
The death of am earth immortal

[Name: salium genrex


Race: mimic

Affiliation: neutral

Organization: the valios guild

Current location: sentinel 8( class i-1.9 planet) ]

"So he's in a world of magic that hasn't reached the stars," Odin said as he left the planet and flew towards a distant star system.

"I guess I'm killing a disaster in the making the future 78,920,920,018th heir to the monarch of darkness won't be born."

"This cycle sucks only been a few trillion years since it's birth and I'm already fucking up the timeline I really miss earth but it won't be here for another 78 trillion years."

Odin arrived at the planet after an hour of flying and landed on a crowded street without a care. Taking his weapons and putting on his suit he exited the ship and walked on the street.

The planet looked like a modern early 21st-century earth. The only difference was the use of magic this planet didn't know about other life out in the universe until odins arrival. The space ships naturally attracted attention from the people around even if they had magic space travel was still the stuff of dreams.

The race was marked as a i-1.9 in the lenko scale which meant that they could travel in the stars but were too mentally stupid to do it. The full scale was using a letter and number the closer it was to ten the better the civilization.

This scale was common and had many subvariations for different things. Earth in the future would be ranked P-1.5 the P meant pacifist of course a capital was the worst rank they could have. This meant that the race was so scared or friendly that they couldn't start a war or colonize any land.

If given this rank it was a death sentence for the world. if not for the barrier and them being in the milky way they would have been colonized in a heartbeat. of course the best rank was C-10 the C meant colonizing.

This civilization was considered as gods as they slaughtered and took over galaxies. these races were considered the peak of evolution as they kept their instincts to expand. any race under this classification were exempted from every universal law. they could kill and act freely this cycle of expansion kept everything in balance.

It was found during the early age of the universe that if this balance of expansion was not met the universe would kill itself. this was why peaceful civilizations were despised as they were selfish. Odin's world was once classified as C-10 but after becoming bored became a p-10.

This caused a lot of backlashes but because of Odin the universal government stopped and let Odin do as he pleased and gave him his own class. O-∞ as he was the creator of the universe.

Many had always asked why he made such a rule for the universe as some believed that it wasn't right but odins answer was always the same.

'Humanity must become strong only then can my promise be fulfilled.'

The ship started to fly away after Odin had reached a far enough distance. At the far edge of the city, a group of flying birds and drakes flew towards the ship but were too slow to catch up. The people that rode the creatures decided to head to the spot it had landed for clues on who was responsible.

The group arrived at a fast speed and blocked off the area the ship had landed. They interviewed the witnesses and started to search for Odin. After an hour of searching, they found Odin waking recklessly in the middle of a highway.

The group circled Odin as they landed trying to intimidate him in case he was hostile. Odin didn't even notice him as he looked at the map of salium last know location he bumped into one of the birds but assumed it was a car before continuing on his journey. The man on the eagle was thrown back in recoil as Odin had a surprising amount of momentum to tip the eagle.

The others watched in confusion and shock as a golden eagle the most physically strongest bird was knocked away like a leaf. The man got up and looked angry before checking on his companion who looked shocked that he was knocked away by such a weak-looking human.

Odin stopped and looked down at the ground he activated his scanner and looked for the traces of salium.

[detecting Immortal qi class early-stage earth immortal locking signature opening nearest spatial node towards target.]

The space around Odin started to fluctuate and a tear appeared in front of Odin. Odin was quickly met with a sword light nearing his head he casually moved his head and let the attack pass him.

Odin observed the people in the spatial tear he saw five old men in robes protecting a young boy that looked no older than 10.

"Protect the guild leaders son!" one of the men yelled as he inspected odins energy fluctuations and found that he couldn't see it.

The man released the aura of an early true immortal cultivator as he tried to intimidate Odin. All the old men were true immortals the weakest was the child being an earth immortal but it was expected by Odin. He was twelve and only had a mid-level cultivation talent he was much better than the old men who only had low-level talents.

The group behind Odin had already died from the pressure it wasn't only them it was the entire star sector. Odin threw away his weapons and lifted his fist and got ready to fight the old men.

In the universe, cultivators roamed freely and we're considered a common thing. many used different classifications but one was made that was supposed to be a very simplified classification. they were early, mid, and late cultivators from mortal to true immortal was early cultivators.

Mid-level cultivators consisted first level nothing cultivators all the way to true law cultivators. Late-stage cultivators consisted of 2nd level nothing cultivators to peak continuous nothing realm.

The early and mid stages had the same number of realms which was 22. But late-stage consisted of only 2 and the second realm was massive. Of course, there were realms above this but in this reality other than the ancient ones and the original ancient one no one knew about it.

In the universe, true immortals were as common as qi cultivators were in a normal cultivation world. Even if they had a very high title name and could create a universe and destroy one they were still looked down upon by many empires who enslaved them for their immortality.

These old men were no different as they were enslaved by the guild master as guards for his son. They wanted to flee but no matter what there immortal soul and even their own universe in their bodies were controlled by the guild so they could only fight Odin.

The old men had regret written on their faces their 1000 years of hard work would probably end here.

The men took out their weapons and prepared to fight Odin while the child behind them started to activate his spatial dao to escape.

Odin kicked off the ground and swiftly appeared in front of the child launching a swift jab at the kid's face. Even with his earth immortal power allowing him to use the planet he stood on as a shield and the defensive items he had that gave him the defensive power of a true immortal his head was turned in a fine red mist.

With his death salium's soul appeared and tried to run away but he was quickly caught by Odin and his soul was extinguished. The men felt the hold on their souls and universe leave and quickly fled into space.

'Thank you senior we shall repay you in time.' an old man said telepathically as he left. The men knew that Odin didn't care about them so they naturally wouldn't fight him even if they did they would probably die.

Odin looked around checking for any anomalies before walking back to his side of the spatial tear. He saw the dead people and the cracked earth around him he felt a little responsible and decided to amend himself. Using the dao of life and creation he fixed the world and brought the people back to life.