
The World Beyond Catastrophe

On the day of his graduation, Ray's peaceful life suddenly took a turn for the worse when his world was invaded by supernatural beings. Follow him as he unravels the mystery of other worlds, and how he will survive in this new world beyond catastrophe.

Asuray · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs


*Clank* *Clank*

The collision of blade and claws was all that could be heard. The surrounding noises have also calmed down for a bit, although this is not a good sign. There is only one thing that the silence in the place signifies... only a few of us remain.

However, none of those managed to enter my head. All I was focused at that moment was not to die in the hands, or should I say claws, of the beast in front of me.

Shockwaves were created with each hit. Shockwaves with force strong enough to pulverize even rocks. My body had pretty much adapted to the changes in my physical capabilities, and it's easier for me now to match the mantis' attacks.

Still, despite my body being strengthened by magic, or whatever it is, I didn't even manage to find an opening to attack. Maybe it was my lack of fighting experience, but the mantis' defenses were just too powerful.

It doesn't even give me a chance to retaliate and continues to deliver blow after blow, and this is a disadvantage for me. If I don't manage to finish this soon, the battle will turn into a battle of attrition.

I'm not confident enough that I can last longer in a battle than a evolved beast of a mantis. Not only was I already exhausted from running away earlier, but I also keep losing blood from my severed left arm.

"Now... how the fuck should I do this?"

'Think, Ray. What can you do? No. What will you do? It's not enough to just keep defending. I have to be on the aggressive side... but a reckless offense would only lead to a swift death.'

Amidst mantis' strike, thoughts filled my vacant head. Thoughts of how will I be able to turn the tides in this situation. I was never a fighter, nor did I have any relevant knowledge in swordsmanship, so the odds are pretty much against me right now.

The only reason I had survived this long was because my strength and the mantis were evenly matched to the point where we were casually exchanging blows.

 'Is there a way to get external help?'

I never thought for a moment that I was the only one who gained powers in this world. There must be some other people who managed to be strengthened, like me, maybe even stronger, and I thought that perhaps they can help me right now.

But I didn't want to get my hopes up for nothing. In the end, all I have is myself. If I want to win here, it has to be through my own means and my strength. In this suddenly changed catastrophic world, only the strongest will survive.



"The noises have gotten weaker..."

It has been ten minutes since I hid myself in the bathroom. I was just talking with my friends when 'it' suddenly appeared. At first, I thought it was just some kind of show the school and the authorities came up with. However, when I saw those things 'appear', I knew shit was about to go down.

I was scared, so frightened that I ran away and left my friends behind. I don't even have a clue if they're still alive. It is a cowardly action, but I didn't have a choice. No, I did, and that was my decision.

My physique is not adequate for fighting. I'm too skinny and there's rarely any muscle in my body. I can't even fight against my classmates. How will I hope to fight those monsters? Yes, I didn't leave anyone behind. I just saved myself.

Still, why do I feel like there's a void in my chest? A feeling of discontent created by uncertainty. Was my decision wrong? Of course not! I had to save myself. Anyone in my situation would do so as well. In front of absolute power, only when people will show their true colors.

I don't want to die. Not when I believe that I have a bright future ahead of me. I still want to do many things. I have dreams of mine. But what is this feeling? The feeling of wanting to fight despite being powerless. Like a moth drifting to a flame, except I know that I will die.

It's irrational, it doesn't make any sense. Do I think I'm like a hero or something? I'm not. Never was, never will. What makes me think that I can do something in this situation? What is this sudden urge to go fight?

"I swear this is so fucking bullshit."



Hide. That was the first thought that came to mind when I saw that thing appear. It was the greatest surprise that I ever experienced, and the fact that I could die at any moment doesn't make it any better.

Hey God! Is this my punishment just because I'm on a different religion that my classmates? Just kidding. I wonder, will prayers do anything in our current situation? Can our mythical yet divine god save us from this apocalypse?

