
Chapter 16: A hidden truth

That day was the first time I ever saw the kingdom of wolves. The markets were bustling with wolves. Little kids were running about without a fear in mind. I felt a little jealous, wishing I could have grown up here. Then I would still have my family, but you can't change the past, you can only change the future. So instead of drawling in my past memories, I decided to enjoy the day. Shopping with Benjamin was exciting.

"So what do you think of this place? '' Benjamin says, licking his ice cream cone. We were sitting on a bench in the palace gardens watching the sun make its way below the horizon. Shopping bags all around my feet. I just absolutely loved shopping for clothes.

"This place is wonderful" I say, smiling and taking a lick off of my cone. I felt at ease for the first time, since my mother died. I loved it here.

"I agree, you looked very beautiful today Ali" Benjamin says nervously. His face turned red. I blush.

"Thank you" I reply, my face also turning red at his compliment. He leaned in close, but I turned my head quickly to the sound of footsteps swiftly drawing closer.

"Pardon me princess Alicen and sir Benjamin, you are needed up at the castle by queen Lily" The soldier announces. I swiftly get to my feet. "Leave your things, they will be brought to your rooms by the maids." Benjamin and I dashed off to the castle. Out of breath, we stand before the queen. I thought something must be wrong until I saw how happy Lily was.

"Sorry, about the unexpected notice. I was just informed that the word has spread to the other kingdoms about Rose's daughter. A great many of the kingdoms want to come and visit to see the new princess now. So of course I couldn't refuse and sent out invitations for a party to be held here for your birthday Ali" Lily tells us excitedly. "Isn't this great news."

"That sounds wonderful" I say, giving a smile to ensure Lily.

"Yeah, It will be your seventeenth birthday then. I can't wait to have the castle so lively again" Lily says, giving me a hug. "So September 14th is the day we have lots to do beforehand to prepare. Also I hope you're both settling in fine."

"Oh, yes it is very nice and beautiful here" I state.

"It is an honor to be staying here" Benjamin says politely. He seemed a little down though, he hid it well though. I wonder what he was downhearted about.

The rest of the day I spent with Lily. She loved anything to do with parties and dragged me along with her wherever she went. She wanted it to be perfect. I just agreed, since she seemed to be so happy and excited for the coming event. The next week I had to study etiquette, and I wanted to study martial arts too. I haven't seen Benjamin in days, and I wondered if he was avoiding me.

It was a Friday night as I sat in a warm bath, watching a spider crepe it's way across the window sill. I was starting to get bored of this palace life, and somewhat wished I was outside again fighting for freedom, instead of sitting on the sidelines and watching. Sighing, I quickly dried off and put my nightdress on. My hair still dripping wet, I sneaked out of my room and headed towards the palace library. I didn't want to be caught, because the maids didn't allow me out of bed after dark. Glancing out the window, I could see the sun setting over the mountains sinking into the horizon making room for the darkness of night. Pushing open the library door, I close it behind me gently to leave no trace I was here. Climbing the steps to the second floor of the library, I make my way to it's shelves. Listening for any sound, but there was none, only the fireplace crackling and the sound of my soft breathing. Wandering aimlessly, I spot a tattered book on a middle shelf. Jumping up, I pull it down from its place. Flipping it over to show it's dusty navy blue cover with a silver outline of a rose on it. Blowing off the thick dust, I opened the book to the front page and there written in cursive was.

"Rose Alderwolfa"

It was my mothers handwritten name. Flipping through the pages I realize this is no book, but my mothers diary. I stare at it in amazement that I found something so important. I guess if you're going to hide a tree, hide it in a forest. Before I could start reading it, the library door opened.

"Ali '' Someone calls out. It was the sound of Benjamin's voice. I all of a sudden felt excited to see him.

"Yes" I reply back, making my way to the sound of his voice. Benjamin was all sweaty and looked like he was fighting.

"Ali, thank god I found you, everyone was wondering where you ran off too" Benjamin says. My excitement quickly faded and turned to anger as he was just here to take me back to my room and not to chat like we used too.

"Truly, I'm gone for five-seconds and everyone seems like the worlds going to end" I reply back annoyed. "Also, what have you been doing lately, you seem to be avoiding me like the plague."

"I'm not avoiding you, I've just been busy lately" Benjamin snaps back.

"Busy with what" I say, starting to walk away.

"Well for your information I'm trying to become a knight" Benjamin states following me.

"That doesn't mean you have to ignore me, I thought we were friends" I say tears coming into my eyes. I quickly turn away, not wanting Benjamin to see me cry. I was so mad that he didn't even want to talk to me anymore and that it felt like I had no control over my life at all. I just dashed off to my room and locked the door behind me. I flopped onto my bed and sobbed. I couldn't take so much pressure anymore. It felt like I was always on display, and being judged. On top of that, one of my closest friends is ignoring me. I just laid there for a while, finally sitting up I saw my mother's diary laying on the edge of my bed. Curious, I opened it to a random page. I started reading and I gasped as I read the name my mother wrote down.


That was my fathers name, I look at the date this was written. My mother was only sixteen, she didn't go with her father to Amendale until she was eighteen years old. That means my mother met my father when are countries were at war with each other, but my question was.


I'm so excited to be writing agian, since I haven't in so long. If you have read this far then thank you. I will be fifteen in a few weeks and I'm starting my second year of highschool soon. I'm excited and scared at the same time about turning fifteen, it feels like yesturday when I could just play and not have a care in the world. Now i'm learning how to drive and thinking about working a job. But what ever comes my way, I should face it with a smile.

Kat_curtisscreators' thoughts