
The World: Era of change

The year 2031 did have some advancement, but not as expected. However, it did bring some change to the climate. A bad one. let's Say, it's a little bit hotter, not much. Just enough to sink some islands around the world and reduce the landmass of Earth. But worry not my brethren. When there is a will, you can change anything. The only problem here being, whose will is it this time. Change is coming, and the world we know is not the same anymore. Will this change bring destruction and chaos or new opportunities. No one knows. So let's follow our protagonist as he explores the new Era. -------------- synopsis is subjected to change. -------------- Hello everybody! Author here *wave* :) I have been reading web novels since 2012 and finally decided to write something on my own. before reading, I hope that you could keep in mind a couple of things: 1- like many authors here on this platform English is not my first language. 2- it's my first time attempting to write anything other than school/college papers. advices are much appreciated :) note: If the story is too slow for you, please consider adding this novel to your collection and coming back later when there is more chapters. This work is purely fictional.

peddler · Urban
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46 Chs

Chapter 19 - Roy, You Need A strong Body For A Successful Marriage

Going down the stairs, you would see the same corridor on each floor, with the same number of doors on both sides. If it wasn't for the people moving around, you would think this is a scene from a horror movie.

Dr. Akeel didn't have to walk for too long. This building only consists of three floors on the ground and two underground. His goal was on the first floor where a meeting with the heads of this base is going to be held. Of course, that includes himself.

Reaching the first floor he turned to his assistant to ask about the conference room, only to find no one by his side, making him puzzled.

'Where did he go?'

Thought to himself for a second.

When he was about to ask at the reception desk about the meeting location, a sudden noise came from the stairs accompanied by heavy breathing. Looking back, Roy was running down the stairs with a flushed face as if he was just about to finish a marathon.

"Dr.Akeel, you are here! You walk so fast, I thought I lost you!"

Before getting to rest, Roy started complaining between each breath.

Looking at his hagrid assistant, Dr.Akeel shook his head in disapproval.

"Young man, you lack any semblance of physical fitness. How are you going to get married in the future?"

Roy was shocked by the question and felt extremely embarrassed. He couldn't help but refute to defend himself.

"Dr. Akeel, physical fitness doesn't have anything to do with the ability to marry. It's all about the chemistry between two people and love."

Hearing such naive words from his assistant who is in his late 20s, Dr.Akeel looked at him with a pitying look, the same look you have when seeing an injured puppy, making Roy Dumbfounded.

"Roy, what you said is true, but a man still has to carry the weight in a relationship. Especially at night."

Roy looked like a tomato while being lectured about such an embarrassing thing.

Luckily, Dr.Akeel wasn't the type that likes to give long speeches like a certain group of principles.

Afraid his assistant would faint from embarrassment judging by his red face, he stopped lecturing and asked.

"Where is the conference room?"

Finally spared from the shameful situation, Roy breathed a sigh of relief and replied quickly.

"The meeting will be held in conference room number 108."

"Then lead the way."

"From here."

Roy took the lead and started navigating between different corridors before arriving at a conference room with double doors.

Inside the room are the basic conference sitting, a U-shaped table, chairs, papers, a projected screen on one of the walls, and a giant window made of electromagnetic shielding glass. Okay! The last one is not basic, but it goes with the theme of the whole base.

Most of the seats were already taken, with people talking in groups of twos and threes. The people inside are wearing all kinds of uniforms, telling you they are not from the same department.

Every once in a while, someone would introduce the person beside him to the next group, getting to know more people and making connections. Because the base is newly built, the personnel are still in the integration period, just getting to know each other.

"Dr. Akeel!"

Just as Dr. Akeel got into the room, someone shouted his name.

Looking at the source of the shout, he saw an old man with white hair, a ruddy complexion, and strong momentum. The old man was wearing the space force deep blue uniform with a silver eagle indicating his rank. Behind the old man is another middle-aged officer with a lower rank acting like a bodyguard.

"Colonel Stedman."

Dr. Akeel greeted the old man, walked forward, and shook hands.

Colonel Stedman, the man responsible for this base at the moment, and can be considered Dr. Akeel boss temporarily.

"Dr. Akeel, do we have any new discoveries?"

Stedman asked with a smile.

Shaking his head from left to right, Dr. Akeel denied, and said,

"Other than the minimal increase in magnetic energy already predicted, there is no new result at the moment. We still have to wait for the rest of our instruments to be installed."

Hearing that there is no progress, the smile on Colonel Stedman didn't waver. He knew that obtaining any result would have to wait. Even if there are new results, they will be delivered to him first, and there is no need for him to go around and ask. The question just now was just a routine question.

"That is alright! Please keep me updated on any new discoveries."

Stedman kept going with the routine talk.

"Will do so, colonel."

Dr. Akeel is already used to this kind of routine, whether it's at NASA or here, the superior likes to use this kind of talk to remind their subordinates that they are here, keeping you aware of them so you don't think of any ideas.

"Colonel, the meeting will start in 5 min."

The silent middle-aged officer reminded Stedman of the meeting time, causing him to nod his head and said,

"Dr. Akeel, we will talk later."

Then walked toward the head seat at the U-shaped table.

Seeing the Big boss had sat down, people started going to their assigned seats one by one until everybody was seated.

Just as the personnel responsible for holding the meeting were about to start.


A sudden multi-colored light flashed in the sky, overwhelming all the lights in the base and blinding the people who saw it momentarily.

Luckily, it only flashed for a second or two. However, it still manages to disturb the whole base.

"Ahhh! my eyes!"

"What is happening?!"

"Are we under attack?!"

Darkness brings loneliness and fear, But too much light ain't any better you know?

Sounds of panic started spreading in the conference room.


"Don't panic! Stay in your place and stop moving around."

Colonel Stedman, worthy of his Rank came back to his senses only after a moment of confusion brought by the sudden blindness. He hit the table and shouted to calm down the people.

Hearing the colonel shout, people gradually stopped screaming, and as their vision started returning, the panic in their hearts reduced.

*Vrim* *Vrim* *Pop*

But not for too long.

20 seconds after the multi-colored light had disappeared, a sound similar to the sound produced when hitting an empty metal tank with a blunt object resounded through the sky twice.

Followed by a popping sound, like the one you hear when a bubblegum pop.

Then everything returned to normal as if nothing had happened at all.

People still felt scared and did not dare to move around.

"What is the situation? Can someone explain?!"

Colonel Stedman's voice sounded again in the conference room.

What no one noticed yet is that two people in the room started having abnormal symptoms.

One of them is Dr. Akeel, the other is the middle-aged officer beside Colonel Stedman.

Seeing nobody answer from the military side, the colonel wanted to ask Dr. Akeel, the one who has the highest authority among the NSAS scientists present.


However, a sudden sound of the body hitting the ground interrupted him, making him and the people look at the source.

Turning back, he saw his wife standing behind him.


"Screamed the Colonel with horror, then fainted."