
The World Behind The Well

A girl wakes up to find herself being called Princess Robin Everson.The last thing she remembers is hitting her head on a well. Will she decide to be Princess Robin or will she runaway to live a normal life?

fireyn · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Map of Death

As I looked on the map there was a section of Salvation circled. It was Gnome Valley. I wondered why that section was circled. I decided I would find my so-called father and ask him.

"Dad!" I yelled. "Honey, what's wrong?" My father asked.

"Why is Gnome Valley circled on your map?" I questioned him. He answered with a sigh

"Their leader DI Swamp passed away at 500 years old!"

I asked "Do you have to help elect a new leader?"

"Yes I will leave tomorrow so I can get there by Thursday." He said. I finished talking to him and went back to my room. I decided tomorrow I will explore the castle I was raised in. I fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up to my mother's sweet voice calling "Honey , you have much to do today!"

I asked with a long deep sigh. "What royal duties do I have to do today?"

She answered "You have to go to your tutor, address DI Swamp family members about their loss."

I answered" I am honored to help make DI family members feel better!"

"I am sure you are, you have 5 minutes to get ready for your tutor Elfington!"Mom said.

"Ok coming, Mom!" I said. I figured out that I wanted to wear this pink dress with fairies on it. I saw it sticking out of my closet. I picked up the dress and put it on.I opened the door and went down the steps to see my mom standing there.

"Follow me honey!"My mother said

"Ok coming!" I said not really wanting to follow her.

I followed her and she took me out the castle front door to a small building by its side.

"This is where your tutor is." She said.

I opened the door of the building. I was shocked to find an old small elf waving at me.

"I am so glad you're feeling better my best student!"said the old small elf.

"I sorry but the coma caused me to forget who you are?"I stuttered.

"I am Elfington a tutor from the Academy of Magic. You have learned spells, potions, flying, and magical realm history."said Elfington.

"I have question! What kind of creatures live on Salvation Island?" I asked.

"There are mermaids,elves, fairies, talking frogs,angels,unicorns, mythical cats,witches,and royals like you!"He replied

" When was Island found?" I asked.

"By Magical Molly a talking frog!" He said.

"What happened to Magical Molly?" I said with excitement.

"She went missing a couple hundred years ago. Many say she found a new universe. One called Earth." Elfington said