It was just ten minutes since things took a turn for the worse, but I already felt like I change a lot. It wasn't like me to question god before. I am a faithful disciple of the teachings of my doctrine, or was I really? Is it because that I absolutely believe in my faith that I worship god?

I don't even know anymore. I feel like I'm having an existential crisis while hiding from man-eating monsters. I swear, time feels like it goes too fast when some shit is happening.

Will god give us power to fight those beings?



I don't even know how long was it since we started fighting, but the situation had come to standstill already. Neither of us managed to land even a single hit on each other.

At this point, nothing seems to even enter my mind anymore. My body is too tired to even think about something. All that was making my body move is one thing:


It is the way of behaving, thinking, or feeling something that is not yet learned. An inborn impulse or motivation to action, typically performed to respond to an external stimulus. A natural aptitude of an individual.

My instinct told me only one thing; to not die. My body was doing all it could just to keep me from death's grasp. To not let me be the prey. To keep me as the hunter.

All strikes were delivered in perfect unison, as if to create a harmony between blows. It's akin to the harmonious sound of blades striking claws. It was a sight to behold.


Unfortunately, some things are bound to end. The same goes for my strength. Slowly losing both energy and sanity, my defenses started to break down.

Wounds began to appear as the mantis' claws slowly reached my body. Cuts after cuts ripped my clothes. Blood trickled down my elbows that slowly fall onto the ground.

I was losing.


Our brains, whether we are awake or not, respond to any extreme stimulus. The same goes for me. The pain of having my skin and flesh cut kept me from being unconscious. I was kind of surprise to see that I have held out for this long.

One thing that I quickly noticed was that the mantis' attacks were beginning to be sluggish and somewhat slower. The mantis was also getting exhausted.

It's a chance.

Pushing my body to its limits, no, beyond its limits. I ducked to dodge one of its claws and parried the other one. After that, I quickly charged towards the mantis, using the trees in the surroundings as cover.

Of course, the mantis was not dumb and adapted to my actions. It sliced through the nearby trees, hoping to get me as well. Fortunately for me, and unfortunately for that motherfucker. My new speed lets me move faster than any human being could ever do.

'I hope this fucking works!'

Swiftly charging so that the mantis was only a few meters before me. I channeled all the strength that I could muster in my feet and jumped straight at it.

Well, it was more of a straight dive, but there was no water. Against an enemy that nimble, it would definitely be a suicide, but there was one thing I have an advantage against the mantis.

It was size. 

Because its claws were too big, it would need to gather momentum before attacking again. This means that It has at least a two-second interval before it could attack again.

That was my saving grace and my only hope. Firmly gripping the barely holding knife. I launched my first attack.




My plan was to quickly and completely decapitate it. The trajectory of my attack was on point. However, I didn't anticipate one thing; The mantis stretching its legs.

Because of the sudden increase in height, I only managed to wound its thorax. Definitely fatal, but not enough to kill it.

'Damn it...'

I wasted my only chance. That last charged took every ounce of my strength. There's no second chance of doing that.

'I lost... Fuck!'


The mantis wailed after receiving a deep wound on its throat. It fumbled a bit, groaning in pain. Being the opportunist that I am. I saw this as another chance.

Using the momentum of my previous jump-charge, I leapt off the wall of one of the still standing building of the academy. Using every bit of my remaining strength, I once again lunged for the attack.

'Make it, make it, make it!'

The mantis was able to recover on time. It quickly lashed one of its claws in my direction while the other one was protecting its previous wound. It's the end. I can't dodge while in mid-air.

'Dodge? Why would I?'



The claws sliced the left side of my torso, leaving it a gaping wound. Blood splattered on the ground, with a few pieces of flesh.


'Heh, will I be able to survive this?'



The mantis' head cleanly separated from its neck. It slowly fell towards and the ground and rolled over a few distances.


I hit one tree and was also sent rolling over, drench in the blood of my wounds. All I saw was the bright blue sky as my vision slowly faded.

I lost consciousness.

@2023TheWorldBeyondCatastrophe. All rights reserved.