
The World: Era of change

The year 2031 did have some advancement, but not as expected. However, it did bring some change to the climate. A bad one. let's Say, it's a little bit hotter, not much. Just enough to sink some islands around the world and reduce the landmass of Earth. But worry not my brethren. When there is a will, you can change anything. The only problem here being, whose will is it this time. Change is coming, and the world we know is not the same anymore. Will this change bring destruction and chaos or new opportunities. No one knows. So let's follow our protagonist as he explores the new Era. -------------- synopsis is subjected to change. -------------- Hello everybody! Author here *wave* :) I have been reading web novels since 2012 and finally decided to write something on my own. before reading, I hope that you could keep in mind a couple of things: 1- like many authors here on this platform English is not my first language. 2- it's my first time attempting to write anything other than school/college papers. advices are much appreciated :) note: If the story is too slow for you, please consider adding this novel to your collection and coming back later when there is more chapters. This work is purely fictional.

peddler · Urban
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46 Chs

Chapter 10 - The Director Jumped

"The man was young and hot-headed at the time; he watched too many action movies. Seeing such a scene in real life he stepped hard on the accelerator pedal and went in the gangster's direction."

*crunch* *crunch*

"hey, pass me the spicy flavored chips"

I finished the first bag of potato chips and asked my sister Juri for another one in a low voice.

"You already ate one, potato chips contain too many calories."

Hearing what she told me, I looked at her with an absolute look of confusion.

'What did you say? Calories? What calories? Do you think I am someone who would care about my weight? Laughable.'


She looked at me helplessly then said in low voice:


She handed me a bag with fire drawn on it and 'X5' text on the side.

*open* *sniff*

'Good smell. Smells like I'm about to have a spicy night in the bathroom.'

Let us go back to the story, do not want to miss anything.

"The gangsters noticed the car speeding in their direction. However, it was too late to shoot at the young man."

"They started pushing each other to get out of the way."

"The car passed between them and stopped beside the girl and the passenger side door opened quickly."

""Hop in! Quick!" yelled the young man toward the girl. She didn't have the time to think and went inside the car"

*crunch* *crunch*

Hmm just like an 80 – 90 plot, I like it.


I was getting more and more excited, sweating all over. Not because of the story, No. It was the darn spicy potato chips doing their work.


Saif tried to take my potato chips and got his hand slapped. Just because it will give me hemorrhoids doesn't mean I don't want it anymore.

Ah! Back to the story.

"What followed is the gangster chasing, the couple running, the gangster almost caught them, and the couple still managed to run away to the 'Good' gangsters."

Mother just skipped 5 seasons' worth of script. The director is absolutely livid; he is going on a strike.

"Mom! Where are the details! Don't Skip the plot."

"Tell us how the chase went!"

"Mommy, were the gangsters scary?"

"Objection your Honor! The witness is skipping over some important evidence."

See? The little brats agree with me.

Mother didn't give 2 cents about any objection and continued.

"Maybe some other time, kids. We still have work to do, and the readers may suspect the author is adding this plot to increase word count."

"Eh!? What author"

"Readers? What is that? Can it be eaten?"


Eh!? My mother has punctured the fourth-dimensional wall so easily like that. I hope we aren't getting rectified or something.

"Ah, that's for adults."

Thankfully, Mother came back to her sense.

I wipe the sweat accumulated on my forehead. It isn't because I'm afraid. It's just that the weather and the potato chips are too hot.


"Anyway the 'Good' Gangster Boss was thankful, Yada Yada, and gave the young man, who is your father, this gun."

The director just jumped from the 100th floor.

Nonetheless, we ignored the director's situation.

We looked at my father with each having a different expression. Mine was an expression of 'who is dat?' did I even know the true you before?

"Father, you were such a 'Heroic' person, I didn't know."

While the two girls looked at him with stars in their eyes full of admiration.

*shine* *shine*

""Daddy is a hero!""

'A hero from a movie with a low budget, even the director is gone.'

"Dad, So Cool!"

"Did you shoot at the gangsters' Pew! Pew! ? How many did you kill?"

The twins have a different hmm let's say outlook.

Father looked at us with a dark face. You could tell he is a bit embarrassed by the twitching on his face, and a bit angry from the look in his eyes.

I didn't know if he was gonna shoot some laser at us. Pew Pew!

We turned to our mother before he could do or say anything.

"Mommy, what happened later?"

"Yes! Did Father and the women fall in love? "

""Did they kiss Muah! Muah!""


You guess who is going to have a beating soon.

*slap* *slap*

""Ah! Father that is child abuse!""

Of course, not me. I didn't even open my mouth this time. Moreover, before anybody noticed I slipped 1 meter to the back.

What a beautiful picture, a father twisting his two sons' ears while they sing in a high-pitched melody.

(A/N: I don't support any type of physical discipline)

"Ah! My ear! Mercy! "

"Mom, Help!"


Grandi*er came to the rescue. I mean Mother did, but with a small smile on her face.

Mine too.

"Okay Okay! Don't pull too hard. They will take it as an excuse to escape work later."

Fortunately, the twin has been released from the mortal physical Punishment.

"Go away and do your work! Each of you!"

Father yells at us angrily. Although I'm used to it, there is no need to argue, and I'm about to slip away.

"Laith, you come here, where are you going!?"

Will… I wasn't able to.

*sneak* *sneak*

My siblings pretended to run away, but they were hiding behind the door peeping inside the living room.

Father handed me the wooden box with the gun inside again.

"You have so much cash on you. Keep the Gun with you for safety."

Not gonna lie, I'm a bit excited right now. No way. Guns are every man's romance. Until it's pointed at you.

"I don't have time to take you to a shooting range. I will teach you how to operate the gun for now. Use it only when absolutely necessary."

Father had an extremely serious face when he said that.

I don't know if I should tell him.

Noticing my tangled expression, my father thought I was afraid of holding the gun.

"What are You afraid of!? You have shot more than 10 thousand shots with your hunting rifle."

I looked with shifty eyes left and right. I think I should tell him about it.

"Actually, I know how to use this type of gun."


I chuckled nervously while looking at my dumbfounded father. Mother also looked shocked.

Then Father asked me with a serious expression.

"When did you learn how to shoot? And where? With whom?"

"Ahahah! You know I have a friend, his family has some guns and he taught me how to use them from time to time."

Will, it seems like it's the wrong answer.

"And what is the name of this friend? Why don't I know about it?"

*sweat* *chuckle*

No way, I'm going to tell him. That friend will end up in big trouble.

"I can't tell you that. He might end up in trouble."

I say with a firm and determined stance. No Adversary will make me betray my friends.

Hello *wave*

Today's chapter has 1100+ words.

I'm having a bit of sore throat / flu situation today.

Other than that, I hope you enjoyed your time reading.

Please add this novel to your collection.

Goodbye *wave*

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