes, came near the captain and asked,

"Do you feel any discomfort?"

Shaking his head with an excited face, Captain Gill didn't answer but started throwing punches at the air, shadow boxing against imaginary enemies.

*swoosh* *swoosh*

The Fists sounded as if someone was cutting through the air. Those standing near felt a small gust of air hitting them when the fist was in their direction, causing some of them to retreat in fear, while the others started with amazement at the power.

Those who were a little bit on the younger side among the crowd had stars shining in their eyes while looking at Captain Gill with an excited face as if thinking of a possibility.

Colonel Stedman at this point had enough of it, he was ignored twice by the captain.

"Captain Gill! Could you stand still for a moment and tell what is happening to you!?"

Shocked by the shout, Captain Gill Stopped abruptly while holding the position where his hand is outstretched in punching position.

However, quickly coming back to his senses, he stood before the colonel and gave him a salute.



With an impatient expression, the colonel asked again,

"Why where you jumping around as if you are on steroids"

This time the Captain didn't talk nonsense and started telling the people around what happened to him after the multi-colored light flashed in the sky.

"After I calmed down and my body relaxed, I felt my whole body stronger and much lighter than usual, as if I would fly at any moment."

"That was why I jumped first, to test if it's real or if it's some kind of sequel. And the results are what you saw."

"I tried shadow fisting to see if my strength also increased, and I would say that my strength has almost doubled."

Colonel Stedman had a calm face the whole time, unlike the people around, who had changed their facial expressions more than ten times as they heard what Captain Gill is saying.

Of course, he was shocked on the inside like everyone else. Only his years in military career didn't allow him so.

"Why don't we first take Captain Gill to check his body in the medical unit. In case all of this is caused by his body releasing a certain hormone to push it past its limit."

Dr. Nelson said while looking at Captain Gill as if appreciating a specimen, causing the Captain to shudder all of a sudden, feeling a hint of danger.

*click* *pull* *thud*

At that moment, the conference door that was closed at the beginning was violently opened, attracting the people present in the room and calming their discussion.

A white-skinned tall officer with a similar rank to Captain Gill came straight through the open door followed by two people.

He had a look of worry on his face as he looked left and right as if searching for someone. When his eyes landed on Colonel Stedman, he strode forward immediately while telling the two people behind him to follow.

Whoever stood in his way would be met with ferocious eyes. People, seeing how ferocious he was, begin to make way for him.

Coming before Colonel Stedman he stopped in his place and gave a salute.

"Sir! Captain Jones Reports!"

"At ease. Start reporting immediately."

Colonel Stedmen ordered him to end the salute without wasting time, he wanted to know what happened outside of the conference room.

Getting the permission, Captain Jones looked at the people around, pondering if they should hear what he was about to report.

"You don't have to worry about people listening, such a big thing happened, I don't think there is anyone unaware of it."

As if knowing Captain Jones' concern and looking at the two people behind him, The colonel then glanced at his guard and assured him to speak.

With no hesitation this time, Captain Jones started reporting about the situation in the base. What is happening outside is similar to here. First the Multi-colored light, then the sound in the sky.

"In addition, some people experienced a variety of symptoms, as of now, our data indicate that the symptoms will last between 30 seconds to 135 seconds, after the symptoms end, those people will show…"

Captain Jones Stopped at this point with a tangled face, not knowing how to phrase the rest of the sentence without it being too embarrassing.

A young Doctor listening by the side didn't care about the force etiquette and interrupted with excitement.

"Did they awaken supernatural powers?"

All eyes turned in his direction, making the young man flench.

Since someone else said it first, Captain Jones was no longer embarrassed, nodded his head, and continued.

"Yes! They did show a variety of power exceeding normal people and can be called a superpower."

Saying that he stepped to the side while gesturing toward the two people standing behind him. The pair, one man and one woman.

The man, wearing a construction worker uniform with a giant build like a bear, yellowish-brown skin, brown eyes, and an honest face. While the woman beside him was wearing a scientist white lab coat with a cute white face, black hair, blue eyes, and a petite short figure.

"This is Mr. Tulok, one of the local construction workers hired by us. After the flash passed, his body started heating up, turning his skin into a red hue. It took almost 120 seconds for his body to return to normal."

Pointing at the man first, Captain Jones introduced him.

The Young Doctor was about to talk again but his hand was pulled by a colleague, then whispered for him to shut up.

Dr. Nelson took his job and asked curiously while looking at the man upside down.

"What superpower did Mr. Tulok 'Awaken'?"

Captain Jones looked at his boss asking with his eyes if he could say it.

Getting a nod from the colonel, he didn't have any more thoughts and asked Tulok,

"Mr. Tulok, Please demonstrate your power for the gentlemen to see."

Tulok is an honest fellow, he didn't think too much about hiding his power. Stepping forward, he yelled with all his might.


Then he transformed into a m*l-tan.

Mil-tan is coming for ya.

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If there is enough support, I will release two chapters each day...

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