
The World Beyond Catastrophe

On the day of his graduation, Ray's peaceful life suddenly took a turn for the worse when his world was invaded by supernatural beings. Follow him as he unravels the mystery of other worlds, and how he will survive in this new world beyond catastrophe.

Asuray · Fantasy
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27 Chs

[But a Human]

Ever since I was a kid, I used to adore strong characters in fictional novels. I wondered, "How fun and exciting would the world be if it had magic just like those in the novels?". If the world were turned into something supernatural, I thought that I would be a notable figure. Something unique, something special.

"Ray! There's a monster over there!"

But you know, reality is often different from what our imagination expects. Sometimes, things just really are not the same as what you pictured it as.

"Angel! Run under its feet! It's a blind spot!"

"Are you sure?!"

"Trust me!"

I really want to know what makes someone special. We are all part of a single race and are all living on a single planet. Our potential is also the same. We could all write, we could all read and draw, we could all eat and sleep. What makes someone different that the rest?

"You dumb mantis! Fight me if you're not a coward!"


Totally out of my expectations, the mantis became enraged from my blatant provocation. It didn't even bother chasing others and was hell-bent on slicing me to a thousand pieces.

This works in my favor though, because while its attention is focused on me, Angel can freely hide somewhere safe. At least with that, my only concern will be my life.

"Angel! Hide somewhere safe while I try to stall this son of a bitch!" I shouted as I ran expeditiously from the giant mantis that was out to kill me.

"Huh?! What about you?!"

"Don't worry about me! Just focus on saving yourself!"

That was the last thing I said to her before we got too far away from each other to even communicate. Having done my best to help her, my attention quickly changed focus.

Tens of thoughts filled my head as I wondered how will I escape the giant mantis alive. While I was running, it occasionally swung its claws at me in hopes of slicing me in half. However, each time it missed, it would considerably slow itself for a few seconds.

That was enough for me to gather some distance from it, but another problem rose. The way I was running is the direction of the entrance gate, and that place is crawling with monsters. Soon, the giant mantis will not be my only problem, but also the other beasts.

'Running is not enough. I need a way to escape or the worst case... fight back.'

Sure, running away from a giant human-killing mantis seems to be an excellent decision. However, there was one big downside to it; you can't keep running forever. Exhaustion soon caught up in my body, and I began to slow down.

'I need a change of plan... what is it? What is it that I'm missing...?'

My eyes scanned my vicinity as I looked for something that can help me survive. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything at all. There was nothing that could be seen except the various atrocities that were currently happening all around me.

Despair. That was the emotion that I felt. The feeling of being powerless against absolute power. I hated it. I hated not having a plan for anything. I loathed the unknown and the unforeseen because they do not allow certainty.

I do not like to risk myself doing things I'm not even sure will work. That was my curse and my blessing. It helped and hindered me in many situations. A god given personality.

"That's right, the cafeteria!"

A few rooms to my left was the building of the cafeteria. If I wanted to search for a weapon that I can use to defend myself, that place is definitely the best option.


Maybe it's because I had thought of my next moved that I relaxed for a bit. It was then when I felt the rustling of wind behind me, and my instinct kicked in.

I hurriedly ducked my head just in time to see the claw of the mantis slice through the air where my head was supposed to be. Frightened, I swiftly ran away again, but this time towards the cafeteria.

The door was locked but because by body was surging with adrenaline that I quickly kicked it down and went inside. There, I grabbed the biggest and sharpest knife that I can find.

I didn't bother to find something that will act as a shield because I figured that it would be useless against the mantis, anyway.

*Slice* *Slice*

The mantis was too big to enter the cafeteria, so it started slicing through the walls to open it, and while it was pre-occupied in it, I tried to sneak away from it.

However, I underestimated its senses. Insects had been shown to have senses ten times higher than of average human. May it be smell, hearing, vision, or touch. It quickly noticed me trying to leave and cleaved its claw in my direction.

Time seemed to slow down as its claw slowly filled my vision. I wasn't slow at all; the mantis was just too fast for me to even dodge. My death will not be that bad. I mean, I died trying to escape a giant mantis that can easily slice houses with its claws.

It's an honorable and glorious death, If I dare say so. Well, it's not like I was afraid of dying, anyway. Death would be a remedy in my current situation. At least with it, I don't need to run and hide from that fucking mantis anymore. It is the true freedom to those who are tired of living.

But is that really what I want? To die without even seeing everything this new change has to offer? I can't decide. A part of me just wants to end this all and rest, but a part of me wants to live through this accursed world.

Unconsciously, a memory from the past re-surged in my mind.

"Ray, what do you think is your biggest regret?"

"Hmm? Why do you ask?"

"Just answer me."

"Well, it's hard to say, but I think it will be the things I have given up early."

"What kind of things?"

"All sorts. Games, competitions, love. I always wondered what would have happened If I pushed further, If I tried harder, If I have fought more."

'Fought more? What are you even fighting for? There's no saying that even if you escaped this mantis, you will get out of this academy alive.'

"What if you still fail in the end? Wouldn't your efforts be all for naught?"

"It doesn't matter if you fail or succeed. What matters is that you tried."

"What do you mean?"

"Listen up. The greatest glory in life lies not in never failing, but in rising every time you fall. So stand up. Strengthen your resolve, and fight!."

'I can't believe I'm having flashbacks right now. I guess it's not my time to die yet. Truly stupid I am.'


I jumped to the side and rolled down the ground, barely dodging the mantis' claw, or so I thought.

"Aghhh! Damn, this hurts!"

I looked over to the side and saw what would be a horrifying scene to me before. There, I saw my left arm laying down in a puddle of blood.

@2023TheWorldBeyondCatastrophe. All rights reserved.