
Story of the past

The starry sky above blanketed the world ships came and left even at night the world was active. In a small ship, a man was looking at the world below him. His mind was emptied as he conjured a mass of floating numerals and letters that formed a shape.

The world was slowly consumed by the numbers and letters that formed runes and different shapes. After an hour the magic revealed itself to the world and before anyone could realize it the world was consumed.

The population of 112.5 billion people had died in a few seconds. The man looked apathetic as he started at where the planet once resided. The ship activated its thrusters and flew away at a slow 60% speed of light.

The ship flew for a month before landing near a gravity well to refuel.

[thank you for shopping at the Szymanowski fueling station please stop by again.]

The station's A.I said telepathically as the man flew away. After another month he had left the galaxy and was in the void between the galaxy and its neighbor. The man got up from his cockpit and went to the back of the ship he made his preparations before entering a cryogenic bed.

The ships A.I counted down the time before he would be frozen the man kept the same apathetic expression the entire time. After ten seconds he was frozen the ship took full control and flew through the void using fuel station around to keep itself flying at its max speed.

At times the ship docked at a freight to refuel before flying on its long journey. At the speed it flew and size it needed a lot of fuel but after 379 years it had completed it's 3 million light-year journey.

The ships started it awakening procedure and the man slowly got out of the cryo bed. He slowly walked to the pilot's seat and sat on it he closed his eyes for a while before taking a small black liquid.

The man looked around and saw many ships following him they too were barely walking up and metering the galaxies border. The ship slowly neared the floating wall of ships and massive weaponry. the ship's holographic communicator activated and a woman in fatigues casually walked up to the man.

"Name age race affiliation purpose ships serial number and life number." the woman said as he took out a small tablet.

"Odin 22 trillion primordial human chaos business meeting MX-020139 and -000000000001." Odin said as he kept starting out the window

"Please wait a moment as I scan the information." the woman said as the hologram deactivated.

After twenty seconds, the women returned and spoke.

"Please have a pleasant journey take the highway to your left." the woman left and the energy barrier was deactivated letting Odin enter.

The ship casually flew through the many weaponry pointed at him and the other travelers. After being two hundred thousand miles away from the border he saw a huge energy fluctuation from the back.

"I guess that's one way to deny entrance to the northern star sector," Odin said as he increased the ship's speed to 90% the speed of light.

After a week of travel, he had finally arrived at his destination a planet half-covered in a metal sphere. He entered the planet's atmosphere and landed on one of the floating islands in the southern religion of the planet.

"Store yourself in this chip." Odin said a he plugged a chip into the slot Opening of the ship.

The ships A.I stored itself quickly and Odin picked up his items before leaving the ship. He casually walked towards the elevator nearest to him and went down towards the ground. The elevator played many ads as he traveled down towards the planet's surface.

[why settle for a normal human wife when you can buy your own syphallime slave she does all a wife can a thousand times better shop at alike slave shop and find all your needs!] a purple blob of slime said as she showed a tentacle-like a woman with many breasts.

"She looks hot but I bet they'll charge a lot." a man said towards Odin as he looked at the commercial.

"That one yes she's the queen of their race I brought her in a few months ago but the normal ones cost around .1-.3 credits the queen is around 1-1.01," Odin said as he watched the rest of the commercials with boredom.

"1 credit that's insane!" the man said as he jumped up his wings flapped erratically as he heard the price.

"Even one universal credit would make a world a wealthy nation." the wing man said as he looked at his brackets which showed 1 trillion galactic credits."

"Yes even I only have 701 quadrillion universal credits," Odin said casually not realizing the massive black how bomb he had unleashed.

"Its better than me I only have 1- wait what 701 what universal credits are you a fucking printer?!" the man yelled as his wings covered him in fear.

"No just an emperor of a world and currently assassin," Odin said as the door opened and walked out.

"Emperor?" the man said as he stayed inside the elevator watching Odin fade into the distance.

Odin looked around the market and saw many items for sale one that stood out was a giant mechanical wolf. Odin wanted a mech so he walked up to the seller's building and asked.

"How much for the dog?"

The man looked up excitedly and started his introduction.

"Well sir this mesl-299 alpha has-" the man was cut off by Odin.

"I want it just give me the price."

"Well young man this is a new model so it cost around 300 billion galactic credits."

"Do you accept universal?" Odin asked as he held out his hand.

"Of course, we might be the poorest sector but not that poor." the man said excitedly as he held out his hand and started the payment process.

"Send it to this location in 3 hours," Odin said as he gave the location to his residence before leaving."

"Haha hey you girl get to work we got a big customer if you fuck up I'll sell your body to one of these restaurants!" the man said as he shouted at a young girl who started to run to the giant wolf and get on it.

'This is the universe I remembered I missed it.' Odin thought as he heard the conversation a small smile was seen on his face as he hailed a cab.